ASC function  


Returns the character code of the character at the specified position in a string.


y = ASC(string_expression [, position&])


ASC returns the character code of a particular character in the string expression.  If the string is an ANSI string, the returned value will be in the range of 0 to 255.  If it is a Unicode string, the returned value will be in the range of 0 to 65535.

The optional position& parameter determines which character is to be checked.  The first character is one, the second two, etc.  If the position& parameter is missing, the first character is presumed.  If position& is negative, ASC counts from the end of the string in reverse.  That is, -1 specifies the last character, -2 specifies the second to last character, etc.

CHR$ is the natural complement of ASC.  It produces a one-character string corresponding to its ASCII or Unicode argument.


If the string passed is null (zero-length) or the position is zero or greater than the length of the string, the value -1 is returned.

See also

ASC statement, CHR$


x$ = "The ASCII value of A is" + STR$( ASC("A") )


The ASCII value of A is 65