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CODE FOR 2002 Download

Subject/Description text colored Red denote source code snippets encoded with Postit!

Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB/DLL Lb dll for reading abc packets Walt Decker
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic,QB,PDS How random are you? David Williams
Qbasic,QB, PDS Print a sundial David Williams
VBwin Matrix linear equation solver Ryan Balara
QB, Qbasic, PDS, PB Design house rafters Roger Oxford
Qbasic,QB,PDS Rounding off decimals David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Find angle between lat and long David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Find tv sattalite position David Williams
QB, PDS Roof rafter calculation Roger Oxford
Qbasic,QB,PDS Tv satellite location David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Ciphersaber Paul O. Bartlett
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,PDS Qb to nasm Nick Dark
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Used records Don Schullian, Jr.
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
chipmonk,metal Syllogism Ben Sharvy
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, Qbasic, PDS, PB Dos timer using pit Antoni Gual
Qbasic,QB,PDS When is easter David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS What is the julian date? David Williams
QB,Qbasic,PDS Number of days between dates David Williams
QB,Qbasic,PDS Find the days of the week David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Daylite saving time David Williams
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,Qbasic,PDS Sonic scroll in qb Mike
Qbasic, QB, PDS Sonic update /\/\ | |< 3
Qbasic Mode 13 page flipping /\/\ | |< 3
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, PDS Floppy disk image reader Harold Koenig
QB, PDS Floppy disk image writer Harold Koenig
QB, Qbasic, PDS Detect if a disk drive is ready Antoni Gual
LIBERTY Cd drive demo Dave Thomas
QB,PDS,PB Create pif file Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic, QB, PDS Svga demo Michael Webster
Qbasic, QB, PDS Test svga modes Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
TEXT Qb frequently aske questions Mike Stechcae
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,Qbasic,PDS,GWB Chaos in space Richard Kelly
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (1/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (2/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (3/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (4/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (5/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (6/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Cosmic2 - space game (7/7) Rammist
QB,PDS Tiler2 v. 3.01 Richard Kelly
Qbasic,QB,PDS Paper-scissors-rock David Williams
Qbasic,QB,PDS Another rpg Annonymous
liberty Ai puzzle (1 of 2) Jay Shrimplin
liberty Ai puzzle (2 of 2) Jay Shrimplin
QB,PDS Gargoyle castle Richard Kelly
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,Qbasic,PDS Tile display for mode 13 Mario LaRosa
QB,Qbasic,PDS Pixel plotting for mode 13 Mario LaRosa
QB,Qbasic,PDS Alpha-blend for mode 13 Mario LaRosa
QB, Qbasic, PDS, PB Display parameters of svga mode Antoni Gual
QB, PDS Mode 13 text scaler & clipper Antoni Gual
PB Mode 12 graphics print Dieter Folger
QB, Qbasic, PDS, PB Screen mode 1 colors Na Than Ashhanti
liberty 3d wire modeling Tom Nally
Qbasic,QB,PDS Mode 13 page flipping Mario LaRosa
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
GWBASIC Gw basic data base Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Edit bload files Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Gwbasic help file Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Point of sale Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Directory list Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Amortization schedule Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Function key definition Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Break-out type game Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Matching game Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Solitaire Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Tips and tricks in gwb Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Gwbasic to asm Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Additional gwb help Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Drawing program Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Font creation Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Help file creation Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Connect the dots for kids Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Gwb tools Tom McIntire
GWBASIC Gwbasic run-time MS
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
IBASIC Csv file to html Joe B
QB, Qbasic, PDS, PB Input basic code - output html Na Than Ashhanti
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
IB Pause function Joe B.
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,Qbasic,PDS Keyboard handler Mario LaRosa
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
LB Lfn dialog w/multiple selection Alyce Watson
LB List box demo Brad Moore
liberty Clipboard routine Alyce Watson
liberty Rpn calculator David Drake
liberty Using polar calculations Tom Nally
LB No-border graphics box demm Alyce Watson
Liberty Directory tree Brad Moore
liberty Open source editor Alyce Watson
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,PDS multi-tasking in qb Jonathan Gilbert
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, Qbasic, PDS Detect if /ah is enabled Antoni Gual
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, Qbasic, PDS Work with dos and windows Mephio
PB Menu development system Scott/Buffington/Decker
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Euro exchange rate Hermann Seegert
QB,PDS 81 various files Michale Webster
QB, PDS 200 qbtools (1 of 2) Michael Webster
QB, PDS 200 qbtools (2 of 2) Michael Webster
QB, Qbasic, PDS Detect qb version Antoni Gual
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,PDS Minimal modem Antoni Gual
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Graphics mouse cursor Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PDS Gimi Sebastian Mate/Sergio Aguay
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PB Help engine for dos programmers Vinod Patrikar
PB Run a program without shell Dieter Folger
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PBCC Long integer retrieval Don Schullian, Jr.
PBCC Windows getkey function Don Schullian, Jr.
pbcc Simple input function Fred Buffington
PBCC List box in pbcc Jerry Fielden
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
pbdll Dos commands for lb and ibasic Walt Decker
PBWIN/DLL Mci encapsulation Patrice Terrier
PBDLL Reflex test Stuart McLachlan
PBWIN,PBDLL Byte to hex conversion Edwin Knoppert
PBWIN,PBDLL Get icon from name Edwin Knoppert
PBWIN,PBDLL No frills calculator Fred Buffington
PBWIN,PBDLL Get windows version Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
PROFAN2 99 bottles of beer Rohit Vishal Kumar
PROFAN2 Quick sort for profan2 Roy Scott
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB, PDS Qbtools v1.2 (1 of 3) Michael Webster
QB, PDS Qbtools v1.2 (2 of 3) Michael Webster
QB, PDS Qbtools v1.2 (3 of 3) Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
rapidq Multi-media player Achilles B. Mina
rapidq Rq textpad (1 of 2) Danny
rapidq Rq textpad (2 of 2) Danny
RAPIDQ Copy web text Achilles B. Mina
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Qbasic,QB, PDS Wave player /\/\ | |< 3
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
QB,Qbasic,PDS,GWB Align text Richard Kelly
QB, Qbasic, PDS Change rtf to text David Wosnitza
QB, Qbasic, PDS Input using text parsing John Carter
QB,PDS Screen dump to epson printer Roger Oxford
liberty Rich text reader John Davidson
QB,PDS Printer routines Gordan Sweet
Envelop Simple text editor SmOoth
Qbasic,QB,PDS Create progress bar Fred Buffington
Qbasic, QB, PDS Yabb forum code preprocessor Michael Webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
THEOS Dragging a window in theos Fred Buffington
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
VB ver6x Eject a cd using api calls Danny
VB ver6x Text editor using api calls Danny
VB ver6x Word wrapping using api calls Danny
VBWIN Vb reflex test michael webster
Code Of Subject/Description Author's Name
Visual Design Script Get ip address Garrett R. Hylltun
Visual Design Script Whak gameshow host Garrett R. Hylltun
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