To prepare your Tofurky:
- Thaw in the fridge for at least 24 hours.
- Place the roast in a deep casserole dish you can cover or create a foil
tent using toothpicks.
Quarter potatoes and slice some carrots (or use baby carrots) to bake with the roast.
- Make a considerably larger amount of baste than what the recipe on the box calls for
and add extra spices.

This a better basic recipe…

1/2 cup olive oil or sesame oil
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vegetable broth
1 tsp ground sage
1 tsp cumin
Dash of pepper

Thoroughly cover the roast and veggies with 1/3 the baste.
Cover and bake in a preheated oven at 325 degrees.
It should bake between 75 to 90 minutes.
The key to a successful Tofurky is to baste every 30 minutes!