The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 35
“A Mission of Saving”

Lesson 35

Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants D&C 4:4-7 ; D&C 18:10-16 ; D&C 52:40 ; D&C 81:5-6 ; Moroni 7:45-48; Our Heritage, pages 77-80. ___
Read the account of the Martin and Willie handcart companies, on pages 77-78 of Our Heritage. When President Brigham Young heard of the condition of these handcart companies, he sent men to rescue them.___

•     What are some specific things you can do to help rescue those in need today? (See D&C 18:10-16; D&C 52:40; D&C 81:5-6; 3 Nephi 18:31-32.)___

•     What are some qualities we need in order to reach out to others? (See D&C 4:4-7; Moroni 7:45-48.)___

Lesson 35

Scripture Chain: Rescuing Those in Need

Luke 15:1-7 ___
D&C 81:5-6 ___
3 Nephi 18:31-32 ___
D&C 123:12 ___
D&C 18:10-16 ___