Parameter to the Put graphics statement which selects a custom method


Put [ target, ] [ STEP ] ( x,y ), source [ ,( x1,y1 )-( x2,y2 ) ], Custom, custom_function_ptr [, parameter]


name of the custom user defined function.
optional Pointer to be passed to the custom function; if omitted, the default value is zero (0).


Custom selects a custom user defined function as the method for blitting an image buffer.

The Custom method uses a user-defined function to calculate the final pixel values to be drawn to the destination buffer. This function will be called once for every pixel of the source image, and will receive the source and destination pixel values, and a data pointer passed by the Put function. The pixel value returned will be the value used to draw to the destination buffer. The function has the form:

Declare Function identifier ( _
ByVal source_pixel As UInteger, _
ByVal destination_pixel As UInteger, _
ByVal parameter As Any Ptr _
) As UInteger

identifier is the name of the function.
source_pixel is the current pixel value of the source image.
destination_pixel is the current pixel value of the destination image.
parameter is the parameter that is passed by the Put command. If it was omitted, its value will be zero.


Function dither ( ByVal source_pixel As UInteger, ByVal destination_pixel As UInteger, ByVal parameter As Any Ptr ) As UInteger
    ''either returns the source pixel or the destination pixel, depending on the outcome of rnd
    Dim threshold As Single = 0.5
    If parameter <> 0 Then threshold = *CPtr(Single Ptr, parameter)
    If Rnd() < threshold Then
        Return source_pixel
        Return destination_pixel
    End If
End Function

Dim img As Any Ptr, threshold As Single

'' set up a screen
ScreenRes 320, 200, 16, 2
ScreenSet 0, 1

'' create an image
img = ImageCreate(32, 32)
Line img, ( 0,  0)-(15,  15), RGB(255,   0,   0), bf
Line img, (16,  0)-(31,  15), RGB(  0,   0, 255), bf
Line img, ( 0, 16)-(15,  31), RGB(  0, 255,   0), bf
Line img, (16, 16)-(31,  31), RGB(255,   0, 255), bf

'' dither the image with varying thresholds
Do Until Len(Inkey)
    threshold = 0.2
    Put ( 80 - 16, 100 - 16), img, Custom, @dither, @threshold
    '' default threshold = 0.5
    Put (160 - 16, 100 - 16), img, Custom, @dither
    threshold = 0.8
    Put (240 - 16, 100 - 16), img, Custom, @dither, @threshold
    Sleep 25

'' free the image memory
ImageDestroy img

Dialect Differences

  • Not available in the -lang qb dialect.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also