The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 19
The Plan of Salvation

Lesson 19

Reading assignment: Study the scripture passages listed in the following questions and in the scripture chain. ___

•     Read Moses 4:2, D&C 19:16-19, and D&C 76:40-42. Why is the Atonement central to the plan of salvation?___
The plan of salvation can be divided into three parts: premortal life, mortal life, and life after death.___

•     What are some of the challenges you have faced during mortal life? How does knowing that there is life after death help you cope with these challenges?___

Lesson 19

Scripture Chain: The Plan of Salvation

Premortal life ___
Mortal life___
Life after death___
Job 38:4-7 ___
Alma 42:9, Alma 42:14 ___
Alma 40:11-14 ___
D&C 138:55-56 ___
D&C 29:40-43 ___
Alma 42:11-13, Alma 42:15 ___
Abraham 3:22-28 ___
Articles of Faith 1:3 ___
D&C 76:111 ___
D&C 88:14-16 ___