;Copyright 2000 - Mark McDonald All rights reserved ; mbuttons routine for PowerBASIC ; DECLARE: FUNCTION mbuttons() AS INTEGER ; DESC: Returns the number of mouse buttons. ; EXAMP: IF mbuttons THEN ...... MCODE Segment Byte Assume CS: MCODE Public mbuttons mbuttons Proc Far push BP ; mov BP,SP ; push DS ; xor AX, AX ; get mouse type int 33h ; call mouse interrupt or AX, AX ; is a mouse present? jz Exit ; no, exit mov AX, BX ; put number of buttons in AX ; or AX, AX ; is it -1 ? ; jns Exit ; no, return number of buttons ; mov AX, 2 ; there are two buttons Exit: pop DS ; pop BP ; retf ; mbuttons EndP MCODE EndS End