Removes surrounding substrings or characters on the right side of a string


Declare Function RTrim Overload ( ByRef str As Const String, [ Any ] ByRef trimset As Const String = " " ) As String
Declare Function RTrim ( ByRef str As Const WString, [ Any ] ByRef trimset As Const WString = WStr(" ") ) As WString


result = RTrim[$]( str [, [ Any ] trimset ] )


The source string.
The substring to trim.

Return Value

Returns the trimmed string.


This procedure trims surrounding characters from the right (end) of a source string. Substrings matching trimset will be trimmed if specified, otherwise spaces (ASCII code 32) are trimmed.

If the Any keyword is used, any character matching a character in trimset will be trimmed.

All comparisons are case-sensitive.


Dim s1 As String = "Article 101  "
Print "'" + RTrim(s1) + "'"
Print "'" + RTrim(s1, " 01") + "'"
Print "'" + RTrim(s1, Any " 10") + "'"

Dim s2 As String = "Test Pattern aaBBaaBaa"
Print "'" + RTrim(s2, "Baa") + "'"
Print "'" + RTrim(s2, Any "Ba") + "'"

will produce the output:

'Article 101'
'Article 101  '
'Test Pattern aaB'
'Test Pattern '

Platform Differences

  • DOS version/target of FreeBASIC does not support the wide-character version of RTrim.

Dialect Differences

  • The string type suffix "$" is obligatory in the -lang qb dialect.
  • The string type suffix "$" is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects.

Differences from QB

  • QB does not support specifying a trimset string or the ANY clause.

See also