Operator Is (Run-Time Type Information)
Checks whether an object is compatible to a type derived from its compile-time type


result = expression Is typename


The expression to check, an object of a type that is directly or indirectly derived from Object.
The child type to check for. This type must be directly or indirectly derived from the type of expression (the compile-time type of the object).

Return Value

Returns negative one (-1) if the expression is an object of real-type typename or one of its base-types derived from the expression type, or zero (0) if it's an object of an incompatible type.


The Is operator is a binary operator that checks whether an object is compatible to its derived types at run-time. Because Is relies on run-time type information, it can only be used with types that are derived from the built-in Object type. The compiler disallows using Is for checks that can be solved at compile-time.

The Is operator is successful not only for the real-type (the "lowest"), but also for its base-types, as long as they are still below the type of expression (the compile-time type). In order to determine the real-type, all possibilities from lowest to highest must be checked.

Extending the built-in Object type allows to add an extra hidden vtable pointer field at the top of the Type. The vtable is used to access information for run-time type identification used by the Is operator.


Type Vehicle extends object
    As String Name
End Type

Type Car extends Vehicle
End Type

Type Cabriolet extends Car
End Type

Type Bike extends Vehicle
End Type

Sub identify(ByVal p As object Ptr)
    Print "Identifying:"

    '' Not a Vehicle object?
    If Not (*p Is Vehicle) Then
        Print , "unknown object"
    End If

    '' The cast is safe, because we know it's a Vehicle object
    Print , "name: " & CPtr(Vehicle Ptr, p)->Name

    If *p Is Car Then
        Print , "It's a car"
    End If

    If *p Is Cabriolet Then
        Print , "It's a cabriolet"
    End If

    If *p Is Bike Then
        Print , "It's a bike"
    End If
End Sub

Dim As Car ford
ford.name = "Ford"

Dim As Cabriolet porsche
porsche.name = "Porsche"

Dim As Bike mountainbike
mountainbike.name = "Mountain Bike"

Dim As Vehicle v
v.name = "some unknown vehicle"

Dim As Object o

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also