The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 37
“We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet”

Lesson 37

Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants D&C 21 ; D&C 43:1-7 ; Articles of Faith 1:9; Our Heritage, page 131. ___

•     Why do we need a living prophet today? What are some roles of the President of the Church? (See the scripture chain for this lesson.)___

•     Read D&C 21:4-6. What do these verses teach about our responsibility to listen to the President of the Church? How have you been blessed as you have followed the counsel of the prophet?___

Lesson 37

Scripture Chain: Roles of the Prophet

Mosiah 8:13-18 ___
D&C 21:1-5 ___
Mosiah 13:33 ___
D&C 43:2-3 ___
D&C 1:38 ___
D&C 68:3-4 ___
D&C 20:21-26 ___
D&C 107:91-92 ___