;Copyright 2000 - Mark McDonald All rights reserved ; DECLARE: FUNCTION ISCTRLBREAK() AS INTEGER ; DESC: Return the status of Ctrl-Break checking by DOS. ; EXAMP: Status = ISCTRLBREAK ; ISCTRLBK() ; Is Control Break key combination pressed. ; Returns 1 if CTRL-BREAK/C checking is set. ; Returns 0 if not. ; EXAMPLE: T = ISCTRLBK MCODE Segment Byte Assume CS: MCODE Public ISCTRLBK ISCTRLBK Proc Far push DS ; mov AX, 3300h ; get Ctrl-Break checking status int 21h ; call DOS xor AX, AX ; clear AX mov AL, DL ; put status in AL pop DS ; retf ; ISCTRLBK EndP MCODE EndS End