Sets the display foreground / background color that is used with console output and graphics output of text


Declare Function Color ( ByVal foreground As Long , ByVal background As Long ) As Long


Color [foreground] [, background]
result = Color [( [foreground] [, background] )]


the foreground color to set
the background color to set

Return Value

Returns a 32-bit value containing the current foreground color in the Low Word and the current background color in the High Word. (In hi/truecolor modes, only the foreground color is returned, taking up the whole 32 bits.)
The old color values can be retrieved at the same time as setting new ones.


The Color statement sets the current foreground and/or background colors. Circle, Draw, Line (Graphics), Cls, Paint, Print, PReset and PSet all use the last colors set by this function when you don't specify a color to them, where applicable. The color values that Color accepts depend on the current graphics mode.

1foreground is screen color (ranging 0-15). background is the emulated CGA palette to be used: 0 (green, red, and brown), 1 (cyan, magenta and white), 2 (same as 0, but with bright colors) or 3 (same as 1, but with bright colors)
2, 11foreground is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-1). background is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-1).
7, 8foreground is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-15). background is screen color index in current palette (ranging 0-15).
9foreground is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-63). background is screen color index in current palette (ranging 0-63).
12foreground is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-15). background is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-15).
13 and upforeground is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-255). background is a color index in current palette (ranging 0-255).

If you are using a color depth higher than 8bpp, foreground and background are direct RGB color values in the form &hAARRGGBB, where AA, RR, GG and BB are the alpha, red, green and blue components ranging &h00-&hFF (0-255 in decimal notation). While in hi/truecolor modes, you can use the RGB or RGBA macro to obtain a valid color value.
A Default Palette is automatically set when entering a Screen mode.


' Sets 320x240 in 32bpp color depth
Screen 14, 32

' Sets orange foreground and dark blue background color
Color RGB(255, 128, 0), RGB(0, 0, 64)

' Clears the screen to the background color

' Prints "Hello World!" in the middle of the screen
Locate 15, 14
Print "Hello World!"


Dim c As UInteger

'retrieve current color values
c = Color()

'extract color values from c using LOWORD and HIWORD
Print "Console colors:"
Print "Foreground: " & LoWord(c)
Print "Background: " & HiWord(c)

Differences from QB

  • Direct color modes were not supported in QB.
  • There is no border argument.

See also