Phil Storrs PC Hardware book

A list of what is in the CMOS

Note: where not otherwise noted, all data values are expressed as BYTES - these are eight bit values and are read from MSB to LSB e.g. 0101 1010 binary would be written as 5Ah.

Organisation of the Real time Clock, 00h to 0Eh

Addresses 00h to 0Eh within the C-Mos address range are defined by the clock hardware and all manufacturers must follow the original specification set down by IBM. Other manufacturers generally follow the same format as specified for the address region 10h to 2Fh, and some also follow the IBM format for addresses 30h to 33h.

The first fourteen bytes are dedicated to the MC146818 chip clock functions and consist of ten read/write data registers and four status registers, two of which are read/write and two of which are read only. These first fourteen addresses do not address RAM, they address registers in the Real Time Clock chip.

The format of the ten clock data registers (bytes 00h-09h) is:
00h Seconds   		(BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B) Note: Bit 7 is read only      
01h Second Alarm  	(BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B)      
02h Minutes       	(BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B))         
03h Minute Alarm  	(BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B)       
04h Hours         	(BCD 00-23, Hex 00-17 if 24 hr mode)
                   		(BCD 01-12, Hex 01-0C if 12 hr am)
                   		(BCD 81-92. Hex 81-8C if 12 hr pm)         
05h Hour Alarm    	(same as hours)     
06h Day of Week   	(01-07 Sunday=1)    
07h Date of Month 	(BCD 01-31, Hex 01-1F)    
08h Month         	(BCD 01-12, Hex 01-0C)         
09h Year          	(BCD 00-99, Hex 00-63)
BCD/Hex selection depends on Bit 2 of register B (0Bh)
12/24 Hr selection depends on Bit 1 of register B (0Bh)
Alarm will trigger when contents of all three Alarm byte registers match
their companions.

The following is the on-chip status register information.
0Ah Status Register A (read/write) (usu 26h)
 Bit 7     -(1) time update cycle in progress, data ouputs undefined
		(bit 7 is read only)
 Bit 6,5,4 -22 stage divider. 010b - 32.768 Khz time base for the clock
		(the default value)
 Bit 3-0   - Rate selection bits for interrupt.
		0000b - none
		0011b - 122 microseconds (minimum)
		1111b - 500 milliseconds  
		0110b - 976.562 microseconds (default)

0Bh Status Register B (read/write) 
  Bit 7 - 1 enables cycle update, 0 disables
  Bit 6 - 1 enables periodic interrupt
  Bit 5 - 1 enables alarm interrupt
  Bit 4 - 1 enables update-ended interrupt
  Bit 3 - 1 enables square wave output
  Bit 2 - Data Mode - 0: BCD, 1: Binary
  Bit 1 - 24/12 hour selection - 1 enables 24 hour mode
  Bit 0 - Daylight Savings Enable - 1 enables

0Ch Status Register C (Read only)
  Bit 7 - Interrupt request flag - 1 when any or all of bits 6-4 are 1 
	    and appropriate enables (Register B) are set to 1. 
	    Generates IRQ 8 when triggered.
  Bit 6 - Periodic Interrupt flag
  Bit 5 - Alarm Interrupt flag 
  Bit 4 - Update-Ended Interrupt Flag
  Bit 3-0 ???

0Dh Status Register D (read only)
  Bit 7 - Valid RAM -	1 indicates batery power good, 
				0 if dead or disconnected.
  Bit 6-0 ???

Organization of the CMOS Memory

The last two bytes in the first hexadecimal decade (hexade ?) were not specified in the PC/AT but may have the following use on some systems: (these are 0E and 0Fh)

0Eh (PS/2) Diagnostic Status Byte 
     Bit 7 - When set (1) indicates clock has lost power
     Bit 6 - (1)	indicates incorrect checksum
     Bit 5 - (1)	indicates that equipment configuration is incorrect 			power-on check requires that atleast one floppy 
			be installed
     Bit 4 - (1)	indicates error in memory size
     Bit 3 - (1)	indicates that controller or disk drive failed 
     Bit 2 - (1)	indicates that time is invalid
     Bit 1 - (1)	indicates installed adaptors do not match configuration
     Bit 0 - (1)	indicates a time-out while reading adaptor ID

0Fh Reset Code  (IBM PS/2 "Shutdown Status Byte")

The next group of values extends from address 10h to 2Dh.
The word at 2Eh-2Fh is a byte-wise summation of the values in these bytes. Most BIOS's will generate a CMOS Checksum error if this value is invalid however many programs ignore the checksum and report the apparent value. Where a definiton appears universal, no identification is made. Where the definition is thought to be specific to a manufacturer/model (AMI, AMSTRAD, IBM AT, IBM PS/2) the identification is enclosed in parens.

10h - Floppy Drive Type
   Bits 7-4 - First Floppy Disk Drive Type
   0h 	No Drive
   1h 	360 KB 5 1/4 Drive
   2h 	1.2 MB 5 1/4 Drive - note: not listed in PS/2 technical manual
   3h 	720 KB 3 1/2 Drive
   4h 	1.44 MB 3 1/2 Drive
   5h-Fh  unused (??? 5h: 2.88 Mb 3 1/2 Drive ???)
   Bits 3-0 Second Floppy Disk Drive Type (bit settings same as A)

A PC having a 5 1/4 1.2 Mb A: drive and a 1.44 Mb B: drive will have
a value of 24h in byte 10h. With a single 1.44 drive: 40h.

11h - (IBM-PS/2) First Fixed Disk Drive Type Byte (00-FFh) Note: 
if IBM ESDI or SCSI drive controller is used, CMOS drive type will be 
zero(00 - no drive) and Int 13h will be directed to controller ROM.
11h - (AMI) Keyboard Typematic Data 
  Bit 7 Enable Typematic (1 = On)
  Bits 6-5 Typematic Delay (wait before begin repeating)
   00b 250 ms
   01b 500 ms
   10b 750 ms
   11b 100 ms
  Bits 4-0 Typematic Rate char/sec e.g. 01010b = 12.0 cps
   00000b - 300  01000b - 159  10000b - 75  11000b - 37
   00001b - 267  01001b - 133  10001b - 67  11001b - 33
   00010b - 240  01010b - 120  10010b - 60  11010b - 30
   00011b - 218  01011b - 109  10011b - 55  11011b - 27
   00100b - 200  01100b - 100  10100b - 50  11100b - 25
   00101b - 185  01101b -  92  10101b - 46  11101b - 23
   00110b - 171  01110b -  86  10110b - 43  11110b - 21
   00111b - 160  01111b -  80  10111b - 40  11111b - 20

12h - (IBM PS/2) Second Fixed Disk Drive Type (00-FFh) - see 11h
12h - Hard Disk Data
  Bits 7-4 First Hard Disk Drive
   00		No drive
   01-0Eh	Hard drive Type 1-14
   0Fh	Hard Disk Type 16-255 
		(actual Hard Drive Type is in CMOS RAM 1Ah)
  Bit 3-0	Second Hard Disk Drive Type
		(same as above except extended type will be found in 1Bh).

13h (AMI) Advanced Setup Options
  Bit 7 Mouse Enabled (1 = On)
  Bit 6 Test Memory above 1 MB (1 = On)
  Bit 5 Memory Test Tick Sound (1 = On)
  Bit 4 Memory Parity Error Check (1 = On)
  Bit 3 Press <Esc> to Disable Memory Test (1 = On)
  Bit 2 User-Defined Hard Disk (1 = Type 47 data area at address 0:300h)
  Bit 1 Wait for <F1> Message if Error (1 = On)
  Bit 0 Turn Num Lock On at boot (1 = On)

14h - Equipment Byte 
  Bits 7-6 Number of Floppy Drives (system must have at least one)
   00b     1 Drive
   01b     2 Drives
   10b ??? 3 Drives
   11b ??? 4 Drives
  Bits 5-4 Monitor Type
   00b Not CGA or MDA (observed for EGA and VGA)
   01b 40x25 CGA
   10b 80x25 CGA
   11b MDA (Monochrome)
  Bit 3 Display Enabled (1 = On) (turned off to enable boot of rackmount)
  Bit 2 Keyboard Enabled (1 = On)(turned off to enable boot of rackmount)
  Bit 1 Math coprocessor Installed (1 = On)
  Bit 0 Floppy Drive Installed (1 = On) (turned off for rackmount boot)

15h - Base Memory in K, Low Byte

16h Base Memory in K, High Byte
	The value in 15h-16h should be the same as in 0:413h and that
	returned by Int 12h. A PC having 640k (280h) of conventional memory
	will return 80h in byte 15h and 02h in byte 16h.

17h - Extended Memory in K, Low Byte

18h - Extended Memory in K, High Byte (some systems will only accommodate
15 Mb extended or 16 Mb total) Format is the same as in 15h-16h

19h - First Extended Hard Disk Drive Type
Not in original AT specification but now nearly universally used except
for PS/2). 
	0-Fh unused-10h-FFh First Extended Hard Drive Type 16d-255d. 
	For most manufacturers the last drive type (typically either 
	47d or 49d) is "user defined" and parameters are stored elsewhere
	in the CMOS.

1Ah - Second Extended Hard Disk Drive Type (see 19h above)

1Bh - (AMI) First Hard Disk (type 47d) user defined: # of Cylinders, LSB
1Bh - (PHOENIX) LSB of Word to 82335 RC1 roll compare register

1Ch - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: # of Cylinders, High Byte
1Ch - (PHOENIX) MSB of Word to 82335 RC1 roll compare register

1Dh - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: Number of Heads
1Dh - (PHOENIX) LSB of Word to 82335 RC2 roll compare register

1Eh - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined:
	Write Precompensation Cylinder,  Low Byte
1Eh - (PHOENIX) MSB of Word to 82335 RC2 roll compare register

1Fh - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: 
	Write Precompensation Cylinder,  High Byte

20h - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: Control Byte 
	(80h if # of heads is = > 8)
20h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Cylinders LSB

21h - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: Landing Zone, Low Byte
21h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Cylinders MSB

22h - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: Landing Zone, High Byte
22h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48)  of Heads

23h - (AMI) First Hard Disk user defined: # of Sectors per track
23h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Write Precomp. LSB

24h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: # of Cylinders, Low Byte
24h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Write Precomp. MSB

25h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: # of Cylinders, High Byte
25h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Parking zone LSB

26h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: Number of Heads
26h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Parking zone MSB

27h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined:
	Write Precompensation Cylinder, Low Byte
27h - (PHOENIX) First user defined hard disk (type 48) Sectors per track

28h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined:
	Write Precompensation Cylinder,  High Byte
28h - (HP Vectra) checksum over words 29h-2Dh

29h - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined:
	Control Byte (80h if # of heads is = > than 8)
29h - (PHOENIX) LSB word to Intel 82335 CC0 compare register

2Ah - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: Landing Zone, Low Byte
2Ah - (PHOENIX) MSB word to Intel 82335 CC0 compare register

2Bh - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: Landing Zone, High Byte
2Bh - (PHOENIX) LSB word to Intel 82335 CC1 compare register

2Ch - (AMI) Second Hard Disk user defined: # of Sectors per track
2Ch - (COMPAQ) bit 6:  0 - numlock OFF on boot, 1 - numlock ON at boot

29h - (PHOENIX) MSB word to Intel 82335 CC1 compare register

2Dh - (AMI) Configuration Options 
  Bit 7 Weitek Installed(1 = On)
  Bit 6 Floppy Drive Seek - turn off for fast boot
  Bit 5 Boot Order 0 - Drive C:, then A:,  1 - Drive A:, then C:  Bit 4 Boot Speed (0 - Low; 1 - High)
  Bit 3 External Cache Enable (1 = On)
  Bit 2 Internal Cache Enable (1 = On)
  Bit 1 Use Fast Gate A20 after boot (1 = On)
  Bit 0 Turbo Switch (1 = On)
2Dh - (PHOENIX) Checks for values AAh or CCh
2Eh - Standard CMOS Checksum, High Byte

2Fh - Standard CMOS Checksum, Low Byte

2Eh and 2Fh are as defined by the original IBM PC/AT specification and
represent a byte-wise additive sum of the values in locations 10h-2Dh only,
00h-0Fh and 30h-33h are not included.

This definition is used by most clone manufacturers including AMI, Compaq,
Tandon, NEC, and Zenith. The  IBM PS/2 line does not follow this standard
with the range 19h-31h being undefined.

30h - Extended Memory in K, Low Byte

31h - Extended Memory in K, High Byte  (??? this appears to mirror the 
	value in bytes 17h-18h.) 

32h - Century Byte (BCD value for the century - currently 19)
32h - (IBM-PS2) Configuration CRC low byte. CRC for range 10h-31h

33h - Information Flag
  Bit 7	(believed to indicate the presence of the special 128k memory
		expansion board for the IBM AT to boost the "stock" 512k to
		640k - all machines surveyed have this bit set)
  Bits 6-0 ???
33h - (IBM PS/2) Configuration CRC high byte (see entry for 32h)
33h - (PHOENIX) Bit 4 (000x 0000) bit 4 from Intel CPU register CP0

34h - (AMI) Shadowing and Boot Password
  Bits 7-6 Password Selection
	00b Disable
	10b Reserved
	01b Set
	11b Boot
  Bit 5 C8000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On) 
  Bit 4 CC000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 3 D0000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 2 D4000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 1 D8000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 0 DC000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)

35h - (AMI) Shadowing
  Bit 7 E0000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 6 E4000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 5 E8000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 4 EC000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 3 F0000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 2 C0000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 1 C4000h Shadow ROM (Bit 1 = On)
  Bit 0 Reserved
35h - (PHOENIX) Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Cylinders LSB
       NOTE: used only when PS/2 style password is NOT in effect.

36h - (PHOENIX) Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Cylinders MSB
       NOTE: used only when PS/2 style password is NOT in effect.

37h - (IBM PS/2) Date Century Byte 
37h - (PHOENIX) Second user defined hard disk (type 48) # of heads
       NOTE: used only when PS/2 style password is NOT in effect.

38h-3Dh (AMI) Encrypted Password
38h-3Fh (IBM PS/2) Encrypted Password. Initialized to 00h in all bytes.
38h-3Fh (PHOENIX) - used only when PS/2 style password is NOT in effect

38h - Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Write Precomp. LSB

39h - Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Write Precomp. MSB

3Ah - Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Parking Zone LSB

3Bh - Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Parking Zone MSB

3Ch - Second user defined hard disk (type 48) Sectors per track

3Eh - (AMI) Extended CMOS Checksum, High Byte (includes 34h - 3Dh)

3Fh - (AMI) Extended CMOS Checksum, Low Byte (includes 34h - 3Dh)

End of original 64 CMOS RAM bytes. Many modern chips now contain 128 bytes and the IBM PS/2 has provision for 2k of "Expansion CMOS". The AMI HI-FLEX description is below. If the chip does have only 64 bytes, addresses will wrap so that requests for bytes 40h-7Fh will return the same values as 00h-3Fh.

40h Don't know

41h - (AMI)
  Bits 7-6 IOR/IOW Wait states
  Bits 5-4 16-bit DMA Wait States
  Bits 3-2  8-bit DMA Wait States
  Bit 1    EMR bit
  Bit 0    DMA Clock Source

42h-43h Don't know

44h - (AMI)
  Bit 4 NMI Power Fail Warning
  Bit 3 NMI Local Bus Timeout

45h - (AMI) 
  Bits 7-6 AT Bus 32-Bit Delay
  Bits 5-4 AT Bus 16-Bit Delay
  Bits 3-2 AT Bus 8-Bit Delay
  Bits 1-0 AT Bus I/O Delay

46h - (AMI)
  Bits 7-6 AT Bus 32 Bit Wait States
  Bits 5-4 AT Bus 16 Bit Wait States
  Bits 3-2 AT Bus  8 Bit Wait States
  Bits 1-0 AT Bus Clock Source

47h - 50h Don't know

51h - (AMI)
  Bit 7    Bank 0/1 RAS Precharge
  Bit 6    Bank 0/1 Access Wait States
  Bits 3-2 Bank 0/1 Wait States

52h Don't know

53h - (AMI)
  Bit 7    Bank 2/3 RAS Precharge
  Bit 6    Bank 2/3 Access Wait States
  Bits 3-2 Bank 2/3 Wait States

54h-7Fh Don't know

Back to the CMOS Chapter

Back to the book five index

Copyright © Phil. Storr, last updated 7th December 1998