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% (integer division operator), Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
% method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
& (AND logical operator) operator, Logical (Boolean)
& method, Logical Methods
&& (exclusive OR operator), Logical (Boolean)
&& method, Logical Methods
* (multiplication operator), Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
* method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
** (power operator), Arithmetic Operators
** method, Arithmetic Methods
*-* tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
+ (addition operator), Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
+ method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
+++ tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
, (comma)
as a special character, Special Characters
as continuation character, Continuations
in CALL instruction, CALL
in function calls, Syntax
in parsing template list, ARG, Parsing Several Strings
separator of arguments, CALL, Syntax
- (subtraction operator), Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
- method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
. (period)
as placeholder in parsing, The Period as a Placeholder
causing substitution in variable names, Compound Symbols
in numbers, Numbers and Arithmetic
.CONTEXT, The Rexx Context (.CONTEXT)
.DEBUGINPUT object, The Debug Input Monitor (.DEBUGINPUT)
.ENVIRONMENT object, The Environment Directory (.ENVIRONMENT)
.ERROR object, The Error Monitor (.ERROR)
.FALSE object, The FALSE Constant (.FALSE)
.INPUT object, The Input Monitor (.INPUT)
.LINE object, The Line Number (.LINE)
.LOCAL object, The Local Directory (.LOCAL)
.METHODS Directory, The METHODS Directory (.METHODS)
.Nil object, The NIL Object (.NIL)
.OUTPUT object, The Output Monitor (.OUTPUT)
.ROUTINES Directory, The ROUTINES Directory (.ROUTINES)
.RS (return code)
not set during interactive debug, Interactive Debugging of Programs
.RS object, The Return Status (.RS)
.STDERR object, The STDERR Stream (.STDERR)
.STDIN object, The STDIN Stream (.STDIN)
.STDOUT object, The STDOUT Stream (.STDOUT)
.STDQUE object, The STDQUE Queue (.STDQUE)
.TRACEOUTPUT object, The Trace Output Monitor (.TRACEOUTPUT)
.TRUE object, The TRUE Constant (.TRUE)
/ (division operator), Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
/ method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
// (remainder operator), Arithmetic Operators
// method, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
: (colon)
as a special character, Special Characters
in a label, Labels
:: METHOD directive, ::METHOD
:: REQUIRES directive, ::REQUIRES
:: ROUTINE directive, ::ROUTINE
::CLASS directive, ::CLASS
::CONSTANT directive, ::CONSTANT
::OPTIONS directive, ::OPTIONS
FORM option, ::OPTIONS
FUZZ option, ::OPTIONS
; semicolon
as a special character, Special Characters
< (less than operator), Comparison
< method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<< (strictly less than operator), Comparison
<< method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<<= (strictly less than or equal operator), Comparison
<<= method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<= (less than or equal operator), Comparison
<= method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<> (less than or greater than operator), Comparison
<> method
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
= (equal sign)
assignment operator, Assignments and Symbols
equal operator, Comparison
immediate debug command, Interactive Debugging of Programs
in DO instruction, DO
in LOOP instruction, LOOP
in parsing template, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
= method
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
== (strictly equal operator), Comparison, Numeric Comparisons
== method
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
> (greater than operator), Comparison
> method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>.> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>< (greater than or less than operator), Comparison
>< method
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
>= (greater than or equal operator), Comparison
>= method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>=> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>> (strictly greater than operator), Comparison
>> method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>>= (strictly greater than or equal operator), Comparison
>>= method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>>> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>A> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>E> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>F> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>I> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>L> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>M> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>O> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>P> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
>V> tracing flag, The Format of Trace Output
? prefix on TRACE option, Prefix Option
[] method
of Array class, []
of Collection class, []
of Directory class, []
of IdentityTable class, []
of List class, []
of Queue class, []
of Relation class, []
of Stem class, []
of Table class, []
[]= method
of Array class, []=
of Bag class, []=
of Collection class, []=
of Directory class, []=
of IdentityTable class, []=
of List class, []=
of Properties class, []=
of Queue class, []=
of Relation class, []=
of Set class, []=
of Stem class, []=
of Table class, []=
\ (NOT operator), Comparison
\ method, Logical Methods
\< (not less than operator), Comparison
\< method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
\<< (strictly not less than operator), Comparison
\<< method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
\= (not equal operator), Comparison
\= method
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
\== (not strictly equal operator), Comparison, Numeric Comparisons
\== method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
\> (not greater than operator), Comparison
\> method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
\>> (strictly not greater than operator), Comparison
\>> method, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
| inclusive OR operator, Logical (Boolean)
| method, Logical Methods
|| concatenation operator, String Concatenation
|| method, Concatenation Methods, Concatenation Methods
~ (tilde or twiddle), How Objects Interact, Message Sequences
~~, Message Sequences
¬ (NOT operator), Comparison
¬< (not less than operator), Comparison
¬<< (strictly not less than operator), Comparison
¬= (not equal operator), Comparison
¬== (not strictly equal operator), Comparison, Numeric Comparisons
¬> (not greater than operator), Comparison
¬>> (strictly not greater than operator), Comparison


ABBREV function
description, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
example, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
using to select a default, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
abbrev method
of String class, abbrev
abbreviations with ABBREV function, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
ABS function
description, ABS (Absolute Value)
example, ABS (Absolute Value)
abs method
of String class, abs
absolute value
finding using the ABS function, ABS (Absolute Value)
finding using the abs method, abs
used with power, Power
absoluteFile method
of File class, absoluteFile
absolutePath method
of File class, absolutePath
abstract class, definition, Abstract Classes
ABSTRACT subkeyword
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
abuttal, String Concatenation
action taken when a condition is not trapped, Action Taken when a Condition Is Not Trapped
action taken when a condition is trapped, Conditions and Condition Traps, Action Taken when a Condition Is Trapped
activate method
of Class class, activate
active blocks, LEAVE
activity, Early Reply
add external function, RXFUNCADD
addClass method
of Package class, addClass
addDays method
of DateTime class, addDays
of TimeSpan class, addDays
addHours method
of DateTime class, addHours
of TimeSpan class, addHours
addition operator, Arithmetic
ADDITIONAL subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
addMicroseconds method
of DateTime class, addMicroseconds
of TimeSpan class, addMicroseconds
addMinutes method
of DateTime class, addMinutes
of TimeSpan class, addMinutes
addPackage method
of Package class, addPackage
addPublicClass method
of Package class, addPublicClass
addPublicRoutine method
of Package class, addPublicRoutine
ADDRESS function
description, ADDRESS
determining current environment, ADDRESS
example, ADDRESS
ADDRESS instruction
description, ADDRESS
example, ADDRESS
issuing commands to, ADDRESS
settings saved during subroutine calls, CALL
address setting, ADDRESS, CALL
addRoutine method
of Package class, addRoutine
addSeconds method
of DateTime class, addSeconds
of TimeSpan class, addSeconds
addWeeks method
of DateTime class, addWeeks
of TimeSpan class, addWeeks
addYears method
of DateTime class, addYears
Alarm class, The Alarm Class
algebraic precedence, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
allAt method
of Relation class, allAt
allIndex method
of Relation class, allIndex
allIndexes method
of Array class, allIndexes
of Collection class, allIndexes
of Directory class, allIndexes
of IdentityTable class, allIndexes
of List class, allIndexes
of Queue class, allIndexes
of Relation class, allIndexes
of Stem class, allIndexes
of Supplier class, allIndexes
of Table class, allIndexes
allItems method
of Array class, allItems
of Collection class, allItems
of Directory class, allItems
of IdentityTable class, allItems
of List class, allItems
of Queue class, allItems
of Relation class, allItems
of Stem class, allItems
of Supplier class, allItems
of Table class, allItems
alphabetical character word options in TRACE, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
checking with dataType, dataType
checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
used in symbols, Symbols
checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
checking with dataType, dataType
flow within a repetitive loop, ITERATE
special variables, Commands
TRACE setting, TRACE
alternating exclusive scope access, GUARD ON and GUARD OFF
AND, logical operator, Logical (Boolean)
ANDing character strings, bitAnd, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND)
ANY subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps
append method
of Array class, append
of CircularQueue class, append
of List class, append
of MutableBuffer class, append
of OrderedCollection class, append
of Queue class, append
appendAll method
of OrderedCollection class, appendAll
ARG function
description, ARG (Argument)
example, ARG (Argument)
ARG instruction
description, ARG
example, ARG
ARG option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
ARG subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, ARG, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
in a USE instruction, USE
args method
of RexxContext class, args
checking with ARG function, ARG (Argument)
of functions, ARG, Syntax
of programs, ARG
of subroutines, ARG
passing in messages, Message Terms
passing to functions, Syntax, Functions and Subroutines
retrieving with ARG function, ARG (Argument)
retrieving with ARG instruction, ARG
retrieving with PARSE ARG instruction, PARSE
arguments method
of Message class, arguments
of StackFrame class, arguments
ARGUMENTS subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
basic operator examples, Operator Examples
comparisons, Numeric Comparisons
errors, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
exponential notation, Exponential Notation
examples, Exponential Notation
numeric comparisons example
examples, Numeric Comparisons
operator examples, Operator Examples
operators, Operators, Numbers and Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
overflow, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
precision, Precision
underflow, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
initialization, Stems
setting up, Compound Symbols
Array class, The Array Class
ARRAY subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
arrayIn method
of InputStream class, arrayIn
of Stream class, arrayIn
arrayOut method
of OutputStream class, arrayOut
of Stream class, arrayOut
assigning data to variables, PARSE
description, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
indicator (=), Assignments and Symbols
of compound variables, Compound Symbols
of stems variables, Stems
several assignments, Parsing with Variable Patterns
associative storage, Compound Symbols
at method
of Array class, at
of Collection class, at
of Directory class, at
of IdentityTable class, at
of List class, at
of Queue class, at
of Relation class, at
of Stem class, at
of Table class, at
ATTRIBUTE subkeyword
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
available method
of StreamSupplier class, available
of Supplier class, available


B2X function
description, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
example, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
b2x method
of String class, b2x
backslash, use of, Operator Characters, Comparison
Bag class, The Bag Class
base class for mixins, Mixin Classes
Base option of DATE function, DATE
decodeBase64 method, decodeBase64
encodeBase64 method, encodeBase64
baseClass method
of Class class, baseClass
baseDate method
of DateTime class, baseDate
bash command environment, ADDRESS
basic operator examples, Operator Examples
BEEP function
description, BEEP
example, BEEP
digits, Binary Strings
description, Binary Strings
implementation maximum, Binary Strings
nibbles, Binary Strings
to hexadecimal conversion, b2x, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
BITAND function
description, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND)
example, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND)
bitAnd method
of String class, bitAnd
BITOR function
description, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
example, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
bitOr method
of String class, bitOr
bits checked using DATATYPE function, DATATYPE
bits checked using dataType method, dataType
BITXOR function
description, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
example, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
bitXor method
of String class, bitXor
blanks, String Concatenation
adjacent to special character, Structure and General Syntax
in parsing, treatment of, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
removal with STRIP function, STRIP
removal with strip method, strip
boolean operations, Logical (Boolean)
bottom of program reached during execution , EXIT
bounded buffer, Monitors (Bounded Buffer)
Buffer class, The Buffer Class
built-in functions
ABBREV, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
ABS, ABS (Absolute Value)
ARG, ARG (Argument)
B2X, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
BITOR, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
BITXOR, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
C2D, C2D (Character to Decimal)
C2X, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
calling, CALL
CHARIN, CHARIN (Character Input)
CHAROUT, CHAROUT (Character Output)
CHARS, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
D2C, D2C (Decimal to Character)
D2X, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
definition, CALL
DELSTR, DELSTR (Delete String)
LASTPOS, LASTPOS (Last Position)
LINES, LINES (Lines Remaining)
MAX, MAX (Maximum)
MIN, MIN (Minimum)
POS, POS (Position)
SUBSTR, SUBSTR (Substring)
TRUNC, TRUNC (Truncate)
WORDPOS, WORDPOS (Word Position)
X2B, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
X2C, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
X2D, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
XRANGE, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
built-in object
.CONTEXT object, The Rexx Context (.CONTEXT)
.DEBUGINPUT object, The Debug Input Monitor (.DEBUGINPUT)
.ENVIRONMENT object, The Environment Directory (.ENVIRONMENT)
.ERROR object, The Error Monitor (.ERROR)
.FALSE object, The FALSE Constant (.FALSE)
.INPUT object, The Input Monitor (.INPUT)
.LINE object, The Line Number (.LINE)
.LOCAL object, The Local Directory (.LOCAL)
.METHODS object, The METHODS Directory (.METHODS)
.Nil object, The NIL Object (.NIL)
.OUTPUT object, The Output Monitor (.OUTPUT)
.ROUTINES object, The ROUTINES Directory (.ROUTINES)
.RS object, The Return Status (.RS)
.STDERR object, The STDERR Stream (.STDERR)
.STDIN object, The STDIN Stream (.STDIN)
.STDOUT object, The STDOUT Stream (.STDOUT)
.STDQUE object, The STDQUE Queue (.STDQUE)
.TRACEOUTPUT object, The Trace Output Monitor (.TRACEOUTPUT)
.TRUE object, The TRUE Constant (.TRUE)
BY phrase of DO instruction, DO
BY phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
BY subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Controlled Repetitive Loops
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Controlled Repetitive Loops


C2D function
description, C2D (Character to Decimal)
example, C2D (Character to Decimal)
c2d method
of String class, c2d
C2X function
description, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
example, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
c2x method
of String class, c2x
CALL instruction
description, CALL
example, CALL
call method
of Routine class, call
call, recursive, CALL
calls to the Security Manager, Calls to the Security Manager
callWith method
of Routine class, callWith
cancel method
of Alarm class, cancel
canRead method
of File class, canRead
canWrite method
of File class, canWrite
CASELESS subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Using UPPER, LOWER, and CASELESS
caselessAbbrev method
of String class, caselessAbbrev
caselessChangeStr method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessChangeStr
of String class, caselessChangeStr
CaselessColumnComparator class, The CaselessColumnComparator Class
CaselessComparator class, The CaselessComparator Class
caselessCompare method
of String class, caselessCompare
caselessCompareTo method
of String class, caselessCompareTo
caselessCountStr method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessCountStr
of String class, caselessCountStr
CaselessDescendingComparator class, The CaselessDescendingComparator Class
caselessEquals method
of String class, caselessEquals
caselessLastPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessLastPos
of String class, caselessLastPos
caselessMatch method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessMatch
of String class, caselessMatch
caselessMatchChar method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessMatchChar
of String class, caselessMatchChar
caselessPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessPos
of String class, caselessPos
caselessWordPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessWordPos
of String class, caselessWordPos
ceiling method
of String class, ceiling
CENTER function
description, CENTER (or CENTRE)
example, CENTER (or CENTRE)
center method
of String class, center/centre
centering a string
CENTRE function
description, CENTER (or CENTRE)
example, CENTER (or CENTRE)
centre method
of String class, center/centre
CHANGESTR function
description, CHANGESTR
example, CHANGESTR
changeStr method
of MutableBuffer class, changeStr
of String class, changeStr
changing destination of commands, ADDRESS
changing the search order for methods, Changing the Search Order for Methods
definition, Characters
lowercasing using LOWER function, LOWER
removal with STRIP function, SUBSTR (Substring)
removal with strip method, strip
strings, ANDing, bitAnd, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND)
strings, exclusive-ORing, bitXor, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
strings, ORing, bitOr, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
to decimal conversion, c2d, C2D (Character to Decimal)
to hexadecimal conversion, c2x, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
uppercasing using UPPER function, UPPER
character input and output, Input and Output Streams, Debugging Aids
character input streams, Input Streams
character output streams, Output Streams
CHARIN function
description, CHARIN (Character Input)
example, CHARIN (Character Input)
charIn method
of InputStream class, charIn
of OutputStream class, charIn
of Stream class, charIn
CHARIN method
role in input and output, Input Streams
CHAROUT function
description, CHAROUT (Character Output)
example, CHAROUT (Character Output)
charOut method
of InputStream class, charOut
of OutputStream class, charOut
of Stream class, charOut
CHAROUT method
role in input and output, Output Streams
CHARS function
description, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
example, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
chars method
of InputStream class, chars
of OutputStream class, chars
of Stream class, chars
CHARS method
role in input and output, Input Streams
checking arguments with ARG function, ARG (Argument)
CircularQueue class, The CircularQueue Class
civilTime method
of DateTime class, civilTime
Alarm class, The Alarm Class
Array class, The Array Class
Bag class, The Bag Class
Buffer class, The Buffer Class
CaselessColumnComparator class, The CaselessColumnComparator Class
CaselessComparator class, The CaselessComparator Class
CaselessDescendingComparator class, The CaselessDescendingComparator Class
CircularQueue class, The CircularQueue Class
Class class, The Class Class
ColumnComparator class, The ColumnComparator Class
Comparable class, The Comparable Class
Comparator class, The Comparator Class
DateTime class, The DateTime Class
definition, Classes and Instances
DescendingComparator class, The DescendingComparator Class
Directory class, The Directory Class
File class, The File Class
IdentityTable class, The IdentityTable Class
InputOutputStream class, The InputOutputStream Class
InputStream class, The InputStream Class
InvertingComparator class, The InvertingComparator Class
List class, The List Class
Message class, The Message Class
Method class, The Method Class
Monitor class, The Monitor Class
MutableBuffer class, The MutableBuffer Class
NumericComparator class, The NumericComparator Class
Object class, The Object Class
Orderable class, The Orderable Class
OutputStream class, The OutputStream Class
Package class, The Package Class
Pointer class, The Pointer Class
Properties class, The Properties Class
Queue class, The Queue Class
RegularExpression class, The RegularExpression Class
Relation class, The Relation Class
RexxContext class, The RexxContext Class
RexxQueue class, The RexxQueue Class
Routine class, The Routine Class
Set class, The Set Class
StackFrame class, The StackFrame Class
Stem class, The Stem Class
Stream class, The Stream Class
StreamSupplier class, The StreamSupplier Class
String class, The String Class
subclasses, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
superclasses, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
Supplier class, The Supplier Class
Table class, The Table Class
TimeSpan class, The TimeSpan Class
abstract, Abstract Classes
metaclass, Metaclasses
mixin, Mixin Classes
object, Object Classes
WeakReference class, The WeakReference Class
Class class, The Class Class
class method
of Object class, class
class methods, Objects and Classes
CLASS subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
classes method
of Package class, classes
assignment, Assignments, Assignments and Symbols
commands, Commands
continuation of, Continuations
description, Structure and General Syntax, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
directives, Directives
extended assignment, Extended Assignments
instructions, Instructions
keyword instructions, Keyword Instructions
labels, Labels
message instructions, Message Instructions
null, Null Clauses
close method
of InputStream class, close
of OutputStream class, close
of Stream class, close
CMD command environment, ADDRESS
code page, Characters
codes, error, Error Numbers and Messages
collating sequence using XRANGE, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
Collection class, The Collection Class
organization, Organization of the Collection Classes
Collection classes, The Collection Classes
COLLECTOR example program, Examples of Input and Output
as a special character, Special Characters
as label terminators, Labels
in a label, Labels
ColumnComparator class, The ColumnComparator Class
combining string and positional patterns, Combining String and Positional Patterns
as a special character, Special Characters
as continuation character, Continuations
in CALL instruction, CALL
in function calls, Syntax
in parsing template list, ARG, Parsing Several Strings
separator of arguments, CALL, Syntax
alternative destinations, Commands
clause, Commands
destination of, ADDRESS
errors, trapping, Conditions and Condition Traps
issuing to host, Commands
command method
of Stream class, command
COMMAND method, Input and Output Streams
comments, Comments
line comment, Comments
standard comment, Comments
Common Public License, Common Public License Version 1.0
Comparable class, The Comparable Class
Comparator class, The Comparator Class
COMPARE function
description, COMPARE
example, COMPARE
compare method
of CaselessColumnComparator class, compare
of CaselessComparator class, compare
of CaselessDescendingComparator class, compare
of ColumnComparator class, compare
of Comparator class, compare
of DescendingComparator class, compare
of InvertingComparator class, compare
of NumericComparator class, compare
of String class, compare
compareTo method
of Comparable class, compareTo
of DateTime class, compareTo
of File class, compareTo
of String class, compareTo
of TimeSpan class, compareTo
description, Comparison
numeric, example, Numeric Comparisons
of numbers, Comparison, Numeric Comparisons
of strings, Comparison, caselessCompare, compare, compareTo, COMPARE
completed method
of Message class, completed
symbols, Compound Symbols
description, Compound Symbols
setting new value, Stems
abuttal, String Concatenation
as concatenation operator, String Concatenation
blank, String Concatenation
of strings, String Concatenation
||, Operator Characters, String Concatenation
conceptual overview of parsing, Parsing
alternating exclusive scope access, GUARD ON and GUARD OFF
conditional, Guarded Methods
default, Default Concurrency
early reply, Early Reply
guarded methods, Guarded Methods
isGuarded method, isGuarded
message objects, Message Objects
object based, Concurrency
setGuarded method, setGuarded
setUnguarded method, setUnguarded
UNGUARDED option, Guarded Methods
action taken when not trapped, Action Taken when a Condition Is Not Trapped
action taken when trapped, Action Taken when a Condition Is Trapped
ANY, Conditions and Condition Traps
definition, Conditions and Condition Traps
ERROR, Conditions and Condition Traps
FAILURE, Conditions and Condition Traps
HALT, Conditions and Condition Traps
information, CALL
described, Condition Information
LOSTDIGITS, Conditions and Condition Traps
NOMETHOD, Conditions and Condition Traps
NOSTRING, Conditions and Condition Traps
NOTREADY, Conditions and Condition Traps
NOVALUE, Conditions and Condition Traps
saved, CALL
saved during subroutine calls, CALL
SYNTAX, Conditions and Condition Traps
trap information using CONDITION, CONDITION
trapping of, Conditions and Condition Traps
traps, notes, Conditions and Condition Traps
USER, Conditions and Condition Traps
CONDITION function
description, CONDITION
example, CONDITION
condition method
of RexxContext class, condition
loops, DO, LOOP
phrase, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
conditional concurrency, GUARD ON and GUARD OFF
raising of, RAISE
reading from with PULL, PULL
writing to with SAY, SAY
constant symbols, Constant Symbols
content addressable storage, Compound Symbols
character, Continuations
clauses, Continuations
example, Continuations
of data for display, SAY
CONTINUE subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
control variable, Controlled Repetitive Loops
controlled loops, Controlled Repetitive Loops
binary to hexadecimal, b2x, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
character to decimal, c2d, C2D (Character to Decimal)
character to hexadecimal, c2x, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
conversion functions, Built-in Functions
decimal to character, d2c, D2C (Decimal to Character)
decimal to hexadecimal, d2x, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
formatting numbers, format, FORMAT
hexadecimal to binary, x2b, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
hexadecimal to character, x2c, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
hexadecimal to decimal, x2d, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
COPIES function
description, COPIES
example, COPIES
copies method
of String class, copies
copy method
of Object class, copy
copying a string using copies, copies
copying a string using COPIES, COPIES
count from stream, CHAROUT (Character Output)
words in a mutable buffer, words
words in a string, words, WORDS
COUNTSTR function
description, COUNTSTR
example, COUNTSTR
countStr method
of MutableBuffer class, countStr
of String class, countStr
CPL, Common Public License Version 1.0
cr method
of String class, cr Class Method)
create external data queue, RXQUEUE
create method
of RexxQueue class, create (Class Method)
current method
of Monitor class, current


D2C function
description, D2C (Decimal to Character)
example, D2C (Decimal to Character)
d2c method
of String class, d2c
D2X function
description, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
example, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
d2x method
of String class, d2x
abstraction, Data Abstraction
encapsulation, Modeling Objects
modularization, Modularizing Data
objects, Terms, Expressions, and Operators
terms, Terms and Expressions
DATATYPE function
description, DATATYPE
example, DATATYPE
dataType method
of String class, dataType
date and version of the language processor, PARSE
DATE function
description, DATE
example, DATE
date method
of DateTime class, date
DateTime class, The DateTime Class
day method
of DateTime class, day
dayMicroseconds method
of DateTime class, dayMicroseconds
dayMinutes method
of DateTime class, dayMinutes
dayName method
of DateTime class, dayName
days method
of TimeSpan class, days
Days option of DATE function, DATE
daySeconds method
of DateTime class, daySeconds
daysInMonth method
of DateTime class, daysInMonth
daysInYear method
of DateTime class, daysInYear
debug input object, The Debug Input Monitor (.DEBUGINPUT)
debug interactive, TRACE
integer, Numbers and Arithmetic
to character conversion, d2c, D2C (Decimal to Character)
to hexadecimal conversion, d2x, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
decodeBase64 method
of String class, decodeBase64
character streams, Input and Output Streams
concurrency, Default Concurrency
environment, Environment
search order for methods, Default Search Order for Method Selection
selecting with ABBREV function, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
selecting with abbrev method, abbrev
selecting with caselessAbbrev method, caselessAbbrev
defaultName method
of Class class, defaultName
of Object class, defaultName
define method
of Class class, define
definedMethods method
of Package class, definedMethods
delayed state
description, Conditions and Condition Traps
of NOTREADY condition, Errors during Input and Output
delete class method
of RexxQueue class, delete (Class Method)
delete method
of Array class, delete
of Class class, delete
of File class, delete
of List class, delete
of MutableBuffer class, delete
of OrderedCollection class, delete
of Queue class, delete
of RexxQueue class, delete
part of a string, delStr, DELSTR (Delete String)
words from a mutablebuffer, delWord
words from a string, delWord, DELWORD (Delete Word)
DELSTR function
description, DELSTR (Delete String)
example, DELSTR (Delete String)
delStr method
of String class, delStr
delstr method
of MutableBuffer class, delstr
DELWORD function
description, DELWORD (Delete Word)
example, DELWORD (Delete Word)
delWord method
of MutableBuffer class, delWord
of String class, delWord
derived names of variables, Compound Symbols
DescendingComparator class, The DescendingComparator Class
description method
of Stream class, description
DESCRIPTION subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
destination method
of Monitor class, destination
difference method
of Bag class, difference
of Collection class, difference
of IdentityTable class, empty
of OrderedCollection class, difference
of Table class, empty
of Relation class, difference
DIGITS function
description, DIGITS
example, DIGITS
digits method
of Package class, digits
of RexxContext class, digits
DIGITS option of NUMERIC instruction, Numbers and Arithmetic
DIGITS subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC, Precision
dimension method
of Array class, dimension
dimensions method
of Array class, dimensions
Directory class, The Directory Class
DIRECTORY function
description, DIRECTORY
example, DIRECTORY
disjoint method
of Collection class, disjoint
division operator, Arithmetic
dllfunctions, Rexx Utilities (RexxUtil)
DO instruction
description, DO
example, Using DO and LOOP
drop external function, RXFUNCDROP
DROP instruction
description, DROP
example, DROP
DROP keyword
duration method
of TimeSpan class, duration
dyadic operators, Operators
dynamic link library (RexxUtil), Rexx Utilities (RexxUtil)


early reply, REPLY, Early Reply
elapsed method
of DateTime class, elapsed
elapsed-time clock
measuring intervals with, TIME
saved during subroutine calls, CALL
as free standing clause, Keyword Instructions
ELSE subkeyword
in an IF instruction, IF
empty method
of Array class, empty
of Directory class, empty
of List class, empty
of Queue class, empty
of Relation class, empty
of RexxQueue class, empty
of Stem class, empty
encapsulation of data, Modeling Objects
encodeBase64 method
of String class, encodeBase64
as free standing clause, Keyword Instructions
END clause
specifying control variable, Controlled Repetitive Loops
END subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP
in a SELECT instruction, SELECT
ENDLOCAL function
description, ENDLOCAL (Linux only)
example, ENDLOCAL (Linux only)
engineering notation, Exponential Notation
ENGINEERING subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC
enhanced method
of Class class, enhanced
entry method
of Directory class, entry
environment, ADDRESS
addressing of, ADDRESS
default, ADDRESS
determining current using ADDRESS function, ADDRESS
operator, Comparison
in parsing templates, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
to indicate assignment, Operator Characters, Assignments and Symbols
equality, testing of, Comparison
equals method
of String class, equals
equivalent method
of Collection class, equivalent
definition, Commands
during execution of functions, Errors during Execution
during stream input and output, Errors during Input and Output
from commands, Commands
list, Error Numbers and Messages
retrieving with ERRORTEXT, Error Numbers and Messages
syntax, Error Numbers and Messages
traceback after, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
trapping, Conditions and Condition Traps
error codes, Error Numbers and Messages
error messages and codes, Error Numbers and Messages
ERROR subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
errorCondition method
of Message class, errorCondition
ERRORTEXT function
description, ERRORTEXT
example, ERRORTEXT
European option of DATE function, DATE
europeanDate method
of DateTime class, europeanDate
evaluation of expressions, Terms and Expressions
::ATTRIBUTE directive
::CLASS directive, ::CLASS
::METHOD directive, ::METHOD
::ROUTINE directive, ::ROUTINE
ABBREV function, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
abbrev method, abbrev, caselessAbbrev
ABS function, ABS (Absolute Value)
abs method, abs
ADDRESS instruction, ADDRESS
allIndexes method, allIndexes
allItems method, allItems
append method, append
ARG function, ARG (Argument)
ARG instruction, ARG
arithmetic methods of DateTime class, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
arithmetic methods of String class, Arithmetic Methods
at method, at
B2X function, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
b2x method, b2x
basic operator examples, Operator Examples
BEEP function, BEEP
BITAND function, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND)
bitAnd method, bitAnd
BITOR function, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
bitOr method, bitOr
BITXOR function, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
bitXor method, bitXor
C2D function, C2D (Character to Decimal)
c2d method, c2d
C2X function, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
c2x method, c2x
CALL instruction, CALL
caselessChangeStr method, caselessChangeStr
caselessCompareTo method, caselessCompareTo
caselessEquals method, caselessEquals
caselessLastPos method, caselessLastPos
caselessMatch method, caselessMatch
caselessMatchChar method, caselessMatchChar
caselessPos method, caselessPos
ceiling method, ceiling
center method, center/centre
centre method, center/centre
changeStr method, changeStr
CHARIN function, CHARIN (Character Input)
CHAROUT function, CHAROUT (Character Output)
CHARS function, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
COLLECTOR program, Examples of Input and Output
combining positional pattern and parsing into words, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
combining string and positional patterns, Combining String and Positional Patterns
combining string pattern and parsing into words, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
command method
OPEN option, Command Strings
QUERY DATETIME option, Command Strings
QUERY EXISTS option, Command Strings
QUERY HANDLE option, Command Strings
SEEK option, Command Strings
compare method, caselessCompare, compare
compareTo method, compareTo
comparison methods of String class, Comparison Methods
concatenation methods of String class, Concatenation Methods
continuation, Continuations
copies method, copies
copy method, copy
countStr method, caselessCountStr, countStr
D2C function, D2C (Decimal to Character)
d2c method, d2c
D2X function, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
d2x method, d2x
dataType method, dataType
DATE function, DATE
decodeBase64 method, decodeBase64
defaultName method, defaultName
define method, define
delete method, delete, delete, delete
DELSTR function, DELSTR (Delete String)
delStr method, delStr
DELWORD function, DELWORD (Delete Word)
delWord method, delWord
dimension method, dimension
DO instruction, Using DO and LOOP
DROP instruction, DROP
empty method, empty
encodeBase64 method, encodeBase64
ENDLOCAL function, ENDLOCAL (Linux only)
enhanced method, enhanced
equals method, equals
EXIT instruction, EXIT
exponential notation, Exponential Notation
EXPOSE instruction, EXPOSE
expressions, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
FILECOPY program, Examples of Input and Output
fill method, fill
first method, first, firstItem
floor method, floor
FORM function, FORM
format method, format
FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
FUZZ function, FUZZ
GUARD instruction, GUARD
hasIndex method, hasIndex
hasItem method, hasItem
id method, id
IF instruction, IF
index method, index
inherit method, inherit
insert method
of Array class, insert
of List class, insert
of Queue class, insert
of String class, insert
isEmpty method, isEmpty
items method, items
ITERATE instruction, ITERATE
last method, last
LASTPOS function, LASTPOS (Last Position)
lastPos method, lastPos, lastPos
LEAVE instruction, LEAVE
LEFT function, LEFT
left method, left
length method, length
line comments, Comments
LINEIN function, LINEIN (Line Input)
LINEOUT function, LINEOUT (Line Output)
LINES function, LINES (Lines Remaining)
logical methods of String class, Logical Methods
LOOP instruction, Using DO and LOOP
lower function, LOWER
lower method, lower
makeArray method, makeArray
match method, match
matchChar method, matchChar
MAX function, MAX (Maximum)
max method, max
message instructions, Message Instructions
metaclass, Metaclasses
method method, method
methods method, methods
MIN function, MIN (Minimum)
min method, min
mixinClass method, mixinClass
new method, new
next method, next
NOP instruction, NOP
notify method, notify
numeric comparisons, Numeric Comparisons
objectName= method, objectName=
of Alarm class, init
of Array class, Examples
of Bag class, Examples
of CircularQueue class, Example
of Directory class, Examples
of Message class, start
of method, new (Class Method), of (Class Method)
of Monitor class, Examples
of program, Examples of Input and Output
of Relation class, Examples
of Supplier class, Examples
open method, open
operator examples, Operator Examples
overlay method, overlay
PARSE instruction, PARSE
parsing instructions, Parsing Instructions Examples
parsing multiple strings in a subroutine, Parsing Several Strings
period as a placeholder, The Period as a Placeholder
POS function, POS (Position)
pos method, pos, pos
previous method, previous
PULL instruction, PULL
PUSH instruction, PUSH
put method, put
query method, query
QUEUE instruction, QUEUE
RAISE instruction, RAISE
RegularExpression class, The RegularExpression Class, parse
remove method, remove
removeItem method, removeItem
replaceAt method, replaceAt
REPLY instruction, REPLY
reverse method, reverse
RIGHT function, RIGHT
right method, right
round method, round
RxMessageBox, RxMessageBox (Windows only)
SAY instruction, SAY
section method, section
seek method, seek
SELECT instruction, SELECT
set operations
concepts, The Concept of Set Operations
eliminating duplicates, Set Operations on Collections without Duplicates
principals, The Principles of Operation
with duplicates, Set-Like Operations on Collections with Duplicates
SETLOCAL function, SETLOCAL (Linux only)
SIGL, special variable, The Special Variable SIGL
SIGN function, SIGN
sign method, sign
SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
simple templates, parsing, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
SPACE function, SPACE
space method, space
special characters, Example
standard comments, Comments
start method, start
STREAM function, Command Strings
STRIP function, STRIP
strip method, strip
subClass method, subclass
SUBSTR function, SUBSTR (Substring)
subStr method, substr
subWord method, subWord
subWords method, subWords
superClass method, superClass
superClasses method, superClasses
supplier method, supplier
SysCurPos, SysCurPos (Windows only)
SysDriveInfo, SysDriveInfo (Windows only)
SysDriveMap, SysDriveMap (Windows only)
SysDumpVariables, SysDumpVariables
SysFileCopy, SysFileCopy
SysFileDelete, SysFileDelete
SysFileMove, SysFileMove (Windows only)
SysFileSearch, SysFileSearch
SysFileSystemType, SysFileSystemType (Windows only)
SysFileTree, SysFileTree
SysGetErrortext, SysGetErrortext
SysGetFileDateTime, SysGetFileDateTime
SysGetMessage, SysGetMessage (Unix only)
SysGetMessageX, SysGetMessageX (Unix only)
SysIni, SysIni (Windows only)
SysMkDir, SysMkDir
SysRmDir, SysRmDir
SysSearchPath, SysSearchPath
SysSetDefaultPrinter, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysSetFileDateTime, SysSetFileDateTime
SysSleep, SysSleep
SysStemCopy, SysStemCopy
SysStemDelete, SysStemDelete
SysStemSort, SysStemSort
SysTempFileName, SysTempFileName
SysTextScreenRead, SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)
SysTextScreenSize, SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)
SysWinGetDefaultPrinter, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinGetPrinters, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
templates containing positional patterns, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
templates containing string patterns, Templates Containing String Patterns
TIME function, TIME
toString method, toString
TRACE function, TRACE
TRACE instruction, Tracing Tips
translate method, translate
TRUNC function, TRUNC (Truncate)
trunc method, trunc
uninherit method, uninherit
upper function, UPPER
upper method, upper
USE instruction, USE
using a variable as a string pattern, Parsing with Variable Patterns
using an expression as a positional pattern, Parsing with Variable Patterns
VALUE function, VALUE
VAR function, VAR
verify method, verify, verify
WORD function, WORD
word method, word
wordIndex method, wordIndex
wordLength method, wordLength
WORDPOS function, WORDPOS (Word Position)
wordPos method, caselessWordPos, wordPos
WORDS function, WORDS
words method, words
X2B function, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
x2b method, x2b
X2C function, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
x2c method, x2c
X2D function, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
x2d method, x2d
XRANGE function, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
exception conditions saved during subroutine calls , CALL
exclusive OR operator, Logical (Boolean)
exclusive-ORing character strings together, bitXor, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
executable method
of RexxContext class, executable
of StackFrame class, executable
by language processor, Open Object Rexx General Concepts
of data, INTERPRET
exists method
of File class, exists
of RexxQueue class, exists (Class Method)
EXIT instruction
description, EXIT
example, EXIT
EXIT subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
exponential notation
description, Exponential Notation
example, Symbols, Exponential Notation
description, Exponential Notation
operator, Arithmetic
EXPOSE instruction
description, EXPOSE
example, EXPOSE
EXPOSE option of PROCEDURE instruction, PROCEDURE
EXPOSE subkeyword
in a PROCEDURE instruction, PROCEDURE
exposed variable, PROCEDURE
evaluation, Terms and Expressions
examples, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
parsing of, PARSE
results of, Terms and Expressions
tracing results of, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
extended assignments, Extended Assignments
external character streams, Input and Output Streams
external data queue
counting lines in, QUEUED
creating and deleting queues, RXQUEUE
description, External Data Queue
naming and querying queues, RXQUEUE
reading from with PULL, PULL
writing to with PUSH, PUSH
writing to with QUEUE, QUEUE
external functions
description, Functions and Subroutines
description, Functions and Subroutines
search order, Search Order
external routine, CALL
EXTERNAL subkeyword
in a ROUTINE directive, ::ROUTINE
external subroutines, Functions and Subroutines
external variables
access with VALUE function, VALUE
substring, substr, SUBSTR (Substring)
word from a mutable buffer, word
word from a string, word, WORD
words from a mutable buffer, words
words from a string, words, WORDS
extracting words with subWord, subWord, subWord
extracting words with subWords, subWords, subWords


FAILURE subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
failure, definition, Commands
FIFO (first-in/first-out) stacking, QUEUE
File class, The File Class
file name, extension, path of program, PARSE
FILECOPY example program, Examples of Input and Output
files, Input and Output Streams
FILESPEC function
description, FILESPEC
example, FILESPEC
fill method
of Array class, fill
findClass method
of Package class, findClass
mismatch using caselessCompare, caselessCompare
mismatch using compare, compare
mismatch using COMPARE, COMPARE
mismatch using compareTo, compareTo
string in a MutableBuffer, pos
string in another string, pos, POS (Position)
string length, length, LENGTH
word length, wordLength, wordLength, WORDLENGTH
findRoutine method
of Package class, findRoutine
first method
of Array class, first
of List class, first
of OrderedCollection class, first
of Queue class, first
firstItem method
of Array class, firstItem
of List class, firstItem
of OrderedCollection class, firstItem
of Queue class, firstItem
flag, tracing
*-*, The Format of Trace Output
+++, The Format of Trace Output
>.>, The Format of Trace Output
>=>, The Format of Trace Output
>>>, The Format of Trace Output
>A>, The Format of Trace Output
>E>, The Format of Trace Output
>F>, The Format of Trace Output
>I>, The Format of Trace Output
>L>, The Format of Trace Output
>M>, The Format of Trace Output
>O>, The Format of Trace Output
>P>, The Format of Trace Output
>V>, The Format of Trace Output
floor method
of String class, floor
flow of control
unusual, with CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps
unusual, with SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps
with CALL and RETURN construct, CALL
with DO construct, DO
with IF construct, IF
with LOOP construct, LOOP
with SELECT construct, SELECT
flush method
of Stream class, flush
FOR phrase of DO instruction, DO
FOR phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
FOR subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP
FOREVER phrase of DO instruction, DO
FOREVER phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
FOREVER repetitor on DO instruction, DO, LOOP
FOREVER subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Simple Repetitive Loops, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Simple Repetitive Loops, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
FORM function
description, FORM
example, FORM
form method
of Package class, form
of RexxContext class, form
FORM option of NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC
FORM subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC, Exponential Notation
FORMAT function
description, FORMAT
example, FORMAT
format method
of String class, format
numbers for display, format, FORMAT
numbers with ceiling, ceiling
numbers with floor, floor
numbers with round, round
numbers with trunc, trunc
numbers with TRUNC, TRUNC (Truncate)
of output during tracing, The Format of Trace Output
text centering, center/centre, CENTER (or CENTRE)
text left justification, left, LEFT
text right justification, right, RIGHT
text spacing, space, space, SPACE
FORWARD instruction
description, FORWARD
example, FORWARD
fromBaseDate method
of DateTime class, fromBaseDate (Class Method)
fromCivilTime method
of DateTime class, fromCivilTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromCivilTime (Class Method)
fromDays method
of TimeSpan class, fromDays (Class Method)
fromEuropeanDate method
of DateTime class, fromEuropeanDate (Class Method)
fromHours method
of TimeSpan class, fromHours (Class Method)
fromIsoDate method
of DateTime class, fromIsoDate (Class Method)
fromLongTime method
of DateTime class, fromLongTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromLongTime (Class Method)
fromMicroseconds method
of TimeSpan class, fromMicroseconds (Class Method)
fromMinutes method
of TimeSpan class, fromMinutes (Class Method)
fromNormalDate method
of DateTime class, fromNormalDate (Class Method)
fromNormalTime method
of DateTime class, fromNormalTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromNormalTime (Class Method)
fromOrderedDate method
of DateTime class, fromOrderedDate (Class Method)
fromSeconds method
of TimeSpan class, fromSeconds (Class Method)
fromStandardDate method
of DateTime class, fromStandardDate (Class Method)
fromStringFormat method
of TimeSpan class, fromStringFormat (Class Method)
fromTicks method
of DateTime class, fromTicks (Class Method)
fromUsaDate method
of DateTime class, fromUsaDate (Class Method)
fromUTCIsoDate method
of DateTime class, fromUTCIsoDate (Class Method)
Full option of DATE function, DATE
Full option of Time function, TIME
fullDate method
of DateTime class, fullDate
functions, Functions
ABBREV, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
ABS, ABS (Absolute Value)
ARG, ARG (Argument)
B2X, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
BITOR, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
BITXOR, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
built-in, Built-in Functions
built-in, description, Built-in Functions
C2D, C2D (Character to Decimal)
C2X, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
call, definition, Functions
calling, Functions
CHARIN, CHARIN (Character Input)
CHAROUT, CHAROUT (Character Output)
CHARS, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
D2C, D2C (Decimal to Character)
D2X, D2X (Decimal to Hexadecimal)
definition, Functions
DELSTR, DELSTR (Delete String)
description, Functions
external, Functions and Subroutines
forcing built-in or external reference, Search Order
internal, Functions and Subroutines
LASTPOS, LASTPOS (Last Position)
LINES, LINES (Lines Remaining)
logical bit operations, BITAND (Bit by Bit AND), BITOR (Bit by Bit OR), BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
MAX, MAX (Maximum)
MIN, MIN (Minimum)
numeric arguments of, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
POS, POS (Position)
return from, RETURN
SUBSTR, SUBSTR (Substring)
TRUNC, TRUNC (Truncate)
variables in, PROCEDURE
WORDPOS, WORDPOS (Word Position)
X2B, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
X2C, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
X2D, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
XRANGE, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
controlling numeric comparison, Numeric Comparisons
instruction, NUMERIC, Numeric Comparisons
FUZZ function
description, FUZZ
example, FUZZ
fuzz method
of Package class, fuzz
of RexxContext class, fuzz
FUZZ subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC, Numeric Comparisons


general concepts, Open Object Rexx General Concepts, Keyword Instructions
get method
of RexxQueue class, get
GET subkeyword
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
getBufferSize method
of MutableBuffer class, getBufferSize
getLogical method
of Properties class, getLogical
getProperty method
of Properties class, getProperty
getting value with VALUE, VALUE
getWhole method
of Properties class, getWhole
global variables
access with VALUE function, VALUE
GOTO, unusual, Conditions and Condition Traps
greater than operator, Comparison
greater than operator (>), Comparison
greater than or equal operator, Comparison
greater than or equal to operator (>=), Comparison
greater than or less than operator, Comparison
greater than or less than operator (><), Comparison
group, DO, Simple DO Group
grouping instructions to run repetitively, DO, LOOP
GUARD instruction
description, GUARD
example, GUARD
guarded methods, Guarded Methods
GUARDED subkeyword
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE


HALT subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
halt, trapping, Conditions and Condition Traps
hasEntry method
of Directory class, hasEntry
hasError method
of Message class, hasError
hashCode method
of DateTime class, hashCode
of File class, hashCode
of Object class, hashCode
of String class, hashCode
of TimeSpan class, hashCode
hasIndex method
of Array class, hasIndex
of Bag class, hasIndex
of Collection class, hasIndex
of Directory class, hasIndex
of IdentityTable class, hasIndex
of List class, hasIndex
of Queue class, hasIndex
of Relation class, hasIndex
of Stem class, hasIndex
of Table class, hasIndex
hasItem method
of Array class, hasItem
of Collection class, hasItem
of Directory class, hasItem
of IdentityTable class, hasItem
of List class, hasItem
of Queue class, hasItem
of Relation class, hasItem
of Set class, hasItem
of Stem class, hasItem
of Table class, hasItem
hasMethod method
of Object class, hasMethod
checking with dataType, dataType
checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
digits, Hexadecimal Strings
description, Hexadecimal Strings
implementation maximum, Hexadecimal Strings
to binary, converting with X2B, x2b, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
to character, converting with X2C, x2c, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
to decimal, converting with X2D, x2d, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
host commands
issuing commands to underlying operating system, Commands
hours calculated from midnight, TIME
hours method
of DateTime class, hours
of TimeSpan class, hours


id method
of Class class, id
identityHash method
of Object class, identityHash
IdentityTable class, The IdentityTable Class
IF instruction
description, IF
example, IF
implementation maximum
binary strings, Binary Strings
hexadecimal strings, Hexadecimal Strings
literal strings, Literal Strings
numbers, Numbers
TIME function, TIME
implied semicolons, Implied Semicolons
importedClasses method
of Package class, importedClasses
importedPackages method
of Package class, importedPackages
importedRoutines method
of Package class, importedRoutines
imprecise numeric comparison, Numeric Comparisons
inclusive OR operator, Logical (Boolean)
indentation during tracing, The Format of Trace Output
index method
of Array class, index
of Collection class, index
of Directory class, index
of IdentityTable class, index
of List class, index
of Queue class, index
of Relation class, index
of Stem class, index
of StreamSupplier class, index
of Supplier class, index
of Table class, index
indirect evaluation of data, INTERPRET
inequality, testing of, Comparison
infinite loops, DO, LOOP, Controlled Repetitive Loops
information hiding, How Objects Interact
inherit method
of Class class, inherit
INHERIT subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
inheritance, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
init method
of Alarm class, init
of CaselessColumnComparator class, init
of CircularQueue class, init
of ColumnComparator class, init
of DateTime class, init
of File class, init
of InvertingComparator class, init
of Monitor class, init
of NumericComparator class, init
of Object class, init
of RegularExpression class, init
of RexxQueue class, init
of Stream class, init
of StreamSupplier class, init
of Supplier class, init
of TimeSpan class, init
of arrays, Stems
of compound variables, Stems
input and output
CHARIN, CHARIN (Character Input)
CHAROUT, CHAROUT (Character Output)
CHARS, CHARS (Characters Remaining)
LINES, LINES (Lines Remaining)
model, Input and Output Streams
streams, Input and Output Streams
input from the user, Input and Output Streams
input object, The Input Monitor (.INPUT)
input streams, Input Streams
input to PULL from STDIN, PULL
input to PULL from the keyboard, PULL
input, errors during, Errors during Input and Output
InputOutputStream class, The InputOutputStream Class
InputStream class, The InputStream Class
INSERT function
description, INSERT
example, INSERT
insert method
of Array class, insert
of CircularQueue class, insert
of List class, insert
of MutableBuffer class, insert
of OrderedCollection class, insert
of Queue class, insert
of String class, insert
inserting a string into another, insert, INSERT
instance methods, Objects and Classes
instanceMethod method
of Object class, instanceMethod
instanceMethods method
of Object class, instanceMethods
definition, Classes and Instances
definition, Instructions
keyword, Keyword Instructions
description, Keyword Instructions
message, Message Instructions, Message Instructions
parsing, summary, Parsing Instructions Summary
arithmetic, Numbers and Arithmetic
description>, Numbers and Arithmetic, Integer Division
integer division operator, Arithmetic
interactive debug, TRACE
return from, RETURN
variables in, PROCEDURE
routine, CALL
INTERPRET instruction
description, INTERPRET
example, INTERPRET
interpretive execution of data, INTERPRET
intersection method
of Bag class, intersection
of CircularQueue class, intersection
of Collection class, intersection
of OrderedCollection class, intersection
of Relation class, intersection
of Set class, intersection
InvertingComparator class, The InvertingComparator Class
built-in functions, CALL
routines, CALL
isA method
of Object class, isA
isCaseSensitive method
of File class, isCaseSensitive (Class Method), isCaseSensitive
isDirectory method
of File class, isDirectory
isEmpty method
of Array class, isEmpty
of Directory class, isEmpty
of IdentityTable class, isEmpty
of List class, isEmpty
of Queue class, isEmpty
of Relation class, isEmpty
of Stem class, isEmpty
of Table class, isEmpty
isFile method
of File class, isFile
isGuarded method
of Method class, isGuarded
isHidden method
of File class, isHidden
isInstanceOf method
of Object class, isInstanceOf
isLeapYear method
of DateTime class, isLeapYear
isNull method
of Pointer class, isNull
isoDate method
of DateTime class, isoDate
isPrivate method
of Method class, isPrivate
isProtected method
of Method class, isProtected
isSubclassOf method
of Class class, isSubClassOf
item method
of StreamSupplier class, item
of Supplier class, item
items method
of Array class, items
of Collection class, items
of Directory class, items
of IdentityTable class, items
of List class, items
of Queue class, items
of Relation class, items
of Stem class, items
of Table class, items
ITERATE instruction
description, ITERATE
example, ITERATE


justification, text right, RIGHT function, RIGHT
justification, text right, RIGHT method, right


conflict with commands, Reserved Keywords
description, Keyword Instructions
mixed case, Keyword Instructions
reservation of, Reserved Keywords


as target of CALL, CALL
as target of SIGNAL, SIGNAL
description, Labels
duplicate, SIGNAL
search algorithm, SIGNAL
processor date and version, PARSE
processor execution, Open Object Rexx General Concepts
structure and syntax, Structure and General Syntax
Language (local) option of DATE function, DATE
languageDate method
of DateTime class, languageDate
last method
of Array class, last
of List class, last
of OrderedCollection class, last
of Queue class, last
lastItem method
of Array class, lastItem
of List class, lastItem
of OrderedCollection class, lastItem
of Queue class, lastItem
lastModified attribute
of File class, lastModified (Attribute)
LASTPOS function
description, LASTPOS (Last Position)
example, LASTPOS (Last Position)
lastPos method
of MutableBuffer class, lastPos
of String class, lastPos
leading whitespace removal with STRIP function, STRIP
whitespace removal with strip method, strip
adding with RIGHT function, RIGHT
adding with right method, right
removing with STRIP function, STRIP
removing with strip method, strip
LEAVE instruction
description, LEAVE
example, LEAVE
leaving your program, EXIT
LEFT function
description, LEFT
example, LEFT
left method
of String class, left
LENGTH function
description, LENGTH
example, LENGTH
length method
of File class, length
of MutableBuffer class, length
of String class, length
length positional pattern
positional patterns
length, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
less than operator (<), Comparison
less than or equal to operator (<=), Comparison
less than or greater than operator (<>), Comparison
LIBRARY subkeyword
in a REQUIRES directive, ::REQUIRES
License, Common Public, Common Public License Version 1.0
License, Open Object Rexx, Common Public License Version 1.0
LIFO (last-in, first-out) stacking, PUSH
line input and output, Input and Output Streams
line method
of RexxContext class, line
of StackFrame class, line
LINEIN function
description, LINEIN (Line Input)
example, LINEIN (Line Input)
lineIn method
of InputStream class, lineIn
of OutputStream class, lineIn
of RexxQueue class, lineIn
of Stream class, lineIn
LINEIN method
role in input and output, Input Streams
LINEIN option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
LINEIN subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
LINEOUT function
description, LINEOUT (Line Output)
example, LINEOUT (Line Output)
lineOut method
of InputStream class, lineOut
of OutputStream class, lineOut
of RexxQueue class, lineOut
of Stream class, lineOut
LINEOUT method
role in input and output, Output Streams
from a program retrieved with SOURCELINE, SOURCELINE
from stream, PARSE
LINES function
description, LINES (Lines Remaining)
example, LINES (Lines Remaining)
from stream, LINEIN (Line Input)
remaining in stream, LINES (Lines Remaining)
lines method
of InputStream class, lines
of OutputStream class, lines
of Stream class, lines
LINES method
role in input and output, Input Streams
List class, The List Class
list method
of File class, list
listFiles method
of File class, listFiles
listRoots method
of File class, listRoots (Class Method)
description, Literal Strings
implementation maximum, Literal Strings
patterns, Templates Containing String Patterns
LOAD keyword
load method
of Properties class, load (Class method), load
loadExternalMethod method
of Method class, loadExternalMethod (Class Method)
loadExternalRoutine method
of Routine class, loadExternalRoutine (Class method)
loadLibrary method
of Package class, loadLibrary
loadPackage method
of Package class, loadPackage
string in a MutableBuffer, pos
string in another string, pos, POS (Position)
word in another mutable buffer, word
word in another string, word, WORD
operations, Logical (Boolean)
logical bit operations
BITOR, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
BITXOR, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
logical NOT character, Operator Characters
logical OR operator, Operator Characters
longTime method
of DateTime class, longTime
LOOP instruction
description, LOOP
example, Using DO and LOOP
active, ITERATE
execution model, Conceptual Model of Loops
modification of, ITERATE
over collections, Repetitive Loops over Collections
repetitive, Repetitive Loops
termination of, LEAVE
LOSTDIGITS subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, Descriptive Strings
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
LOWER function
description, LOWER
lower method
of MutableBuffer class, lower
of String class, lower
LOWER subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Using UPPER, LOWER, and CASELESS
lowercase translation


makeArray method
of Array class, makeArray
of CircularQueue class, makeArray
of Collection class, makeArray
of Directory class, makeArray
of IdentityTable class, makeArray
of List class, makeArray
of MapCollection class, makeArray
of MutableBuffer class, makeArray
of Queue class, makeArray
of Relation class, makeArray
of RexxQueue class, makeArray
of Stem class, makeArray
of Stream class, makeArray
of String class, makeArray
of Table class, makeArray
makeDir method
of File class, makeDir
makeDirs method
of File class, makeDirs
makeString method
of Array class, makeString
of StackFrame class, makeString
of String class, makeString
Map Collection classes
Directory class, The Directory Class
IdentityTable class, The IdentityTable Class
Properties class, The Properties Class
Relation class, The Relation Class
Stem class, The Stem Class
Table class, The Table Class
MapCollection class, The MapCollection Class
match method
of MutableBuffer class, match
of RegularExpression class, match
of String class, match
matchChar method
of MutableBuffer class, matchChar
of String class, matchChar
MAX function
description, MAX (Maximum)
example, MAX (Maximum)
max method
of String class, max
maxDate method
of DateTime class, maxDate (Class Method)
Message class, The Message Class
message instructions, Message Instructions, Message Instructions
message sequence instructions, Message Instructions
MESSAGE subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD
message-send operator (~), How Objects Interact
messageName method
of Message class, messageName
messages, How Objects Interact
messages to objects
operator as message, Operators
~, using, Message Sequences
~~, using, Message Sequences
messages, error, Error Numbers and Messages
metaClass method
of Class class, metaClass
METACLASS subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
metaclasses, Metaclasses
%, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
&, Logical Methods
&&, Logical Methods
*, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
**, Arithmetic Methods
+, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
-, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
/, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
//, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
<, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<<, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<<=, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
<=, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
>, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
>=, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>>, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
>>=, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
abbrev method
of String class, abbrev
abs method
of String class, abs
absoluteFile method
of File class, absoluteFile
absolutePath method
of File class, absolutePath
activate method
of Class class, activate
addClass method
of Package class, addClass
addDays method
of DateTime class, addDays
of TimeSpan class, addDays
addHours method
of DateTime class, addHours
of TimeSpan class, addHours
addMicroseconds method
of DateTime class, addMicroseconds
of TimeSpan class, addMicroseconds
addMinutes method
of DateTime class, addMinutes
of TimeSpan class, addMinutes
addPackage method
of Package class, addPackage
addPublicClass method
of Package class, addPublicClass
addPublicRoutine method
of Package class, addPublicRoutine
addRoutine method
of Package class, addRoutine
addSeconds method
of DateTime class, addSeconds
of TimeSpan class, addSeconds
addWeeks method
of DateTime class, addWeeks
of TimeSpan class, addWeeks
addYears method
of DateTime class, addYears
allAt method
of Relation class, allAt
allIndex method
of Relation class, allIndex
allIndexes method
of Array class, allIndexes
of Collection class, allIndexes
of Directory class, allIndexes
of IdentityTable class, allIndexes
of List class, allIndexes
of Queue class, allIndexes
of Relation class, allIndexes
of Stem class, allIndexes
of Supplier class, allIndexes
of Table class, allIndexes
allItems method
of Array class, allItems
of Collection class, allItems
of Directory class, allItems
of IdentityTable class, allItems
of List class, allItems
of Queue class, allItems
of Relation class, allItems
of Stem class, allItems
of Supplier class, allItems
of Table class, allItems
append method
of Array class, append
of CircularQueue class, append
of List class, append
of MutableBuffer class, append
of OrderedCollection class, append
of Queue class, append
appendAll method
of OrderedCollection class, appendAll
args method
of RexxContext class, args
arguments method
of Message class, arguments
of StackFrame class, arguments
arithmetic methods
of DateTime class, Arithmetic Methods
of String class, Arithmetic Methods
of TimeSpan class, Arithmetic Methods
arrayIn method
of InputStream class, arrayIn
of Stream class, arrayIn
arrayOut method
of OutputStream class, arrayOut
of Stream class, arrayOut
at method
of Array class, at
of Collection class, at
of Directory class, at
of IdentityTable class, at
of List class, at
of Queue class, at
of Relation class, at
of Stem class, at
of Table class, at
available method
of StreamSupplier class, available
of Supplier class, available
b2x method
of String class, b2x
baseClass method
of Class class, baseClass
baseDate method
of DateTime class, baseDate
bitAnd method
of String class, bitAnd
bitOr method
of String class, bitOr
bitXor method
of String class, bitXor
c2d method
of String class, c2d
c2x method
of String class, c2x
call method
of Routine class, call
callWith method
of Routine class, callWith
cancel method
of Alarm class, cancel
canRead method
of File class, canRead
canWrite method
of File class, canWrite
caselessAbbrev method
of String class, caselessAbbrev
caselessChangeStr method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessChangeStr
of String class, caselessChangeStr
caselessCompareTo method
of String class, caselessCompareTo
caselessCountStr method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessCountStr
of String class, caselessCountStr
caselessEquals method
of String class, caselessEquals
caselessLastPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessLastPos
of String class, caselessLastPos
caselessMatch method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessMatch
of String class, caselessMatch
caselessMatchChar method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessMatchChar
of String class, caselessMatchChar
caselessPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessPos
of String class, caselessPos
ceiling method
of String class, ceiling
center method
of String class, center/centre
centre method
of String class, center/centre
changeStr method
of MutableBuffer class, changeStr
of String class, changeStr
charIn method
of InputStream class, charIn
of OutputStream class, charIn
of Stream class, charIn
charOut method
of InputStream class, charOut
of OutputStream class, charOut
of Stream class, charOut
chars method
of InputStream class, chars
of OutputStream class, chars
of Stream class, chars
civilTime method
of DateTime class, civilTime
class method
of Object class, class
classes method
of Package class, classes
close method
of InputStream class, close
of OutputStream class, close
of Stream class, close
command method
of Stream class, command
compare method
of CaselessColumnComparator class, compare
of CaselessComparator class, compare
of CaselessDescendingComparator class, compare
of ColumnComparator class, compare
of Comparator class, compare
of DescendingComparator class, compare
of InvertingComparator class, compare
of NumericComparator class, compare
of String class, caselessCompare, compare
compareTo method
of Comparable class, compareTo
of DateTime class, compareTo
of File class, compareTo
of String class, compareTo
of TimeSpan class, compareTo
comparison methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
completed method
of Message class, completed
concatenation methods
of Object class, Concatenation Methods
of String class, Concatenation Methods
condition method
of RexxContext class, condition
copies method
of String class, copies
copy method
of Object class, copy
countStr method
of MutableBuffer class, countStr
of String class, countStr
cr method
of String class, cr Class Method)
create method
of RexxQueue class, create (Class Method)
creation, ::METHOD
current method
of Monitor class, current
d2c method
of String class, d2c
d2x method
of String class, d2x
dataType method
of String class, dataType
date method
of DateTime class, date
day method
of DateTime class, day
dayMicroseconds method
of DateTime class, dayMicroseconds
dayMinutes method
of DateTime class, dayMinutes
dayName method
of DateTime class, dayName
days method
of TimeSpan class, days
daySeconds method
of DateTime class, daySeconds
daysInMonth method
of DateTime class, daysInMonth
daysInYear method
of DateTime class, daysInYear
decodeBase64 method
of String class, decodeBase64
defaultName method
of Class class, defaultName
of Object class, defaultName
define method
of Class class, define
definedMethods method
of Package class, definedMethods
definition, Methods
delete class method
of RexxQueue class, delete (Class Method)
delete method
of Array class, delete
of Class class, delete
of File class, delete
of List class, delete
of MutableBuffer class, delete
of OrderedCollection class, delete
of Queue class, delete
of RexxQueue class, delete
delStr method
of String class, delStr
delstr method
of MutableBuffer class, delstr
delWord method
of MutableBuffer class, delWord
of String class, delWord
description method
of Stream class, description
destination method
of Monitor class, destination
difference method
of Bag class, difference
of Collection class, difference
of OrderedCollection class, difference
of Relation class, difference
digits method
of Package class, digits
of RexxContext class, digits
dimension method
of Array class, dimension
dimensions method
of Array class, dimensions
disjoint method
of Collection class, disjoint
duration method
of TimeSpan class, duration
elapsed method
of DateTime class, elapsed
empty method
of Array class, empty
of Directory class, empty
of IdentityTable class, empty
of List class, empty
of Queue class, empty
of Relation class, empty
of RexxQueue class, empty
of Stem class, empty
of Table class, empty
encodeBase64 method
of String class, encodeBase64
enhanced method
of Class class, enhanced
entry method
of Directory class, entry
equals method
of String class, equals
equivalent method
of Collection class, equivalent
errorCondition method
of Message class, errorCondition
europeanDate method
of DateTime class, europeanDate
executable method
of RexxContext class, executable
of StackFrame class, executable
exists method
of File class, exists
of RexxQueue class, exists (Class Method)
fill method
of Array class, fill
findClass method
of Package class, findClass
findRoutine method
of Package class, findRoutine
first method
of Array class, first
of List class, first
of OrderedCollection class, first
of Queue class, first
firstItem method
of Array class, firstItem
of List class, firstItem
of OrderedCollection class, firstItem
of Queue class, firstItem
floor method
of String class, floor
flush method
of Stream class, flush
form method
of Package class, form
of RexxContext class, form
format method
of String class, format
fromBaseDate method
of DateTime class, fromBaseDate (Class Method)
fromCivilTime method
of DateTime class, fromCivilTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromCivilTime (Class Method)
fromDays method
of TimeSpan class, fromDays (Class Method)
fromEuropeanDate method
of DateTime class, fromEuropeanDate (Class Method)
fromHours method
of TimeSpan class, fromHours (Class Method)
fromIsoDate method
of DateTime class, fromIsoDate (Class Method)
fromLongTime method
of DateTime class, fromLongTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromLongTime (Class Method)
fromMicroseconds method
of TimeSpan class, fromMicroseconds (Class Method)
fromMinutes method
of TimeSpan class, fromMinutes (Class Method)
fromNormalDate method
of DateTime class, fromNormalDate (Class Method)
fromNormalTime method
of DateTime class, fromNormalTime (Class Method)
of TimeSpan class, fromNormalTime (Class Method)
fromOrderedDate method
of DateTime class, fromOrderedDate (Class Method)
fromSeconds method
of TimeSpan class, fromSeconds (Class Method)
fromStandardDate method
of DateTime class, fromStandardDate (Class Method)
fromStringFormat method
of TimeSpan class, fromStringFormat (Class Method)
fromTicks method
of DateTime class, fromTicks (Class Method)
fromUsaDate method
of DateTime class, fromUsaDate (Class Method)
fromUTCIsoDate method
of DateTime class, fromUTCIsoDate (Class Method)
fullDate method
of DateTime class, fullDate
fuzz method
of Package class, fuzz
of RexxContext class, fuzz
get method
of RexxQueue class, get
of MutableBuffer class, getBufferSize
getLogical method
of Properties class, getLogical
getProperty method
of Properties class, getProperty
getWhole method
of Properties class, getWhole
hasEntry method
of Directory class, hasEntry
hasError method
of Message class, hasError
hashCode method
of DateTime class, hashCode
of File class, hashCode
of Object class, hashCode
of String class, hashCode
of TimeSpan class, hashCode
hasIndex method
of Array class, hasIndex
of Bag class, hasIndex
of Collection class, hasIndex
of Directory class, hasIndex
of IdentityTable class, hasIndex
of List class, hasIndex
of Queue class, hasIndex
of Relation class, hasIndex
of Stem class, hasIndex
of Table class, hasIndex
hasItem method
of Array class, hasItem
of Collection class, hasItem
of Directory class, hasItem
of IdentityTable class, hasItem
of List class, hasItem
of Queue class, hasItem
of Relation class, hasItem
of Set class, hasItem
of Stem class, hasItem
of Table class, hasItem
hasMethod method
of Object class, hasMethod
hours method
of DateTime class, hours
of TimeSpan class, hours
id method
of Class class, id
identityHash method
of Object class, identityHash
importedClasses method
of Package class, importedClasses
importedPackages method
of Package class, importedPackages
importedRoutines method
of Package class, importedRoutines
index method
of Array class, index
of Collection class, index
of Directory class, index
of IdentityTable class, index
of List class, index
of Queue class, index
of Relation class, index
of Stem class, index
of StreamSupplier class, index
of Supplier class, index
of Table class, index
inherit method
of Class class, inherit
init method
of Alarm class, init
of CaselessColumnComparator class, init
of CircularQueue class, init
of ColumnComparator class, init
of DateTime class, init
of File class, init
of InvertingComparator class, init
of Monitor class, init
of NumericComparator class, init
of Object class, init
of RegularExpression class, init
of RexxQueue class, init
of Stream class, init
of StreamSupplier class, init
of Supplier class, init
of TimeSpan class, init
insert method
of Array class, insert
of CircularQueue class, insert
of List class, insert
of MutableBuffer class, insert
of OrderedCollection class, insert
of Queue class, insert
of String class, insert
instanceMethod method
of Object class, instanceMethod
instanceMethods method
of Object class, instanceMethods
intersection method
of Bag class, intersection
of CircularQueue class, intersection
of Collection class, intersection
of OrderedCollection class, intersection
of Relation class, intersection
of Set class, intersection
isA method
of Object class, isA
isCaseSensitive method
of File class, isCaseSensitive (Class Method), isCaseSensitive
isDirectory method
of File class, isDirectory
isEmpty method
of Array class, isEmpty
of Directory class, isEmpty
of IdentityTable class, isEmpty
of List class, isEmpty
of Queue class, isEmpty
of Relation class, isEmpty
of Stem class, isEmpty
of Table class, isEmpty
isFile method
of File class, isFile
isGuarded method
of Method class, isGuarded
isHidden method
of File class, isHidden
isInstanceOf method
of Object class, isInstanceOf
isLeapYear method
of DateTime class, isLeapYear
isNull method
of Pointer class, isNull
isoDate method
of DateTime class, isoDate
isPrivate method
of Method class, isPrivate
isProtected method
of Method class, isProtected
isSubclassOf method
of Class class, isSubClassOf
item method
of StreamSupplier class, item
of Supplier class, item
items method
of Array class, items
of Collection class, items
of Directory class, items
of IdentityTable class, items
of List class, items
of Queue class, items
of Relation class, items
of Stem class, items
of Table class, items
languageDate method
of DateTime class, languageDate
last method
of Array class, last
of List class, last
of OrderedCollection class, last
of Queue class, last
lastItem method
of Array class, lastItem
of List class, lastItem
of OrderedCollection class, lastItem
of Queue class, lastItem
lastModified method
of File class, lastModified (Attribute)
lastPos method
of MutableBuffer class, lastPos
of String class, lastPos
left method
of String class, left
length method
of File class, length
of MutableBuffer class, length
of String class, length
line method
of RexxContext class, line
of StackFrame class, line
lineIn method
of InputStream class, lineIn
of OutputStream class, lineIn
of RexxQueue class, lineIn
of Stream class, lineIn
lineOut method
of InputStream class, lineOut
of OutputStream class, lineOut
of RexxQueue class, lineOut
of Stream class, lineOut
lines method
of InputStream class, lines
of OutputStream class, lines
of Stream class, lines
list method
of File class, list
listFiles method
of File class, listFiles
listRoots method
of File class, listRoots (Class Method)
load method
of Properties class, load (Class method), load
loadExternalMethod method
of Method class, loadExternalMethod (Class Method)
loadExternalRoutine method
of Routine class, loadExternalRoutine (Class method)
loadLibrary method
of Package class, loadLibrary
loadPackage method
of Package class, loadPackage
logical methods
of String class, Logical Methods
longTime method
of DateTime class, longTime
lower method
of MutableBuffer class, lower
of String class, lower
makeArray method
of Array class, makeArray
of CircularQueue class, makeArray
of Collection class, makeArray
of Directory class, makeArray
of IdentityTable class, makeArray
of List class, makeArray
of MapCollection class, makeArray
of MutableBuffer class, makeArray
of Queue class, makeArray
of Relation class, makeArray
of RexxQueue class, makeArray
of Stem class, makeArray
of Stream class, makeArray
of String class, makeArray
of Table class, makeArray
makeDir method
of File class, makeDir
makeDirs method
of File class, makeDirs
makeString method
of Array class, makeString
of StackFrame class, makeString
of String class, makeString
match method
of MutableBuffer class, match
of RegularExpression class, match
of String class, match
matchChar method
of MutableBuffer class, matchChar
of String class, matchChar
max method
of String class, max
maxDate method
of DateTime class, maxDate (Class Method)
messageName method
of Message class, messageName
metaClass method
of Class class, metaClass
method method
of Class class, method
methods method
of Class class, methods
microseconds method
of DateTime class, microseconds
of TimeSpan class, microseconds
min method
of String class, min
minDate method
of DateTime class, minDate (Class Method)
minutes method
of DateTime class, minutes
of TimeSpan class, minutes
mixinClass method
of Class class, mixinClass
month method
of DateTime class, month
monthName method
of DateTime class, monthName
name method
of File class, name
of Package class, name
of RexxContext class, name
of StackFrame class, name
new method
of Array class, new (Class Method)
of Buffer class, new (Class Method)
of Class class, new
of Directory class, new (Class Method)
of IdentityTable class, new (Class Method)
of List class, new (Class Method)
of Message class, new (Class Method)
of Method class, new (Class Method)
of MutableBuffer class, new
of Object class, new (Class Method)
of Package class, new (Class Method)
of Pointer class, new (Class Method)
of Properties class, new (Class method)
of Queue class, new (Class Method)
of Relation class, new (Class Method)
of Routine class, new (Class Method)
of Stem class, new (Class Method)
of Stream class, new (Inherited Class Method)
of String class, new (Class Method)
of Supplier class, new (Class Method)
of Table class, new (Class Method)
of WeakReference class, new (Class Method)
newFile method
of Method class, newFile (Class Method)
of Routine class, newFile (Class Method)
next method
of Array class, next
of List class, next
of OrderedCollection class, next
of Queue class, next
of StreamSupplier class, next
of Supplier class, next
nl method
of String class, nl (Class Method)
normalDate method
of DateTime class, normalDate
normalTime method
of DateTime class, normalTime
notify method
of Message class, notify
null method
of String class, null Class Method)
objectName method
of Object class, objectName
objectName= method
of Object class, objectName=
of method
of Array class, of (Class Method)
of Bag class, of (Class Method)
of CircularQueue class, of (Class Method)
of List class, of (Class Method)
of Queue class, of (Class Method)
of Set class, of (Class Method)
offset method
of DateTime class, offset
open method
of InputStream class, open
of OutputStream class, open
of RexxQueue class, open (Class Method)
of Stream class, open
orderedDate method
of DateTime class, orderedDate
overlay method
of MutableBuffer class, overlay
of String class, overlay
package method
of Method class, package
of RexxContext class, package
of Routine class, package
parent method
of File class, parent
parentFile method
of File class, parentFile
parse method
of RegularExpression class, parse
path method
of File class, path
pathSeparator method
of File class, pathSeparator (Class Method), pathSeparator
peek method
of Queue class, peek
pos method
of MutableBuffer class, pos
of RegularExpression class, pos
of String class, pos
position method
of InputStream class, position
of OutputStream class, position
of RegularExpression class, position
of Stream class, position
prefix +, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
prefix -, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods, Arithmetic Methods
previous method
of Array class, previous
of List class, previous
of OrderedCollection class, previous
of Queue class, previous
private, Public and Private Methods
public, Public and Private Methods
publicClasses method
of Package class, publicClasses
publicRoutines method
of Package class, publicRoutines
pull method
of Queue class, pull
of RexxQueue class, pull
push method
of CircularQueue class, push
of Queue class, push
of RexxQueue class, push
put method
of Array class, put
of Bag class, put
of Collection class, put
of Directory class, put
of IdentityTable class, put
of List class, put
of Properties class, put
of Queue class, put
of Relation class, put
of Set class, put
of Stem class, put
of Table class, put
putAll method
of Bag class, putAll
of MapCollection class, putAll
of Set class, putAll
qualify method
of Stream class, qualify
of Stream class, query
queryMixinClass method
of Class class, queryMixinClass
queue method
of CircularQueue class, queue
of Queue class, queue
of RexxQueue class, queue
queued method
of RexxQueue class, queued
remove method
of Array class, remove
of Directory class, remove
of IdentityTable class, remove
of List class, remove
of Queue class, remove
of Relation class, remove
of Stem class, remove
of Table class, remove
removeAll method
of Relation class, removeAll
removeItem method
of Array class, removeItem
of Directory class, removeItem
of IdentityTable class, removeItem
of List class, removeItem
of Queue class, removeItem
of Relation class, removeItem
of Stem class, removeItem
of Table class, removeItem
renameTo method
of File class, renameTo
replaceAt method
of MutableBuffer class, replaceAt
of String class, replaceAt
request method
of Object class, request
of Stem class, request
resize method
of CircularQueue class, resize
result method
of Message class, result
reverse method
of String class, reverse
right method
of String class, right
round method
of String class, round
routines method
of Package class, routines
rs method
of RexxContext class, rs
run method
of Object class, run
save method
of Properties class, save
say method
of RexxQueue class, say
of Stream class, say
scope, Scope
search order
changing, Default Search Order for Method Selection
seconds method
of DateTime class, seconds
of TimeSpan class, seconds
section method
of Array class, section
of CircularQueue class, section
of List class, section
of OrderedCollection class, section
of Queue class, section
seek method
of Stream class, seek
search order, Default Search Order for Method Selection
send method
of Message class, send
of Object class, send
sendWith method
of Object class, sendWith
separator method
of File class, separator (Class Method), separator
set method
of RexxQueue class, set
of MutableBuffer class, setBufferSize
setEntry method
of Directory class, setEntry
setGuarded method
of Method class, setGuarded
setLogical method
of Properties class, setLogical
setMethod method
of Directory class, setMethod
of Object class, setMethod
setPrivate method
of Method class, setPrivate
setProperty method
of Properties class, setProperty
setProtected method
of Method class, setProtected
setReadOnly method
of File class, setReadOnly
setSecurityManager method
of Method class, setSecurityManager
of Package class, setSecurityManager
of Routine class, setSecurityManager
setUnguarded method
of Method class, setUnguarded
setWhole method
of Properties class, setWhole
sign method
of String class, sign
of TimeSpan class, sign
size method
of Array class, size
of CircularQueue class, size
sort method
of Array class, sort
of OrderedCollection class, sort
sortWith method
of Array class, sortWith
of OrderedCollection class, sortWith
source method
of Method class, source
of Package class, source
of Routine class, source
sourceLine method
of Package class, sourceLine
sourceSize method
of Package class, sourceSize
space method
of MutableBuffer class, space
of String class, space
stableSort method
of Array class, stableSort
of OrderedCollection class, stableSort
stableSortWith method
of Array class, stableSortWith
of OrderedCollection class, stableSortWith
stackFrames method
of RexxContext class, stackFrames
standardDate method
of DateTime class, standardDate
start method
of Message class, start
of Object class, start
startWith method
of Object class, startWith
state method
of Stream class, state
string method
of CircularQueue class, string
of DateTime class, string
of File class, string
of MutableBuffer class, string
of Object class, string
of StackFrame class, string
of Stream class, string
of TimeSpan class, string
strip method
of String class, strip
subchar method
of String, subchar
subChar method
of MutableBuffer class, subChar
subclass method
of Class class, subclass
subclasses method
of Class class, subclasses
subset method
of Bag class, subset
of Collection class, subset
of OrderedCollection class, subset
of Relation class, subset
of Set class, subset
substr method
of MutableBuffer class, substr
of String class, substr
subWord method
of MutableBuffer class, subWord
of String class, subWord
subWords method
of MutableBuffer class, subWords
of String class, subWords
superClass method
of Class class, superClass
superClasses method
of Class class, superClasses
supplier method
of Array class, supplier
of CircularQueue class, supplier
of Collection class, supplier
of Directory class, supplier
of IdentityTable class, supplier
of List class, supplier
of Queue class, supplier
of Relation class, supplier
of Stem class, supplier
of Stream class, supplier
of Supplier class, supplier
of Table class, supplier
tab method
of String class, tab Class Method)
target method
of Message class, target
of StackFrame class, target
ticks method
of DateTime class, ticks
timeOfDay method
of DateTime class, timeOfDay
today method
of DateTime class, today (Class Method)
toDirectory method
of Stem class, toDirectory
toLocalTime method
of DateTime class, toLocalTime
toString method
of Array class, toString
totalDays method
of TimeSpan class, totalDays
totalHours method
of TimeSpan class, totalHours
totalMicroseconds method
of TimeSpan class, totalMicroseconds
totalMinutes method
of TimeSpan class, totalMinutes
totalSeconds method
of TimeSpan class, totalSeconds
toTimeZone method
of DateTime class, toTimeZone
toUtcTime method
of DateTime class, toUtcTime
trace method
of Package class, trace
traceLine method
of StackFrame class, traceLine
translate method
of MutableBuffer class, translate
of String class, translate
trunc method
of String class, trunc
type method
of StackFrame class, type
uninherit method
of Class class, uninherit
uninit method
of Stream class, uninit
union method
of Bag class, union
of CircularQueue class, union
of Collection class, union
of OrderedCollection class, union
of Relation class, union
of Set class, union
uniqueIndexes method
of Relation class, uniqueIndexes
unknown method
of Directory class, unknown
of Monitor class, unknown
of Stem class, unknown
unsetMethod method
of Directory class, unsetMethod
of Object class, unsetMethod
upper method
of MutableBuffer class, upper
of String class, upper
usaDate method
of DateTime class, usaDate
utcDate method
of DateTime class, utcDate
utcIsoDate method
of DateTime class, utcIsoDate
value method
of WeakReference class, value
variables method
of RexxContext class, variables
verify method
of MutableBuffer class, verify
of String class, verify
weekDay method
of DateTime class, weekDay
word method
of MutableBuffer class, word
of String class, word
wordIndex method
of MutableBuffer class, wordIndex
of String class, wordIndex
wordLength method
of MutableBuffer class, wordLength
of String class, wordLength
wordPos method
of MutableBuffer class, caselessWordPos, wordPos
of String class, caselessWordPos, wordPos
words method
of MutableBuffer class, words
of String class, words
x2b method
of String class, x2b
x2c method
of String class, x2c
x2d method
of String class, x2d
xor method
of Bag class, xor
of CircularQueue class, xor
of Collection class, xor
of Directory class, xor
of OrderedCollection class, xor
of Relation class, xor
of Set class, xor
year method
of DateTime class, year
yearDay method
of DateTime class, yearDay
[] method
of Array class, []
of Collection class, []
of Directory class, []
of IdentityTable class, []
of List class, []
of Queue class, []
of Relation class, []
of Stem class, []
of Table class, []
[]= method
of Array class, []=
of Bag class, []=
of Collection class, []=
of Directory class, []=
of IdentityTable class, []=
of List class, []=
of Properties class, []=
of Queue class, []=
of Relation class, []=
of Set class, []=
of Stem class, []=
of Table class, []=
\, Logical Methods
\<, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
\<<, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
of Object class, Operator Methods
of Orderable class, Comparison Methods
of Pointer class, Operator Methods
of String class, Comparison Methods
\>, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
\>>, Comparison Methods, Comparison Methods
|, Logical Methods
||, Concatenation Methods, Concatenation Methods
Method class, The Method Class
method method
of Class class, method
methods method
of Class class, methods
microseconds method
of DateTime class, microseconds
of TimeSpan class, microseconds
MIN function
description, MIN (Minimum)
example, MIN (Minimum)
min method
of String class, min
minDate method
of DateTime class, minDate (Class Method)
minutes calculated from midnight, TIME
minutes method
of DateTime class, minutes
of TimeSpan class, minutes
mixin classes, Mixin Classes
mixinClass method
of Class class, mixinClass
MIXINCLASS subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
model of input and output, The Input and Output Model
modularizing data, Modularizing Data
monitor, Monitors (Bounded Buffer)
Monitor class, The Monitor Class
month method
of DateTime class, month
Month option of DATE function, DATE
monthName method
of DateTime class, monthName
multiple inheritance, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
multiplication operator, Arithmetic
MutableBuffer class, The MutableBuffer Class


name method
of File class, name
of Package class, name
of RexxContext class, name
of StackFrame class, name
NAME subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
name, definition, ADDRESS
of functions, Syntax
of programs, PARSE
of subroutines, CALL
of variables, Symbols
of logical values, Logical (Boolean)
new method
of Array class, new (Class Method)
of Buffer class, new (Class Method)
of Class class, new
of Directory class, new (Class Method)
of IdentityTable class, new (Class Method)
of List class, new (Class Method)
of Message class, new (Class Method)
of Method class, new (Class Method)
of MutableBuffer class, new
of Object class, new (Class Method)
of Package class, new (Class Method)
of Pointer class, new (Class Method)
of Properties class, new (Class method)
of Queue class, new (Class Method)
of Relation class, new (Class Method)
of Routine class, new (Class Method)
of Stem class, new (Class Method)
of Stream class, new (Inherited Class Method)
of String class, new (Class Method)
of Supplier class, new (Class Method)
of Table class, new (Class Method)
of WeakReference class, new (Class Method)
newFile method
of Method class, newFile (Class Method)
of Routine class, newFile (Class Method)
next method
of Array class, next
of List class, next
of OrderedCollection class, next
of Queue class, next
of StreamSupplier class, next
of Supplier class, next
nibbles, Binary Strings
nl method
of String class, nl (Class Method)
NOMETHOD subkeyword
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
NOP instruction
description, NOP
example, NOP
Normal option of DATE function, DATE
normalDate method
of DateTime class, normalDate
normalTime method
of DateTime class, normalTime
NOSTRING subkeyword
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
not equal operator, Comparison
not greater than operator, Comparison
not less than operator, Comparison
NOT operator, Operator Characters, Logical (Boolean)
engineering, Exponential Notation
exponential, example, Exponential Notation
scientific, Exponential Notation
Notices, Notices
notify method
of Message class, notify
NOTREADY condition
condition trapping, Errors during Input and Output
raised by stream errors, Errors during Input and Output
NOTREADY subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Descriptive Strings
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
NOVALUE condition
not raised by VALUE function, VALUE
use of, Reserved Keywords
NOVALUE subkeyword
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
clauses, Null Clauses
strings, Literal Strings
null method
of String class, null Class Method)
arithmetic on, Arithmetic, Numbers and Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
checking with dataType, dataType
checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
comparison of, Comparison, Numeric Comparisons
description, Numbers, Numbers and Arithmetic
formatting for display, format, FORMAT
implementation maximum, Numbers
in DO instruction, DO
in LOOP instruction, LOOP
truncating, trunc, TRUNC (Truncate)
use in the language, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
numbers for display, format, FORMAT
comparisons, example, Numeric Comparisons
options in TRACE, Numeric Options
NUMERIC instruction
description, NUMERIC
FORM option, NUMERIC, Exponential Notation
settings saved during subroutine calls, CALL
NumericComparator class, The NumericComparator Class


object, Terms, Expressions, and Operators
as data value, Terms and Expressions
definition, Modeling Objects
kinds of, Modeling Objects
Object class, The Object Class
object classes, Classes and Instances, Object Classes
object method, Objects and Classes
object variable pool, EXPOSE, Default Concurrency
object-based concurrency, Concurrency
object-oriented programming, What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
objectName method
of Object class, objectName
objectName= method
of Object class, objectName=
of method
of Array class, of (Class Method)
of Bag class, of (Class Method)
of CircularQueue class, of (Class Method)
of List class, of (Class Method)
of Queue class, of (Class Method)
of Set class, of (Class Method)
OFF subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
in an GUARD instruction, GUARD
offset method
of DateTime class, offset
ON subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
in an GUARD instruction, GUARD
ooRexx License, Common Public License Version 1.0
open method
of InputStream class, open
of OutputStream class, open
of RexxQueue class, open (Class Method)
of Stream class, open
Open Object Rexx License, Common Public License Version 1.0
tracing results, TRACE
description, Operators, Numbers and Arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
list, Arithmetic
as message, Operators
as special characters, Operator Characters
characters, Operator Characters
comparison, Arithmetic, Numeric Comparisons
concatenation, String Concatenation
examples, Exponential Notation
logical, Logical (Boolean)
precedence (priorities) of, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
alphabetical character word options, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
numeric in TRACE, Numeric Options
OPTIONS instruction
description, OPTIONS
OR, logical, Logical (Boolean)
Orderable class, The Orderable Class
Ordered collection classes
Array class, The Array Class
CircularQueue class, The CircularQueue Class
List class, The List Class
Queue class, The Queue Class
Ordered option of DATE function, DATE
OrderedCollection class, The OrderedCollection Class
orderedDate method
of DateTime class, orderedDate
ORing character together, bitOr, BITOR (Bit by Bit OR)
as free standing clause, Keyword Instructions
OTHERWISE subkeyword
in a SELECT instruction, SELECT
errors during, Errors during Input and Output
object, The Output Monitor (.OUTPUT)
to the user, Input and Output Streams
OutputStream class, The OutputStream Class
OVER subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Repetitive Loops over Collections
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Repetitive Loops over Collections
overflow, arithmetic, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
OVERLAY function
description, OVERLAY
example, OVERLAY
overlay method
of MutableBuffer class, overlay
of String class, overlay
overlaying a string onto another, overlay, OVERLAY
overview of parsing, Conceptual Overview of Parsing


Package class, The Package Class
package method
of Method class, package
of RexxContext class, package
of Routine class, package
packing a string with X2C, x2c, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
pad character, definition, Built-in Functions
page, code, Characters
parent method
of File class, parent
parentFile method
of File class, parentFile
adjacent to whitespace, Special Characters
in expressions, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
in function calls, Syntax
in parsing templates, Parsing with Variable Patterns
PARSE instruction
description, PARSE
example, PARSE
role in input and output, Input Streams
parse method
of RegularExpression class, parse
role in input and output, Input Streams
parsing, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
advanced topics, Advanced Topics in Parsing
combining patterns and parsing into words
string, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
combining string and positional patterns, Combining String and Positional Patterns
conceptual overview, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
description, Parsing, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
equal sign, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
combining positional patterns with parsing into words, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
combining string and positional patterns, Combining String and Positional Patterns
combining string pattern and parsing into words, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
parsing instructions, Parsing Instructions Examples
parsing multiple strings in a subroutine, Parsing Several Strings
period as a placeholder, The Period as a Placeholder
simple template, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
templates containing positional patterns, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
templates containing string patterns, Templates Containing String Patterns
using a variable as a string pattern, Parsing with Variable Patterns
using an expression as a positional pattern, Parsing with Variable Patterns
into words, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
positional, Parsing, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
string, Parsing, Templates Containing String Patterns
word parsing, conceptual overview, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
period as placeholder, The Period as a Placeholder
positional patterns, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
absolute, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
variable, Parsing with Variable Patterns
selecting words, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
several assignments, Parsing with Variable Patterns
several strings, Parsing Several Strings
source string, Parsing
special case, Combining String and Positional Patterns
steps, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
string patterns, Parsing
literal string patterns, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
variable string patterns, Parsing with Variable Patterns
summary of instructions, Parsing Instructions Summary
in ARG instruction, ARG
in PARSE instruction, PARSE
in PULL instruction, PULL
treatment of blanks, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
treatment of whitespace, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
variable patterns
string, Parsing with Variable Patterns
word parsing
conceptual overview, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
description and examples, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
path method
of File class, path
pathSeparator method
of File class, pathSeparator (Class Method), pathSeparator
patterns in parsing
combined with parsing into words, Combining Patterns and Parsing into Words
conceptual overview, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
positional, Parsing, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
string, Parsing, Templates Containing String Patterns
peek method
of Queue class, peek
as placeholder in parsing, The Period as a Placeholder
causing substitution in variable names, Compound Symbols
in numbers, Numbers and Arithmetic
permanent command destination change, ADDRESS
persistent input and output, Input and Output Streams
Pointer class, The Pointer Class
polymorphism, Polymorphism
POS function
description, POS (Position)
example, POS (Position)
pos method
of MutableBuffer class, pos
of RegularExpression class, pos
of String class, pos
last occurrence of a string, lastPos, lastPos, LASTPOS (Last Position)
position method
of InputStream class, position
of OutputStream class, position
of RegularExpression class, position
of Stream class, position
positional patterns
absolute, Templates Containing String Patterns
description, Parsing
length, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
relative, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
variable, Parsing with Variable Patterns
power operator, Arithmetic
powers of ten in numbers, Numbers
precedence of operators, Parentheses and Operator Precedence
prefix + method, Concatenation Methods
prefix + operator, Arithmetic
prefix - method, Concatenation Methods
prefix - operator, Arithmetic
prefix \ operator, Comparison
presumed command destinations, ADDRESS
previous method
of Array class, previous
of List class, previous
of OrderedCollection class, previous
of Queue class, previous
private method, Public and Private Methods
PRIVATE subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in a ROUTINE directive, ::ROUTINE
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
PROCEDURE instruction
description, PROCEDURE
example, PROCEDURE
programming restrictions, Open Object Rexx General Concepts
arguments to, ARG
examples, Examples of Input and Output
retrieving lines with SOURCELINE, SOURCELINE
retrieving name of, PARSE
programs without source, Distributing Programs without Source
PROPAGATE subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
Properties class, The Properties Class
PROTECTED subkeyword
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
protecting variables, PROCEDURE
pseudo random number RANDOM function, RANDOM
public method, Public and Private Methods
public object
.CONTEXT object, The Rexx Context (.CONTEXT)
.DEBUGINPUT object, The Debug Input Monitor (.DEBUGINPUT)
.ERROR object, The Error Monitor (.ERROR)
.FALSE object, The FALSE Constant (.FALSE)
.INPUT object, The Input Monitor (.INPUT)
.LINE object, The Line Number (.LINE)
.LOCAL object, The Local Directory (.LOCAL)
.METHODS object, The METHODS Directory (.METHODS)
.Nil object, The NIL Object (.NIL)
.OUTPUT object, The Output Monitor (.OUTPUT)
.ROUTINES object, The ROUTINES Directory (.ROUTINES)
.RS object, The Return Status (.RS)
.STDERR object, The STDERR Stream (.STDERR)
.STDIN object, The STDIN Stream (.STDIN)
.STDOUT object, The STDOUT Stream (.STDOUT)
.STDQUE object, The STDQUE Queue (.STDQUE)
.TRACEOUPUT object, The Trace Output Monitor (.TRACEOUTPUT)
.TRUE object, The TRUE Constant (.TRUE)
PUBLIC subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in a ROUTINE directive, ::ROUTINE
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
publicClasses method
of Package class, publicClasses
publicRoutines method
of Package class, publicRoutines
PULL instruction
description, PULL
example, PULL
pull method
of Queue class, pull
of RexxQueue class, pull
PULL method
role in input and output, Input Streams
PULL option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
PULL subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
in an PARSE instruction, PULL
PUSH instruction
description, PUSH
example, PUSH
push method
of CircularQueue class, push
of Queue class, push
of RexxQueue class, push
put method
of Array class, put
of Bag class, put
of Collection class, put
of Directory class, put
of IdentityTable class, put
of List class, put
of Properties class, put
of Queue class, put
of Relation class, put
of Set class, put
of Stem class, put
of Table class, put
putAll method
of Bag class, putAll
of MapCollection class, putAll
of Set class, putAll, subset


QUALIFY function
description, QUALIFY
qualify method
of Stream class, qualify
query external function, RXFUNCQUERY
QUERY keyword
query method
of Stream class, query
queryMixinClass method
of Class class, queryMixinClass
creating and deleting queues, RXQUEUE
named, Named Queues
naming and querying, RXQUEUE
session, External Data Queue
unnamed, Unnamed Queues
Queue class, The Queue Class
QUEUE instruction
description, QUEUE
example, QUEUE
role in input and output, Named Queues
Queue interface from Rexx programs, RXQUEUE
queue method
of CircularQueue class, queue
of Queue class, queue
of RexxQueue class, queue
QUEUED function
description, QUEUED
example, QUEUED
role in input and output, Named Queues
queued method
of RexxQueue class, queued


RAISE instruction
description, RAISE
example, RAISE
RANDOM function
description, RANDOM
example, RANDOM
random number RANDOM function, RANDOM
RC (return code)
not set during interactive debug, Interactive Debugging of Programs
set by commands, Commands
special variable, Condition Objects, Special Variables
RC special variable
description, Special Variables
read position in a stream, Input Streams
recursive call, CALL, Functions and Subroutines
register external functions, RXFUNCADD
REGISTER keyword
RegularExpression class, The RegularExpression Class
Relation class, The Relation Class
relative positional pattern
positional patterns
relative, Templates Containing Positional (Numeric) Patterns
description>, Remainder
remainder operator, Arithmetic
remove method
of Array class, remove
of Directory class, remove
of IdentityTable class, remove
of List class, remove
of Queue class, remove
of Relation class, remove
of Stem class, remove
of Table class, remove
removeAll method
of Relation class, removeAll
removeItem method
of Array class, removeItem
of Directory class, removeItem
of IdentityTable class, removeItem
of List class, removeItem
of Queue class, removeItem
of Relation class, removeItem
of Stem class, removeItem
of Table class, removeItem
renameTo method
of File class, renameTo
reordering data, translate, translate, TRANSLATE
repeating s string with copies, copies
repeating s string with COPIES, COPIES
repetitive loops
altering flow, LEAVE
controlled repetitive loops, Controlled Repetitive Loops
exiting, LEAVE
simple DO group, Simple DO Group
replaceAt method
of MutableBuffer class, replaceAt
of String class, replaceAt
replacing characters within a string, replaceAt, replaceAt
REPLY instruction
description, REPLY
example, REPLY
request method
of Object class, request
of Stem class, request
reservation of keywords, Reserved Keywords
resize method
of CircularQueue class, resize
embedded in numbers, Numbers
first character of variable name, Assignments and Symbols
in programming, Open Object Rexx General Concepts
result method
of Message class, result
RESULT special variable
description, Special Variables
return value from a routine, Return Values
set by RETURN instruction, CALL, RETURN
argument strings with ARG, ARG
arguments with ARG function, ARG (Argument)
as set by commands, Commands
setting on exit, EXIT
setting on exit, EXIT
RETURN instruction
description, RETURN
RETURN subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
returning control from Rexx program, RETURN
REVERSE function
description, REVERSE
example, REVERSE
reverse method
of String class, reverse
RexxContext class, The RexxContext Class
RexxQueue class, The RexxQueue Class
rexxutil functions, List of Rexx Utility Functions
RxMessageBox, RxMessageBox (Windows only)
example, RxMessageBox (Windows only)
RxWinExec, RxWinExec (Windows only)
SysAddRexxMacro, SysAddRexxMacro
SysBootDrive, SysBootDrive (Windows only)
SysClearRexxMacroSpace, SysClearRexxMacroSpace
SysCloseEventSem, SysCloseEventSem
SysCloseMutexSem, SysCloseMutexSem
SysCls, SysCls
SysCreateEventSem, SysCreateEventSem
SysCreateMutexSem, SysCreateMutexSem
SysCreatePipe, SysCreatePipe (Unix only)
SysCurPos, SysCurPos (Windows only)
example, SysCurPos (Windows only)
SysCurState, SysCurState (Windows only)
SysDriveInfo, SysDriveInfo (Windows only)
example, SysDriveInfo (Windows only)
SysDriveMap, SysDriveMap (Windows only)
example, SysDriveMap (Windows only)
SysDropFuncs, SysDropFuncs
SysDropRexxMacro, SysDropRexxMacro
SysDumpVariables, SysDumpVariables
example, SysDumpVariables
SysFileCopy, SysFileCopy
example, SysFileCopy
SysFileDelete, SysFileDelete
example, SysFileDelete
SysFileExists, SysFileExists
SysFileMove, SysFileMove (Windows only)
example, SysFileMove (Windows only)
SysFileSearch, SysFileSearch
example, SysFileSearch
SysFileSystemType, SysFileSystemType (Windows only)
example, SysFileSystemType (Windows only)
SysFileTree, SysFileTree
example, SysFileTree
SysFork, SysFork (Unix only)
SysFromUnicode, SysFromUnicode (Windows only)
SysGetErrortext, SysGetErrortext
example, SysGetErrortext
SysGetFileDateTime, SysGetFileDateTime
example, SysGetFileDateTime
SysGetKey, SysGetKey
SysGetMessage, SysGetMessage (Unix only)
example, SysGetMessage (Unix only)
SysGetMessageX, SysGetMessageX (Unix only)
example, SysGetMessageX (Unix only)
SysIni, SysIni (Windows only)
example, SysIni (Windows only)
SysIsFile, SysIsFile
SysIsFileCompressed, SysIsFileCompressed (Windows only)
SysIsFileDirectory, SysIsFileDirectory
SysIsFileEncrypted, SysIsFileEncrypted (Windows only)
SysIsFileLink, SysIsFileLink
SysIsFileNotContentIndexed, SysIsFileNotContentIndexed (Windows only)
SysIsFileOffline, SysIsFileOffline (Windows only)
SysIsFileSparse, SysIsFileSparse (Windows only)
SysIsFileTemporary, SysIsFileTemporary (Windows only)
SysLinVer, SysLinVer (Linux Only)
SysLoadFuncs, SysLoadFuncs
SysLoadRexxMacroSpace, SysLoadRexxMacroSpace
SysMkDir, SysMkDir
example, SysMkDir
SysOpenEventSem, SysOpenEventSem
SysOpenMutexSem, SysOpenMutexSem
SysPostEventSem, SysPostEventSem
SysPulseEventSem, SysPulseEventSem (Windows only)
SysQueryProcess, SysQueryProcess
SysQueryRexxMacro, SysQueryRexxMacro
SysReleaseMutexSem, SysReleaseMutexSem
SysReorderRexxMacro, SysReorderRexxMacro
SysRequestMutexSem, SysRequestMutexSem
SysResetEventSem, SysResetEventSem
SysRmDir, SysRmDir
example, SysRmDir
SysSaveRexxMacroSpace, SysSaveRexxMacroSpace
SysSearchPath, SysSearchPath
example, SysSearchPath
SysSetFileDateTime, SysSetFileDateTime
example, SysSetFileDateTime
SysSetPriority, SysSetPriority
SysShutdownSystem, SysShutdownSystem (Windows only)
SysSleep, SysSleep
example, SysSleep
SysStemCopy, SysStemCopy
example, SysStemCopy
SysStemDelete, SysStemDelete
example, SysStemDelete
SysStemInsert, SysStemInsert
SysStemSort, SysStemSort
example, SysStemSort
SysSwitchSession, SysSwitchSession (Windows only)
SysSystemDirectory, SysSystemDirectory (Windows only)
SysTempFileName, SysTempFileName
example, SysTempFileName
SysTextScreenRead, SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)
example, SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)
SysTextScreenSize, SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)
example, SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)
SysToUnicode, SysToUnicode (Windows only)
SysUtilVersion, SysUtilVersion
SysVersion, SysVersion
SysVolumeLabel, SysVolumeLabel (Windows only)
SysWait, SysWait (Unix only)
SysWaitEventSem, SysWaitEventSem
SysWaitNamedPipe, SysWaitNamedPipe (Windows only)
SysWinDecryptFile, SysWinDecryptFile (Windows only)
SysWinEncryptFile, SysWinEncryptFile (Windows only)
SysWinGetDefaultPrinter, SysWinGetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinGetPrinters, SysWinGetPrinters (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinSetDefaultPrinter, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinVer, SysWinVer (Windows only)
RIGHT function
description, RIGHT
example, RIGHT
right method
of String class, right
round method
of String class, round
using a character string as a number, Numbers
Routine class, The Routine Class
routines method
of Package class, routines
rs method
of RexxContext class, rs
run method
of Object class, run
running off the end of a program, RETURN
RXFUNCADD function
description, RXFUNCADD
example, RXFUNCADD
description, RXFUNCDROP
description, RXFUNCQUERY
example, RXQUEUE
RxMessageBox, RxMessageBox (Windows only)
example, RxMessageBox (Windows only)
RXQUEUE filter, The RXQUEUE Filter
RXQUEUE function
description, RXQUEUE
RXSUBCOM command, The RXSUBCOM Command
RXTRACE environment variable, RXTRACE Variable
RxWinExec, RxWinExec (Windows only)


save method
of Properties class, save
SAY instruction
description, SAY
displaying data, SAY
example, SAY
role in output, Output Streams
say method
of RexxQueue class, say
of Stream class, say
scientific notation, Exponential Notation
SCIENTIFIC subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC
alternating exclusive access, GUARD ON and GUARD OFF
description, Scope
search order
external functions, Search Order
for functions, Search Order
for methods
changing, Changing the Search Order for Methods
default, Default Search Order for Method Selection
for subroutines, CALL
seconds calculated from midnight, TIME
seconds method
of DateTime class, seconds
of TimeSpan class, seconds
section method
of Array class, section
of CircularQueue class, section
of List class, section
of OrderedCollection class, section
of Queue class, section
Security Manager, The Security Manager
calls to, Calls to the Security Manager
seek method
of Stream class, seek
SELECT instruction
description, SELECT
example, SELECT
selecting a default with ABBREV function, ABBREV (Abbreviation)
selecting a default with abbrev method, abbrev
selecting a default with caselessAbbrev method, caselessAbbrev
SELF special variable
description, Special Variables
semaphore, Semaphores
implied, Implied Semicolons
omission of, Keyword Instructions
within a clause, Structure and General Syntax
send method
of Message class, send
of Object class, send
sendWith method
of Object class, sendWith
separator method
of File class, separator (Class Method), separator
sequence, collating using XRANGE, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
serial input and output, Input and Output Streams
Set class, The Set Class
Set Collection classes
Bag class, The Bag Class
Set class, The Set Class
set method
of RexxQueue class, set
SET subkeyword
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
set-operator methods, The Concept of Set Operations
setBufferSize method
of MutableBuffer class, setBufferSize
SetCollection class, The SetCollection Class
setEntry method
of Directory class, setEntry
setGuarded method
of Method class, setGuarded
SETLOCAL function
description, SETLOCAL (Linux only)
example, SETLOCAL (Linux only)
setLogical method
of Properties class, setLogical
setMethod method
of Directory class, setMethod
of Object class, setMethod
setPrivate method
of Method class, setPrivate
setProperty method
of Properties class, setProperty
setProtected method
of Method class, setProtected
setReadOnly method
of File class, setReadOnly
setSecurityManager method
of Method class, setSecurityManager
of Package class, setSecurityManager
of Routine class, setSecurityManager
setUnguarded method
of Method class, setUnguarded
setWhole method
of Properties class, setWhole
shared library (RexxUtil), Rexx Utilities (RexxUtil)
in CALL instruction, CALL
in condition trapping, The Special Variable SIGL
in SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
SIGL special variable
description, Special Variables
SIGN function
description, SIGN
example, SIGN
sign method
of String class, sign
of TimeSpan class, sign
SIGNAL instruction
description, SIGNAL
example, SIGNAL
execution of in subroutines, CALL
significant digits in arithmetic, Precision
repetitive loops, Repetitive Loops
symbols, Simple Symbols
size method
of Array class, size
of CircularQueue class, size
sort method
of Array class, sort
of OrderedCollection class, sort
sortWith method
of Array class, sortWith
of OrderedCollection class, sortWith
of program and retrieval of information, PARSE
string, Parsing
source method
of Method class, source
of Package class, source
of Routine class, source
SOURCE option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
SOURCE subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
sourceless programs, Distributing Programs without Source
description, SOURCELINE
sourceLine method
of Package class, sourceLine
sourceSize method
of Package class, sourceSize
SPACE function
description, SPACE
example, SPACE
space method
of MutableBuffer class, space
of String class, space
spacing, formatting, SPACE function, SPACE
spacing, formatting, space method, space, space
characters and example, Special Characters
parsing case, Combining String and Positional Patterns
RC, Special Variables
RESULT, CALL, RETURN, Return Values, Special Variables
SELF, Special Variables
SIGL, CALL, Special Variables
SUPER, Special Variables
RC, Commands, The Special Variable RC, Special Variables
RESULT, RETURN, Return Values, Special Variables
SELF, Special Variables
SIGL, The Special Variable SIGL, Special Variables
SUPER, Special Variables
stableSort method
of Array class, stableSort
of OrderedCollection class, stableSort
stableSortWith method
of Array class, stableSortWith
of OrderedCollection class, stableSortWith
StackFrame class, The StackFrame Class
stackFrames method
of RexxContext class, stackFrames
standard input and output, Default Stream Names
Standard option of DATE function, DATE
standardDate method
of DateTime class, standardDate
start method
of Message class, start
of Object class, start
startWith method
of Object class, startWith
state method
of Stream class, state
State method, Errors during Input and Output
Stem class, The Stem Class
stem of a variable
assignment to, Stems
description, Compound Symbols
used in DROP instruction, DROP
used in PROCEDURE instruction, PROCEDURE
steps in parsing, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
stream, Input and Output Streams
character positioning, Line versus Character Positioning
function overview, Implementation
line positioning, Line versus Character Positioning
Stream class, The Stream Class
stream errors, Errors during Input and Output
STREAM function
command options, Stream Commands
command strings, Command Strings
description, STREAM
example, Command Strings
options, Command Strings
query options, QUERY Stream Commands
write options, Command Strings
StreamSupplier class, The StreamSupplier Class
strict comparison, Comparison
STRICT subkeyword
in a USE instruction, USE
strictly equal operator, Comparison
strictly greater than operator, Comparison
strictly greater than or equal operator, Comparison
strictly less than operator, Comparison
strictly not equal operator, Comparison
strictly not greater than operator, Comparison
strictly not less than operator, Comparison
as literal constant, Literal Strings
as name of function, Literal Strings
as name of subroutine, CALL
binary specification of, Binary Strings
centering using center function, center/centre
centering using CENTER method, CENTER (or CENTRE)
centering using centre function, center/centre
centering using CENTRE method, CENTER (or CENTRE)
comparison of, Comparison
concatenation of, String Concatenation
copying using copies, copies
copying using COPIES, COPIES
decodeBase64 method, decodeBase64
deleting part, DELSTR function, DELSTR (Delete String)
deleting part, delStr method, delStr
description, Literal Strings
encodeBase64 method, encodeBase64
extracting using SUBSTR function, SUBSTR (Substring)
extracting using substr method, substr
extracting words with SUBWORD, SUBWORD
from stream, CHARIN (Character Input)
hexidecimal specification of, Hexadecimal Strings
interpretation of, INTERPRET
lowercasing using LOWER function, LOWER
null, Literal Strings
description, Parsing
literal, Templates Containing String Patterns
variable, Parsing with Variable Patterns
quotations marks in, Literal Strings
reapting using COPIES, COPIES
repeating using copies, copies
uppercasing using UPPER function, UPPER
verifying contents of, verify, verify, VERIFY
String class, The String Class
string method
of CircularQueue class, string
of daysInMonth class, string, string
of File class, string
of MutableBuffer class, string
of Object class, string
of StackFrame class, string
of Stream class, string
STRIP function
description, STRIP
example, STRIP
strip method
of String class, strip
structure and syntax, Structure and General Syntax
subchar method
of String class, subchar
subChar method
of MutableBuffer class, subChar
subclass method
of Class class, subclass
SUBCLASS subkeyword
in a CLASS directive, ::CLASS
subclasses, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
subclasses method
of Class class, subclasses
subexpression, Terms and Expressions
subkeyword, Keyword Instructions
calling of, CALL
definition, Functions
forcing built-in or external reference, CALL
naming of, CALL
passing back values from, RETURN
return from, RETURN
use of labels, CALL
variables in, PROCEDURE
subset method
of Bag class, subset
of Collection class, subset
of OrderedCollection class, subset
of Relation class, subset
subsidiary list, DROP, EXPOSE, PROCEDURE
in variable names, Compound Symbols
SUBSTR function
description, SUBSTR (Substring)
example, SUBSTR (Substring)
substr method
of MutableBuffer class, substr
of String class, substr
subtraction operator, Arithmetic
SUBWORD function
description, SUBWORD
example, SUBWORD
subWord method
of MutableBuffer class, subWord
of String class, subWord
subWords method
of MutableBuffer class, subWords
of String class, subWords
parsing instructions, Parsing Instructions Summary
SUPER special variable
description, Special Variables
superClass method
of Class class, superClass
superclasses, Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
superClasses method
of Class class, superClasses
Supplier class, The Supplier Class
supplier method
of Array class, supplier
of CircularQueue class, supplier
of Collection class, supplier
of Directory class, supplier
of IdentityTable class, supplier
of List class, supplier
of Queue class, supplier
of Relation class, supplier
of Stem class, supplier
of Stream class, supplier
of Supplier class, supplier
of Table class, supplier
assigning values to, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
classifying, Assignments and Symbols
compound, Compound Symbols
constant, Assignments and Symbols
description, Symbols
simple, Assignments and Symbols
uppercase translation, Symbols
use of, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
valid names, Symbols
SYMBOL function
description, SYMBOL
example, SYMBOL
environment, Environment Symbols
traceback after, The Format of Trace Output
trapping with SIGNAL instruction, Conditions and Condition Traps
general, Structure and General Syntax
SYNTAX subkeyword
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
SysAddBootDrive, SysBootDrive (Windows only)
SysAddRexxMacro, SysAddRexxMacro
SysClearRexxMacroSpace, SysClearRexxMacroSpace
SysCloseEventSem, SysCloseEventSem
SysCloseMutexSem, SysCloseMutexSem
SysCls, SysCls
SysCreateEventSem, SysCreateEventSem
SysCreateMutexSem, SysCreateMutexSem
SysCreatePipe, SysCreatePipe (Unix only)
SysCurPos, SysCurPos (Windows only)
example, SysCurPos (Windows only)
SysCurState, SysCurState (Windows only)
SysDriveInfo, SysDriveInfo (Windows only)
example, SysDriveInfo (Windows only)
SysDriveMap, SysDriveMap (Windows only)
example, SysDriveMap (Windows only)
SysDropFuncs, SysDropFuncs
SysDropRexxMacro, SysDropRexxMacro
SysDumpVariables, SysDumpVariables
example, SysDumpVariables
SysFileCopy, SysFileCopy
example, SysFileCopy
SysFileDelete, SysFileDelete
example, SysFileDelete
SysFileExists, SysFileExists
SysFileMove, SysFileMove (Windows only)
example, SysFileMove (Windows only)
SysFileSearch, SysFileSearch
example, SysFileSearch
SysFileSystemType, SysFileSystemType (Windows only)
example, SysFileSystemType (Windows only)
SysFileTree, SysFileTree
example, SysFileTree
SysFork, SysFork (Unix only)
SysFromUnicode, SysFromUnicode (Windows only)
SysGetErrortext, SysGetErrortext
example, SysGetErrortext
SysGetFileDateTime, SysGetFileDateTime
example, SysGetFileDateTime
SysGetKey, SysGetKey
SysGetMessage, SysGetMessage (Unix only)
example, SysGetMessage (Unix only)
SysGetMessageX, SysGetMessageX (Unix only)
example, SysGetMessageX (Unix only)
SysIni, SysIni (Windows only)
example, SysIni (Windows only)
SysIsFile, SysIsFile
SysIsFileCompressed, SysIsFileCompressed (Windows only)
SysIsFileDirectory, SysIsFileDirectory
SysIsFileEncrypted, SysIsFileEncrypted (Windows only)
SysIsFileLink, SysIsFileLink
SysIsFileNotContentIndexed, SysIsFileNotContentIndexed (Windows only)
SysIsFileOffline, SysIsFileOffline (Windows only)
SysIsFileSparse, SysIsFileSparse (Windows only)
SysIsFileTemporary, SysIsFileTemporary (Windows only)
SysLinVer, SysLinVer (Linux Only)
SysLoadFuncs, SysLoadFuncs
SysLoadRexxMacroSpace, SysLoadRexxMacroSpace
SysMkDir, SysMkDir
example, SysMkDir
SysOpenEventSem, SysOpenEventSem
SysOpenMutexSem, SysOpenMutexSem
SysPostEventSem, SysPostEventSem
SysPulseEventSem, SysPulseEventSem (Windows only)
SysQueryProcess, SysQueryProcess
SysQueryRexxMacro, SysQueryRexxMacro
SysReleaseMutexSem, SysReleaseMutexSem
SysReorderRexxmacro, SysReorderRexxMacro
SysRequestMutexSem, SysRequestMutexSem
SysResetEventSem, SysResetEventSem
SysRmDir, SysRmDir
example, SysRmDir
SysSaveRexxMacroSpace, SysSaveRexxMacroSpace
SysSearchPath, SysSearchPath
example, SysSearchPath
SysSetFileDateTime, SysSetFileDateTime
example, SysSetFileDateTime
SysSetPriority, SysSetPriority
SysShutdownSystem, SysShutdownSystem (Windows only)
SysSleep, SysSleep
example, SysSleep
SysStemCopy, SysStemCopy
example, SysStemCopy
SysStemDelete, SysStemDelete
example, SysStemDelete
SysStemInsert, SysStemInsert
SysStemSort, SysStemSort
example, SysStemSort
SysSwitchSession, SysSwitchSession (Windows only)
SysSystemDirectory, SysSystemDirectory (Windows only)
SysTempFileName, SysTempFileName
example, SysTempFileName
SysTextScreenRead, SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)
example, SysTextScreenRead (Windows only)
SysTextScreenSize, SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)
example, SysTextScreenSize (Windows only)
SysToUnicode, SysToUnicode (Windows only)
SysUtilVersion, SysUtilVersion
SysVersion, SysVersion
SysVolumeLabel, SysVolumeLabel (Windows only)
SysWait, SysWait (Unix only)
SysWaitEventSem, SysWaitEventSem
SysWaitNamedPipe, SysWaitNamedPipe (Windows only)
SysWinDecryptFile, SysWinDecryptFile (Windows only)
SysWinEncryptFile, SysWinEncryptFile (Windows only)
SysWinGetDefaultPrinter, SysWinGetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinGetPrinters, SysWinGetPrinters (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinSetDefaultPrinter, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
example, SysWinSetDefaultPrinter (Windows only)
SysWinVer, SysWinVer (Windows only)


tab method
of String class, tab Class Method)
Table class, The Table Class
tail, Compound Symbols
target method
of Message class, target
of StackFrame class, target
definition, Parsing
ARG instruction, ARG
PARSE instruction, PARSE
PULL instruction, PULL
temporary change of, ADDRESS
temporary command destination change, ADDRESS
ten, powers of, Exponential Notation
reading from with PULL, PULL
writing to with SAY, SAY
terms and data, Terms, Expressions, and Operators
testing, ABBREV (Abbreviation), SYMBOL
abbreviations with abbrev method, abbrev
abbreviations with caselessAbbrev method, caselessAbbrev
as free standing clause, Keyword Instructions
following IF clause, IF
following WHEN clause, SELECT
THEN subkeyword
in a SELECT instruction, SELECT
in an IF instruction, IF
thread, SysFromUnicode (Windows only), SysPulseEventSem (Windows only), SysQueryProcess, SysToUnicode (Windows only), Early Reply
ticks method
of DateTime class, ticks
Ticks option of DATE function, DATE
Ticks option of Time function, TIME
tilde (~), How Objects Interact
TIME function
description, TIME
example, TIME
implementation maximum, TIME
timeOfDay method
of DateTime class, timeOfDay
TimeSpan class, The TimeSpan Class
tips, tracing, Tracing Tips
TO phrase of DO instruction, DO
TO phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
TO subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Controlled Repetitive Loops
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Controlled Repetitive Loops
today method
of DateTime class, today (Class Method)
toDirectory method
of Stem class, toDirectory
binary strings, Binary Strings
description, Tokens
hexadecimal strings, Hexadecimal Strings
literal strings, Literal Strings
numbers, Numbers
operator characters, Operator Characters
special characters, Special Characters
symbols, Symbols
toLocalTime method
of DateTime class, toLocalTime
toString method
of Array class, toString
totalDays method
of TimeSpan class, totalDays
totalHours method
of TimeSpan class, totalHours
totalMicroseconds method
of TimeSpan class, totalMicroseconds
totalMinutes method
of TimeSpan class, totalMinutes
totalSeconds method
of TimeSpan class, totalSeconds
toTimeZone method
of DateTime class, toTimeZone
toUtcTime method
of DateTime class, toUtcTime
TRACE function
description, TRACE
example, TRACE
TRACE instruction
alphabetical character word options, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
description, TRACE
example, Tracing Tips
trace method
of Package class, trace
TRACE setting
altering with TRACE function, TRACE
altering with TRACE instruction, TRACE
querying, TRACE
traceback, on syntax error, The Format of Trace Output
traceLine method
of StackFrame class, traceLine
action saved during subroutine calls, CALL
by interactive debug, Interactive Debugging of Programs
data identifiers, The Format of Trace Output
execution of programs, TRACE
tips, Tracing Tips
tracing flag
*-*, The Format of Trace Output
+++, The Format of Trace Output
=>>, The Format of Trace Output
>.>, The Format of Trace Output
>>>, The Format of Trace Output
>A>, The Format of Trace Output
>E>, The Format of Trace Output
>F>, The Format of Trace Output
>I>, The Format of Trace Output
>L>, The Format of Trace Output
>M>, The Format of Trace Output
>O>, The Format of Trace Output
>P>, The Format of Trace Output
>V>, The Format of Trace Output
whitespace removed using STRIP function, STRIP
whitespace removed using strip method, strip
transient input and output, Input and Output Streams
TRANSLATE function
description, TRANSLATE
example, TRANSLATE
translate method
of MutableBuffer class, translate
of String class, translate
with translate method, translate, translate
trap conditions
explanation, Conditions and Condition Traps
how to, Conditions and Condition Traps
information about trapped conditions, CONDITION
trapname, Conditions and Condition Traps
TRUNC function
description, TRUNC (Truncate)
example, TRUNC (Truncate)
trunc method
of String class, trunc
truncating numbers, trunc, TRUNC (Truncate)
twiddle (~), How Objects Interact
type method
of StackFrame class, type
type of data, checking with DataType, dataType
type of data, checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
typewriter input and output, Input and Output Streams


unassigning variables, DROP
unconditionally leaving your program, EXIT
underflow, arithmetic, Limits and Errors when Rexx Uses Numbers Directly
UNGUARDED subkeyword
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
uninherit method
of Class class, uninherit
uninit method
of Stream class, uninit
uninitialized variable, Assignments and Symbols
union method
of Bag class, union
of CircularQueue class, union
of Collection class, union
of OrderedCollection class, union
of Relation class, union
of Set class, union
uniqueIndexes method
of Relation class, uniqueIndexes
unknown method
of Directory class, unknown
of Monitor class, unknown
of Stem class, unknown
unpacking a string
with b2x, b2x
with B2X, B2X (Binary to Hexadecimal)
with c2x, c2x
with C2X, C2X (Character to Hexadecimal)
UNPROTECTED subkeyword
in a METHOD directive, ::METHOD
in an ATTRIBUTE directive, ::ATTRIBUTE
unsetMethod method
of Directory class, unsetMethod
of Object class, unsetMethod
UNTIL phrase of DO instruction, DO
UNTIL phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
UNTIL subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
unusual change in flow of control, Conditions and Condition Traps
UPPER function
description, UPPER
upper method
of MutableBuffer class, upper
of String class, upper
UPPER subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, ARG, PARSE, Using UPPER, LOWER, and CASELESS
in an PARSE instruction, PULL
uppercase translation
during ARG instruction, ARG
during PULL instruction, PULL
of symbols, Symbols
with translate method, translate, translate
Usa option of DATE function, DATE
usaDate method
of DateTime class, usaDate
USE instruction
description, USE
example, USE
user input and output, Input and Output Streams, Interactive Debugging of Programs
USER subkeyword
in a CALL instruction, CALL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
in a RAISE instruction, RAISE
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL, Conditions and Condition Traps, Descriptive Strings
USERID function
description, USERID
utcDate method
of DateTime class, utcDate
utcIsoDate method
of DateTime class, utcIsoDate


value, Terms and Expressions
VALUE function
description, VALUE
example, VALUE
value method
of WeakReference class, value
VALUE option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
VALUE subkeyword
in a NUMERIC instruction, NUMERIC
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
in a SIGNAL instruction, SIGNAL
in a TRACE instruction, TRACE
in an ADDRESS instruction, ADDRESS
VAR function
description, VAR
example, VAR
VAR option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
VAR subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary
access with VALUE function, VALUE
checking name, VAR
compound, Compound Symbols
controlling loops, Controlled Repetitive Loops
description, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
dropping of, DROP
exposing to caller, PROCEDURE
external collections, VALUE
global, VALUE
in internal functions, PROCEDURE
in subroutines, PROCEDURE
names, Symbols
new level of, PROCEDURE
parsing of, PARSE
patterns, parsing with
string, Parsing with Variable Patterns
patterns, parsing with positional, Parsing with Variable Patterns
positional patterns, Parsing with Variable Patterns
reference, Parsing with Variable Patterns
resetting of, DROP
setting a new value, Assignments and Symbols, Extended Assignments
SIGL, The Special Variable SIGL
simple, Simple Symbols
RC, Commands
SIGL, CALL, The Special Variable SIGL
string patterns, Parsing with Variable Patterns
testing for initialization, SYMBOL
valid names, Assignments and Symbols
variable initialization, SYMBOL
aquiring, Polymorphism, Structure and General Syntax
in objects, Modeling Objects
variables method
of RexxContext class, variables
VERIFY function
description, VERIFY
example, VERIFY
verify method
of MutableBuffer class, verify
of String class, verify
verifying contents of a buffer, verify
verifying contents of a string, verify, VERIFY
VERSION option of PARSE instruction, PARSE
VERSION subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE, Parsing Instructions Summary


WeakReference class, The WeakReference Class
weekDay method
of DateTime class, weekDay
Weekday option of DATE function, DATE
as free standing clause, Keyword Instructions
WHEN subkeyword
in a SELECT instruction, SELECT
in an GUARD instruction, GUARD
WHILE phrase of DO instruction, DO
WHILE phrase of LOOP instruction, LOOP
WHILE subkeyword
in a DO instruction, DO, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
in a LOOP instruction, LOOP, Conditional Phrases (WHILE and UNTIL)
whitespace, Whitespace
adjacent to special character, Structure and General Syntax
in parsing, treatment of, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
removal with STRIP function, STRIP
removal with strip method, strip
whole numbers
checking with dataType, dataType
checking with DATATYPE, DATATYPE
description, Numbers
Windows OS Error Codes, A Note on Error Codes
WITH subkeyword
in a PARSE instruction, PARSE
alphabetical character options in TRACE, Trace Alphabetic Character (Word) Options
counting in a mutable buffer, words
counting in a string, words, WORDS
deleting from a mutablebuffer, delWord
deleting from a string, delWord, DELWORD (Delete Word)
extracting from a mutable buffer, words
extracting from a string, subWord, subWords, words, subWord, subWords, SUBWORD, WORDS
finding length of, length, LENGTH
in parsing, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
locating in a mutable buffer, wordPos
locating in a string, caselessWordPos, wordPos, caselessWordPos, WORDPOS (Word Position)
conceptual view, Conceptual Overview of Parsing
examples, Simple Templates for Parsing into Words
WORD function
description, WORD
example, WORD
word method
of MutableBuffer class, word
of String class, word
WORDINDEX function
description, WORDINDEX
example, WORDINDEX
wordIndex method
of MutableBuffer class, wordIndex
of String class, wordIndex
description, WORDLENGTH
wordLength method
of MutableBuffer class, wordLength
of String class, wordLength
WORDPOS function
description, WORDPOS (Word Position)
example, WORDPOS (Word Position)
wordPos method
of MutableBuffer class, wordPos
of String class, wordPos
WORDS function
description, WORDS
example, WORDS
words method
of MutableBuffer class, words
of String class, words
writ position in a stream, Output Streams
writing to external data queue


X2B function
description, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
example, X2B (Hexadecimal to Binary)
x2b method
of String class, x2b
X2C function
description, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
example, X2C (Hexadecimal to Character)
x2c method
of String class, x2c
X2D function
description, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
example, X2D (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
x2d method
of String class, x2d
xor method
of Bag class, xor
of CircularQueue class, xor
of Collection class, xor
of Directory class, xor
of OrderedCollection class, xor
of Relation class, xor
of Set class, xor
XOR, logical, Logical (Boolean)
XORing character strings together, bitXor, BITXOR (Bit by Bit Exclusive OR)
XRANGE function
description, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)
example, XRANGE (Hexadecimal Range)


year method
of DateTime class, year
yearDay method
of DateTime class, yearDay
YO subkeyword
in a FORWARD instruction, FORWARD


added on left with RIGHT function, RIGHT
added on left with right method, right
removal with STRIP function, STRIP
removal with strip method, strip