64 oz. Tomato Paste
2 Cups Chile Powder
4 Green Peppers
2 Cans Kidney Beans
2lbs Mushrooms
4 Onions
.5 Clove Garlic
2 Cans White Navy Beans
1 Avacado
1 Mango
.25 Cup Chili Flakes
Shredded Chedder cheese

Combine tomato paste, red kidney beans, white navy beans
and chili powder. Dice the green bell peppers, onions, and
slice fresh mushrooms so that they look like canned
mushrooms. Sautee Garlic in olive oil. Peel and blend
mango and avocado, fold into mixture. Dilute with water
as necessary. Simmer with chili added whole at onset.
Sprinkle shredded cheese over plate or bow while still