Skillet Smashed Potatoes

one small bag of small potatoes (yukon golds, fingerlings, or something similar)
salt & pepper
1 - 2 tablespoons olive oil

Start by placing the potatoes in a large saucepan. Add a
teaspoon of salt and cover with water. Don't peel the potatoes,
because the skin helps keep the potatoes together. Bring the
water to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat and cook
at a low boil until they are tender enough to slide a knife in
easily. It is important not to over-boil them, for golf ball
size potatoes about 10 minutes or a little less.

Drain the potatoes and refrigerate until you are ready to brown
them in a large skillet.

Heat the olive in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Keep
in mind it needs to be big enough to hold the potatoes, which
double in size when they are smashed.

Smash each potato with a masher or the bottom of a heavy glass.

Season with salt and pepper and cook until crisp, and them turn
and cook the other side. Sprinkle with chives, fresh herbs,
whatever and serve.