Specifies a Pascal-style calling convention in a procedure declaration


Sub name pascal [Overload] [Alias "alias"] ( parameters )
Function name pascal [Overload] [Alias "alias"] ( parameters ) As return_type


In procedure declarations, pascal specifies that a procedure will use the pascal calling convention. In the Pascal calling convention, any parameters are to be passed (pushed onto the stack) in the same order in which they are listed, that is, from left to right. The procedures need not preserve the EAX, ECX or EDX registers, and must clean up the stack (pop any parameters) before it returns.

pascal is not allowed to be used with variadic procedure declarations (those with the last parameter listed as "...").

pascal is the default calling convention for procedures in Microsoft QuickBASIC, and is the standard convention used in the Windows 3.1 API.


Declare Function MyFunc pascal Alias "MyFunc" (MyParm As Integer) As Integer

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also