The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 46
“Zion—The Pure in Heart”

Lesson 46

Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants D&C 57:1-3 ; D&C 64:33-43 ; D&C 97:8-28 ; D&C 105:1-12 ; Moses 7:12-19, Moses 7:61-63 , Moses 7:68-69 ; Articles of Faith 1:10; Our Heritage, pages 37-38, 145-46. ___

•     What are some of the uses of the word Zion in the scriptures? (For some examples, see 2 Samuel 5:6-7; 1 Kings 8:1; Hebrews 12:22-23; D&C 45:66-67; D&C 57:1-2; D&C 82:14; D&C 97:21; Articles of Faith 1:10; Moses 7:19. Note that this lesson will focus on Zion as the society that is established by people who have become pure in heart through the gospel of Jesus Christ.)___

•     What characterized the Zion of Enoch’s time? (See Moses 7:12-19.) Why was their city called Zion? (See Moses 7:18.) What does it mean to be “of one heart and one mind”?___

•     Why were the early Saints unable to build the city of Zion? (See D&C 101:6-8; D&C 105:1-12.) What can we learn from their experience that can help us build Zion today?___

•     Read D&C 82:14-15. What did the Lord command in these verses? What are some specific things you should do to build Zion?___
Think of some of the most meaningful teachings you remember from this year’s study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history. Some ways to help remember could include looking back through this study guide, reviewing scripture chains, recalling favorite stories from Our Heritage, or leafing through the Doctrine and Covenants to see passages you have marked.___
Take a few minutes to write about these meaningful teachings in your journal. Write down what you have learned from these teachings about how to build Zion.___

Lesson 46

Scripture Chain: “Zion—The Pure in Heart”

Matthew 5:8 ___
D&C 100:16 ___
D&C 50:28 ___
D&C 101:17-18 ___
D&C 97:21 ___