The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see BD Kadesh )

The Standard Works
Topical Guide

Keep, Kept

(see also Obey ; Observe ; Retain )

Gen. 2: 15 (Moses 3: 15 ) garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.; Gen. 17: 9 Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant.; Gen. 18: 19 they shall keep the way of the Lord.; Ex. 20: 6 (Deut. 5: 10 ) mercy unto . . . them that . . . keep my commandments.; Ex. 20: 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.; Ex. 31: 13 my sabbaths ye shall keep.; Num. 6: 24 Lord bless thee, and keep thee.; Deut. 4: 6 Keep therefore and do them.; Deut. 6: 17 (Deut. 11: 22 ) diligently keep the commandments.; Deut. 7: 9 (Neh. 1: 5 ) God, which keepeth covenant and mercy.; Deut. 17: 19 keep all the words of this law.; Deut. 29: 9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant.; Deut. 32: 10 (Ps. 17: 8 ) he kept him as the apple of his eye.; 2 Kgs. 23: 21 (2 Chr. 35: 1 ) saying, Keep the passover.; Ps. 37: 34 keep his way, and he shall exalt thee.; Ps. 91: 11 (Luke 4: 10 ) angels charge over thee, to keep thee.; Ps. 121: 4 he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber.; Prov. 3: 1 let thine heart keep my commandments.; Prov. 4: 21 keep them in the midst of thine heart.; Prov. 19: 16 He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul.; Prov. 29: 18 he that keepeth the law, happy is he.; Eccl. 12: 13 Fear God, and keep his commandments.; Jer. 31: 10 keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.; Hab. 2: 20 let all the earth keep silence before him.; Matt. 13: 35 utter things which have been kept secret.; Matt. 19: 17 wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.; Mark 7: 9 that ye may keep your own tradition.; Luke 2: 19 Mary kept all these things, and pondered.; Luke 8: 15 having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit.; Luke 9: 36 they kept it close, and told no man.; Luke 11: 28 they that hear the word of God, and keep it.; John 8: 51 (John 8: 52 ) If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.; John 14: 15 (D&C 42: 29 ) If ye love me, keep my commandments.; John 14: 23 If a man love me, he will keep my words.; John 15: 10 even as I have kept my Father’s commandments.; John 17: 11 Father, keep through thine own name those . . . given me.; John 17: 15 keep them from the evil.; Acts 7: 53 received the law . . . and have not kept it.; Acts 15: 5 command them to keep the law of Moses.; Acts 21: 25 keep themselves from things offered to idols.; 1 Cor. 9: 27 I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.; 1 Cor. 11: 2 keep the ordinances, as I delivered them.; Eph. 4: 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit.; Philip. 4: 7 peace of God . . . shall keep your hearts and minds.; 2 Thes. 3: 3 stablish you, and keep you from evil.; 1 Tim. 6: 20 keep that which is committed to thy trust.; 2 Tim. 1: 14 keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.; 2 Tim. 4: 7 finished my course, I have kept the faith.; James 1: 27 keep himself unspotted from the world.; James 2: 10 keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point.; 1 Pet. 1: 5 kept by the power of God through faith.; 2 Pet. 3: 7 heavens and the earth . . . by the same word are kept in store.; 1 Jn. 2: 3 we know him, if we keep his commandments.; 1 Jn. 3: 22 receive of him, because we keep his commandments.; Jude 1: 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God.; Rev. 1: 3 keep those things which are written.; Rev. 3: 10 kept the word of my patience, I also will keep.; 1 Ne. 19: 5 that the more sacred things may be kept.; 2 Ne. 1: 9 keep his commandments they shall be blessed.; 2 Ne. 25: 24 we keep the law of Moses.; Mosiah 1: 7 (Mosiah 2: 4 ) keep the commandments of God, that ye may prosper.; Mosiah 2: 22 requires . . . to keep his commandments.; 3 Ne. 16: 4 these sayings . . . shall be kept and shall be manifested.; Moro. 6: 4 to keep them continually watchful unto prayer.; D&C 11: 20 this is your work, to keep my commandments.; D&C 14: 7 keep my commandments . . . you shall have eternal life.; D&C 18: 46 (D&C 95: 12 ; D&C 103: 8 ) if you keep not my commandments you cannot be saved.; D&C 58: 2 blessed is he that keepeth my commandments.; D&C 71: 11 keep my commandments: they are true and faithful.; D&C 93: 28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth.; D&C 136: 21 Keep yourselves from evil to take the name of the Lord.

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Topical Guide


Gen. 4: 2 (Moses 5: 17 ) Abel was a keeper of sheep.; Gen. 4: 9 (Moses 5: 34 ) Am I my brother’s keeper.; Ps. 121: 5 Lord is thy keeper.; Matt. 28: 4 for fear of him the keepers did shake.; Acts 5: 23 keepers standing without before the doors.; Acts 16: 27 keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep.; Titus 2: 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home.; 2 Ne. 9: 41 keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel.

The Standard Works
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(see also Priesthood, Keys of )

Isa. 22: 22 key of the house of David.; Luke 11: 52 ye have taken away the key of knowledge.; Rev. 1: 18 have the keys of hell and of death.; Rev. 3: 7 he that hath the key of David.; Rev. 9: 1 to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.; D&C 84: 19 (D&C 128: 14 ) greater priesthood . . . holdeth the key of the mysteries.; D&C 129: 9 three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God.; D&C 130: 11 new name is the key word.

The Standard Works
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1 Sam. 2: 29 kick ye at my sacrifice.; Acts 9: 5 (Acts 26: 14 ) hard for thee to kick against the pricks.; D&C 121: 38 to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints.

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(see also Goat ; Scapegoat ; Sheep )

Gen. 27: 9 fetch me . . . two good kids.; Gen. 37: 31 took Joseph’s coat, and killed a kid.; Ex. 23: 19 (Ex. 34: 26 ; Deut. 14: 21 ) shalt not seethe a kid in his mother’s milk.; Isa. 11: 6 (2 Ne. 21: 6 ; 2 Ne. 30: 12 ) leopard shall lie down with the kid.; Luke 15: 29 thou never gavest me a kid.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see BD Kidron )

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see also Blood, Shedding of ; Capital Punishment ; Martyrdom ; Murder ; Persecution ; Prophets, Rejection of ; Slaughter ; Slay ; Smite )

Gen. 4: 15 (Moses 5: 40 ) mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.; Gen. 37: 21 Reuben . . . said, Let us not kill him.; Ex. 2: 14 (Acts 7: 28 ) intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian.; Ex. 20: 13 (Deut. 5: 17 ; Matt. 5: 21 ; Mark 10: 19 ; Luke 18: 20 ; Rom. 13: 9 ; James 2: 11 ; Mosiah 13: 21 ; 3 Ne. 12: 21 ; D&C 132: 36 ) Thou shalt not kill.; Lev. 24: 17 he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.; Num. 31: 17 kill every male . . . and kill every woman that hath known man.; Num. 35: 27 revenger of blood kill the slayer.; Deut. 32: 39 (1 Sam. 2: 6 ) I kill, and I make alive.; 2 Sam. 12: 9 thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite.; Esth. 3: 13 destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews.; Ps. 44: 22 (Rom. 8: 36 ) for thy sake are we killed all the day.; Eccl. 3: 3 time to kill, and a time to heal.; Matt. 10: 28 (Luke 12: 4 ) kill the body but are not able to kill the soul.; Matt. 16: 21 (Mark 8: 31 ) be killed, and be raised again the third day.; Matt. 21: 35 (Mark 12: 5 ) husbandman . . . beat one, and killed another.; Matt. 23: 31 children of them which killed the prophets.; Matt. 23: 37 (Luke 13: 34 ) Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets.; Matt. 24: 9 deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you.; Matt. 26: 4 (Luke 22: 2 ) take Jesus by subtilty, and kill him.; Mark 3: 4 Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath . . . to save life, or to kill.; Luke 15: 27 thy father hath killed the fatted calf.; Luke 22: 2 priests and scribes sought how they might kill him.; John 5: 18 (John 7: 1 ) Jews sought the more to kill him.; John 7: 20 hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee.; John 8: 22 said the Jews, Will he kill himself.; John 16: 2 whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.; Acts 3: 15 killed the Prince of life.; Acts 9: 23 (Acts 26: 21 ) Jews took counsel to kill him.; Acts 12: 2 he killed James the brother of John.; Acts 23: 12 neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.; Rom. 8: 36 For thy sake we are killed all the day.; Rom. 11: 3 they have killed thy prophets.; 2 Cor. 3: 6 letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.; 2 Cor. 6: 9 chastened, and not killed.; 1 Thes. 2: 15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets.; James 4: 2 ye kill, and desire to have.; James 5: 6 Ye have condemned and killed the just.; Rev. 11: 7 the beast . . . shall overcome them, and kill them.; Rev. 13: 10 he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.; 1 Ne. 4: 10 constrained by the Spirit that I should kill Laban.; 2 Ne. 9: 35 Wo unto the murderer who deliberately killeth.; 2 Ne. 26: 5 (Jacob 4: 14 ; Hel. 13: 33 ; 3 Ne. 8: 25 ) they that kill the prophets . . . earth shall swallow them up.; D&C 42: 18 he that kills shall not have forgiveness.; D&C 42: 19 he that killeth shall die.; D&C 42: 79 if any . . . shall kill . . . dealt with according to the laws of the land.; D&C 45: 33 they will kill one another.; D&C 59: 6 Thou shalt not steal . . . nor kill.; D&C 136: 36 they killed the prophets.; Abr. 1: 11 they were killed upon this altar.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see also Kindred )

Lev. 18: 6 approach to any that is near of kin to him.; Lev. 25: 25 if any of his kin come to redeem it.; Mark 6: 4 prophet is not without honour, but . . . among his own kin.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see also Kindness )

Gen. 1: 12 (Gen. 1: 24 ; Moses 2: 12, 24 ; Abr. 4: 12, 24 ) seed was in itself, after his kind.; Gen. 8: 19 Every beast . . . after their kinds, went forth.; Matt. 17: 21 this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.; 1 Ne. 8: 1 (1 Ne. 16: 11 ) gathered together all manner of seeds of every kind.; Jacob 3: 12 Jacob, spake . . . warning them against . . . every kind of sin.; Mosiah 10: 1 weapons of war made of every kind.; Mosiah 10: 4 all manner of fruit of every kind.; Mosiah 10: 5 (Hel. 6: 13 ) work all manner of . . . cloth of every kind.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


Ex. 22: 6 he that kindled the fire . . . make restitution.; Luke 12: 49 what will I, if it be already kindled.; James 3: 5 how great a matter a little fire kindleth.; D&C 1: 13 anger of the Lord is kindled.; D&C 5: 8 (D&C 56: 1 ; D&C 61: 31 ; D&C 63: 2 ; D&C 84: 24 ; D&C 109: 27 ; D&C 121: 5 ; Moses 6: 27 ; Moses 7: 34 ; Moses 8: 15 ) mine anger is kindled against them.; D&C 59: 21 against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see also Benevolence ; Compassion ; Courtesy ; Gentle ; God, Mercy of ; Grace ; Gracious ; Mercy )

Gen. 20: 13 thy kindness which thou shalt shew.; Gen. 24: 12 O Lord . . . shew kindness unto my master Abraham.; Josh. 2: 12 shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness.; 2 Sam. 9: 1 I may shew him kindness for Jonathan’s sake.; Neh. 9: 17 (Joel 2: 13 ) slow to anger, and of great kindness.; Ps. 51: 1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness.; Prov. 19: 22 desire of a man is his kindness.; Isa. 54: 8 with everlasting kindness will I have mercy.; Isa. 63: 7 I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord.; Matt. 7: 12 (3 Ne. 14: 12 ) whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye.; Luke 6: 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you.; Luke 10: 33 a certain Samaritan . . . had compassion on him.; Acts 28: 2 barbarous people shewed us no little kindness.; 1 Cor. 13: 4 (Moro. 7: 45 ) Charity suffereth long, and is kind.; Gal. 5: 22 fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness.; Eph. 4: 32 be ye kind one to another.; Col. 3: 12 Put on . . . bowels of mercies, kindness.; James 5: 11 Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.; 1 Pet. 3: 8 having compassion one of another, love as brethren.; 2 Pet. 1: 7 to godliness brotherly kindness.; 1 Ne. 19: 9 he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness.; 3 Ne. 17: 6 my bowels are filled with compassion towards you.; 3 Ne. 22: 8 with everlasting kindness will I have mercy.; D&C 4: 6 Remember faith, virtue . . . brotherly kindness.; D&C 107: 30 decisions . . . are to be made in . . . brotherly kindness.; D&C 133: 52 they shall mention the loving kindness of their Lord.

The Standard Works
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(see also Kin )

Gen. 12: 1 (Acts 7: 3 ) Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred.; Gen. 24: 4 go unto my country, and to my kindred.; Ruth 3: 2 is not Boaz of our kindred.; Acts 3: 25 in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth.; Rev. 1: 7 all kindreds of the earth shall wail.; Rev. 5: 9 (1 Ne. 5: 18 ; 1 Ne. 19: 17 ; 2 Ne. 26: 13 ; 2 Ne. 30: 8 ; Mosiah 3: 13 ; Mosiah 15: 28 ; Alma 9: 20 ; D&C 10: 51 ; D&C 42: 58 ; D&C 77: 8, 11 ) redeemed us . . . out of every kindred, and tongue.; D&C 124: 58 said unto Abraham concerning the kindreds of the earth.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


Gen. 41: 2 seven well favoured kine.

The Standard Works
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(see Jesus Christ, King ; Kings, Earthly )

The Standard Works
Topical Guide


(see also Dominion ; Heaven ; Kingdom of God, in Heaven ; Kingdom of God, on Earth ; Reign ; Rule )

Gen. 10: 10 beginning of his kingdom was Babel.; Ex. 19: 6 ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests.; 1 Sam. 10: 25 told the people the manner of the kingdom.; 2 Sam. 7: 12 (1 Chr. 17: 11 ; 1 Chr. 28: 7 ) I will establish his kingdom.; 2 Kgs. 19: 19 (Isa. 37: 20 ) kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord.; 1 Chr. 29: 11 thine is the kingdom, O Lord.; Ps. 22: 28 kingdom is the Lord’s.; Ps. 45: 6 (Heb. 1: 8 ) sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.; Ps. 145: 13 Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.; Isa. 13: 4 (2 Ne. 23: 4 ) tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered.; Isa. 14: 16 (2 Ne. 24: 16 ) made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms.; Isa. 60: 12 kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish.; Dan. 2: 37 given thee a kingdom, power, and strength.; Dan. 4: 17 most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.; Dan. 8: 22 four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation.; Matt. 4: 8 (Luke 4: 5 ) sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world.; Matt. 6: 10 Thy kingdom come.; Matt. 6: 13 thine is the kingdom.; Matt. 7: 21 (3 Ne. 14: 21 ) not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom.; Matt. 12: 25 (Mark 3: 24 ; Luke 11: 17 ) kingdom divided against itself.; Matt. 18: 3 Except ye . . . become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom.; Matt. 19: 14 (Mark 10: 14 ; Luke 18: 16 ) of such is the kingdom of heaven.; Matt. 19: 23 (Mark 10: 23 ; Luke 18: 24 ) rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom.; Matt. 24: 7 (Mark 13: 8 ; Luke 21: 10 ; JS-M 1: 29 ) kingdom against kingdom.; Mark 11: 10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David.; Luke 1: 33 of his kingdom there shall be no end.; Luke 9: 62 No man . . . looking back, is fit for the kingdom.; John 3: 3 be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.; Acts 1: 6 at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel.; Rom. 14: 17 kingdom of God is not meat and drink.; 1 Cor. 4: 20 kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.; Eph. 5: 5 inheritance in the kingdom of Christ.; 1 Thes. 2: 12 called you unto his kingdom and glory.; Heb. 12: 28 we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved.; Rev. 11: 15 kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord.; Rev. 12: 10 kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ.; Rev. 16: 10 his kingdom was full of darkness.; Rev. 17: 17 give their kingdom unto the beast.; 1 Ne. 13: 1 I looked and beheld many nations and kingdoms.; 1 Ne. 22: 22 (Alma 41: 4 ) kingdom of the devil, which shall be built up among . . . men.; 2 Ne. 20: 10 my hand hath founded the kingdoms of the idols.; D&C 84: 82 kingdoms of the world . . . not arrayed like one of these.; D&C 84: 118 I will rend their kingdoms.; D&C 88: 4 (D&C 88: 20 ) eternal life, even the glory of the celestial kingdom.; D&C 88: 37 there are many kingdoms.; D&C 88: 38 unto every kingdom is given a law.; D&C 88: 61 (D&C 88: 51-61 ) unto this parable I will liken all these kingdoms.; D&C 88: 79 (D&C 93: 53 ) knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms.; D&C 103: 7 until the kingdoms of the world are subdued.; D&C 105: 32 kingdoms of this world . . . acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is . . . the kingdom of our God.; Moses 6: 59 ye must be born again into the kingdom of heaven.; Moses 8: 3 from his loins should spring all the kingdoms.

The Standard Works
Topical Guide

Kingdom of God, in Heaven

(see also Celestial glory ; Heaven ; Kingdom of God, on Earth )

Ps. 10: 16 Lord is King for ever and ever.; Ps. 11: 4 Lord’s throne is in heaven.; Ps. 24: 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty.; Ps. 29: 10 Lord sitteth King for ever.; Ps. 45: 6 (Heb. 1: 8 ) Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.; Ps. 47: 8 God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.; Ps. 89: 18 Holy One of Israel is our king.; Ps. 95: 3 Lord is a great God, and a great King.; Isa. 6: 1 (2 Ne. 16: 1 ) Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up.; Isa. 44: 6 Lord the King of Israel.; Isa. 66: 1 (Acts 7: 49 ) heaven is my throne.; Jer. 10: 10 living God, and an everlasting king.; Matt. 3: 2 (Matt. 4: 17 ) Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.; Matt. 5: 3 (3 Ne. 12: 3 ) poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.; Matt. 16: 28 see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.; Matt. 25: 34 inherit the kingdom prepared for you.; Matt. 26: 29 (Mark 14: 25 ; Luke 22: 18 ) when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.; Mark 1: 15 kingdom of God is at hand.; Luke 6: 20 be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.; Luke 13: 28 ye shall see . . . all the prophets, in the kingdom of God.; Luke 22: 29 I appoint unto you a kingdom.; Luke 23: 42 remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.; 1 Cor. 6: 9 (Gal. 5: 21 ) unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.; 1 Cor. 15: 50 flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.; Col. 1: 13 translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.; James 2: 5 heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him.; 1 Ne. 13: 37 saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb.; 2 Ne. 33: 12 pray . . . that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom.; Mosiah 2: 19 how you ought to thank your heavenly King.; Alma 11: 37 no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven.; D&C 6: 13 saved in the kingdom of God.; D&C 6: 37 ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.; D&C 7: 4 thou mightest speedily come unto me in my kingdom.; D&C 10: 55 such shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.; D&C 15: 6 may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.; D&C 18: 16 brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father.; D&C 18: 25 cannot have place in the kingdom of my Father.; D&C 38: 21 I will be your king and watch over you.; D&C 56: 18 they shall see the kingdom of God coming in power.; D&C 58: 2 same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.; D&C 65: 6 kingdom of God go forth, that the kingdom of heaven may come.; D&C 76: 92 God . . . reigns upon his throne forever and ever.; D&C 84: 38 receiveth my Father receiveth my Father’s kingdom.; D&C 99: 3 receiveth you as a little child, receiveth my kingdom.; D&C 106: 3 seeking diligently the kingdom of heaven.; D&C 136: 31 chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom.; D&C 137: 1 celestial kingdom of God, and the glory thereof.; Abr. 3: 21 I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath.

The Standard Works
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Kingdom of God, on Earth

(see also Church ; Church Organization ; Jesus Christ, King ; Jesus Christ, Millennial Reign ; Millennium )

Ps. 89: 4 build up thy throne to all generations.; Isa. 2: 3 (2 Ne. 12: 3 ) out of Zion shall go forth the law.; Isa. 9: 7 (2 Ne. 19: 7 ) increase of his government and peace.; Isa. 11: 12 (2 Ne. 21: 12 ) set up an ensign for the nations.; Isa. 14: 2 (2 Ne. 24: 2 ) they shall rule over their oppressors.; Dan. 2: 35 stone . . . became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.; Dan. 2: 44 God of heaven set up a kingdom.; Dan. 4: 3 his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.; Dan. 7: 14 given him dominion . . . an everlasting dominion.; Matt. 3: 2 (Matt. 4: 17 ; Matt. 10: 7 ) Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.; Matt. 6: 10 (Luke 11: 2 ) Thy kingdom come.; Matt. 6: 33 (Luke 12: 31 ; 3 Ne. 13: 33 ) seek ye first the kingdom of God.; Matt. 8: 11 (Luke 13: 28 ) sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.; Matt. 13: 24 kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man.; Matt. 13: 38 good seed are the children of the kingdom.; Matt. 16: 19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom.; Matt. 21: 43 kingdom of God shall be taken from you.; Matt. 24: 14 gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world.; Luke 11: 20 kingdom of God is come upon you.; Luke 12: 32 Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.; Luke 17: 20 when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them.; Luke 17: 21 kingdom of God is within you.; John 18: 36 My kingdom is not of this world.; Acts 14: 22 through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.; 2 Pet. 1: 11 entrance . . . into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord.; Rev. 11: 15 kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord.; Rev. 22: 5 they shall reign for ever.; Jacob 2: 18 before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom.; Alma 5: 50 King of all the earth, and also the King of heaven.; D&C 25: 1 sons and daughters in my kingdom.; D&C 29: 5 his good will to give you the kingdom.; D&C 35: 27 kingdom is yours until I come.; D&C 38: 9 (D&C 38: 9-15 ) kingdom is yours, and the enemy shall not overcome.; D&C 42: 69 unto you the kingdom, or . . . the keys of the church have been given.; D&C 45: 59 Lord shall be . . . their king and their lawgiver.; D&C 50: 35 kingdom is given you of the Father.; D&C 65: 2 keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man.; D&C 72: 1 to whom the kingdom and power have been given.; D&C 76: 107 When he shall deliver up the kingdom.; D&C 82: 24 kingdom is yours, and shall be forever.; D&C 90: 3 keys of this kingdom shall never be taken from you.; D&C 97: 14 perfected . . . all things pertaining to the kingdom of God.; D&C 99: 3 receiveth you as a little child, receiveth my kingdom.; D&C 105: 4 union required by the law of the celestial kingdom.; D&C 105: 32 kingdom of Zion is . . . the kingdom of our God.; D&C 115: 4 thus shall my church be called in the last days.; D&C 133: 58 little one become a strong nation.; D&C 138: 44 Daniel, who foresaw . . . kingdom of God in the latter days.

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(see BD Kings, Books of )

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Topical Guide

Kings, Earthly

(see also Citizenship ; Governments ; Jesus Christ, King ; Jesus Christ, Millennial Reign ; Kingdom ; Tyranny )

Gen. 14: 18 (Heb. 7: 1 ) Melchizedek king of Salem.; Gen. 17: 6 kings shall come out of thee.; Gen. 35: 11 kings shall come out of thy loins.; Ex. 1: 8 (Acts 7: 18 ) king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.; Deut. 17: 15 set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose.; Josh. 10: 16 five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave.; Judg. 9: 8 trees went . . . to anoint a king over them.; Judg. 17: 6 (Judg. 18: 1 ; Judg. 19: 1 ; Judg. 21: 25 ) there was no king in Israel.; 1 Sam. 8: 5 make us a king to judge us like all the nations.; 1 Sam. 8: 18 because of your king which ye shall have chosen.; 1 Sam. 10: 19 Nay, but set a king over us.; 1 Sam. 10: 24 God save the king.; 1 Sam. 12: 12 king shall reign over us: when . . . God was your king.; 1 Sam. 12: 17 wickedness is great . . . in asking you a king.; 2 Sam. 5: 3 they anointed David king over Israel.; 1 Kgs. 12: 7 if thou wilt be a servant unto this people.; Ezra 4: 3 build unto the Lord . . . as king Cyrus . . . hath commanded.; Ps. 2: 2 (Acts 4: 26 ) kings of the earth set themselves.; Ps. 138: 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee.; Prov. 8: 15 By me kings reign.; Prov. 20: 26 wise king scattereth the wicked.; Prov. 29: 14 king, that faithfully judgeth the poor.; Eccl. 8: 4 Where the word of a king is, there is power.; Eccl. 10: 20 Curse not the king.; Isa. 1: 23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves.; Isa. 32: 1 a king shall reign in righteousness.; Jer. 30: 9 David their king, whom I will raise up.; Ezek. 22: 27 Her princes . . . are like wolves ravening the prey.; Ezek. 45: 8 my princes shall no more oppress my people.; Dan. 2: 37 Thou, O king, art a king of kings.; Dan. 2: 44 in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom.; Dan. 7: 9 till the thrones were cast down.; Dan. 7: 17 great beasts, which are four, are four kings.; Dan. 8: 20 having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.; Dan. 11: 2 there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia.; Hosea 3: 5 seek the Lord their God, and David their king.; Matt. 10: 18 (Mark 13: 9 ; Luke 21: 12 ) brought before governors and kings.; Matt. 11: 8 they that wear soft clothing are in king’s houses.; Matt. 17: 25 of whom do the kings of the earth take custom.; Matt. 22: 2 like unto a certain king, which made a marriage.; Mark 13: 9 ye shall be brought before rulers and kings.; Luke 10: 24 prophets and kings have desired to see those things.; Luke 22: 25 kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them.; John 19: 15 We have no king but Caesar.; Acts 9: 15 bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings.; 1 Tim. 2: 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority.; 1 Pet. 2: 17 Fear God. Honour the king.; Rev. 6: 15 kings of the earth, and the great men.; Rev. 16: 12 way of the kings of the east might be prepared.; Rev. 17: 10 there are seven kings.; Rev. 17: 12 ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings.; Rev. 21: 24 kings of the earth do bring their glory.; 1 Ne. 21: 23 (2 Ne. 6: 7 ) kings shall be thy nursing fathers.; 2 Ne. 10: 14 he that raiseth up a king against me shall perish.; Mosiah 2: 30 Mosiah is a king and a ruler over you.; Mosiah 7: 9 who was made a king by the voice of the people.; Mosiah 23: 7 (Mosiah 29: 16 ) not expedient that we should have a king.; Mosiah 29: 13 if . . . you could have just men to be your kings.; Mosiah 29: 21 ye cannot dethrone an iniquitous king.; Mosiah 29: 23 an unrighteous king doth pervert the ways.; Mosiah 29: 35 by having an unrighteous king to rule over them.; Alma 51: 5 dethroned from the judgment-seat were called king-men.; 3 Ne. 6: 30 no more be at liberty but . . . subject unto kings.; Ether 6: 25 constrain no man to be their king.; D&C 1: 23 gospel might be proclaimed . . . before kings and rulers.; D&C 38: 21 in time ye shall have no king nor ruler.; D&C 124: 5 kings and authorities, even what shall befall them.; Moses 8: 3 from his loins should spring all the kingdoms of the earth.; Abr. 1: 20 which Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.; A of F 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents.

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(see also Kin ; Kindred )

Luke 2: 44 sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.; Luke 21: 16 betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks.

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(see also Kin ; Kindred ; Kinsfolk )

Ruth 2: 20 near of kin unto us, one of our next kinsmen.; Ruth 3: 12 near kinsman: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I.

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(see also Embrace ; Love ; Lust )

Gen. 27: 26 Isaac said . . . Come near now, and kiss me.; Gen. 29: 11 Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice.; Gen. 33: 4 fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.; Gen. 45: 15 he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them.; Prov. 24: 26 kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.; Matt. 26: 48 (Mark 14: 44 ) Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he.; Luke 7: 38 kissed his feet, and anointed them.; Luke 22: 47 Judas . . . drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.; 3 Ne. 11: 19 (3 Ne. 17: 10 ) bowed himself before the Lord and did kiss his feet.; Moses 7: 63 we will kiss each other.

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1 Kgs. 19: 18 (Rom. 11: 4 ) knees which have not bowed unto Baal.; Isa. 45: 23 (Rom. 14: 11 ; Mosiah 27: 31 ; D&C 88: 104 ) every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.; Matt. 27: 29 (Mark 15: 19 ) bowed the knee before him.; Philip. 2: 10 at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.; D&C 76: 110 all shall bow the knee.

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Ps. 95: 6 let us kneel before the Lord our maker.; Dan. 6: 10 he kneeled upon his knees three times a day.; Luke 22: 41 a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed.; Acts 9: 40 Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down.; Enos 1: 4 I kneeled down before my Maker.; Moro. 4: 2 they did kneel down with the church.; D&C 20: 76 elder or priest . . . shall kneel with the church.

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Knife, Knives

Gen. 22: 10 took the knife to slay his son.; Josh. 5: 2 Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise.; Prov. 23: 2 put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.

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Matt. 7: 7 (Luke 11: 9 ; 3 Ne. 14: 7 ; 3 Ne. 27: 29 ; D&C 4: 7 ; D&C 6: 5 ; D&C 11: 5 ; D&C 12: 5 ; D&C 14: 5 ; D&C 49: 26 ; D&C 66: 9 ; D&C 75: 27 ; 88 63 ) knock, and it shall be opened unto you.; Luke 13: 25 to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open.; Acts 12: 16 Peter continued knocking.; Rev. 3: 20 I stand at the door, and knock.; 2 Ne. 9: 42 whoso knocketh, to him will he open.; 2 Ne. 32: 4 cannot understand them . . . because ye ask not, neither do ye knock.

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Know, Knew, Known

(see also Comprehend ; Knowledge ; Perceive ; Understand )

Gen. 3: 5 (2 Ne. 2: 18 ; Moses 4: 11 ) God doth know . . . ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.; Gen. 3: 22 (Moses 4: 28 ) man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.; Gen. 28: 16 Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.; Gen. 42: 8 Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him.; Gen. 45: 1 (Acts 7: 13 ) Joseph made himself known to his brethren.; Ex. 1: 8 (Acts 7: 18 ) a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph.; Ex. 5: 2 I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.; Ex. 6: 7 ye shall know that I am the Lord.; Ex. 33: 12 hast said, I know thee by name.; Deut. 4: 35 (Ps. 100: 3 ) mightest know that the Lord he is God.; Deut. 18: 21 How shall we know the word which the Lord.; Deut. 34: 10 Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.; Judg. 2: 10 generation after them, which knew not the Lord.; 1 Sam. 17: 46 may know that there is a God in Israel.; 1 Kgs. 8: 43 (2 Chr. 6: 33 ) that all . . . may know thy name.; 1 Kgs. 18: 36 let it be known this day that thou art God.; 2 Kgs. 5: 15 I know that there is no God . . . but in Israel.; 2 Kgs. 19: 19 (Isa. 37: 20 ) kingdoms of the earth may know.; 2 Chr. 6: 30 thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men.; Ezra 7: 25 know the laws . . . teach ye them that know them not.; Job 19: 25 I know that my Redeemer liveth.; Job 36: 26 God is great, and we know him not.; Ps. 1: 6 Lord knoweth the way of the righteous.; Ps. 9: 10 that know thy name will put their trust in thee.; Ps. 44: 21 (Luke 16: 15 ; Alma 18: 32 ) for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.; Ps. 46: 10 Be still, and know that I am God.; Ps. 73: 11 say, How doth God know.; Ps. 94: 11 (1 Cor. 3: 20 ; 3 Ne. 28: 6 ) Lord knoweth the thoughts of man.; Ps. 95: 10 (Heb. 3: 10 ) err . . . they have not known my ways.; Ps. 98: 2 Lord hath made known his salvation.; Prov. 1: 2 To know wisdom and instruction.; Prov. 20: 11 Even a child is known by his doings.; Prov. 27: 1 for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.; Isa. 1: 3 Israel doth not know.; Isa. 7: 15 (2 Ne. 17: 15-16 ) he may know to refuse the evil.; Isa. 49: 26 (1 Ne. 21: 26 ) all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour.; Isa. 58: 2 delight to know my ways.; Isa. 59: 8 (Rom. 3: 17 ) way of peace they know not.; Isa. 66: 18 I know their works and their thoughts.; Jer. 1: 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.; Jer. 5: 4 foolish: for they know not the way of the Lord.; Jer. 8: 7 my people know not the judgment of the Lord.; Jer. 24: 7 I will give them an heart to know me.; Jer. 31: 34 (Heb. 8: 11 ) Know the Lord: for they shall all know.; Ezek. 11: 5 I know the things that come into your mind.; Ezek. 38: 23 I will be known in the eyes of many nations.; Ezek. 39: 7 So will I make my name known in the midst of . . . Israel.; Dan. 2: 22 he knoweth what is in the darkness.; Dan. 2: 26 (Dan. 2: 45 ) make known unto me the dream.; Amos 3: 2 You only have I known of all the families.; Micah 4: 12 they know not the thoughts of the Lord.; Nahum 1: 7 he knoweth them that trust in him.; Matt. 6: 3 (3 Ne. 13: 3 ) thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.; Matt. 6: 8 (3 Ne. 13: 8 ) your Father knoweth what things ye have need of.; Matt. 7: 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.; Matt. 7: 23 (Luke 13: 27 ; 3 Ne. 14: 23 ) profess unto them, I never knew you.; Matt. 9: 4 (Matt. 12: 25 ; Luke 6: 8 ; Luke 11: 17 ) Jesus knowing their thoughts.; Matt. 10: 26 (Luke 8: 17 ; Luke 12: 2 ) nothing . . . hid, that shall not be known.; Matt. 11: 27 (Luke 10: 22 ) no man knoweth the Son, but the Father.; Matt. 12: 16 (Mark 3: 12 ) they should not make him known.; Matt. 12: 33 (Luke 6: 44 ) tree is known by his fruit.; Matt. 13: 11 (Mark 4: 11 ; Luke 8: 10 ) given unto you to know the mysteries.; Matt. 17: 12 Elias is come already, and they knew him not.; Matt. 22: 16 (Mark 12: 14 ; Luke 20: 21 ) we know that thou art true.; Matt. 22: 29 (Mark 12: 24 ) Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.; Matt. 24: 36 (Mark 13: 32 ; JS-M 1: 40 ) of that day and hour knoweth no man.; Matt. 24: 42 (JS-M 1: 46 ) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.; Matt. 25: 12 Verily I say unto you, I know you not.; Matt. 25: 24 I knew thee that thou art an hard man.; Mark 1: 24 (Luke 4: 34 ) I know thee who thou art, the Holy One.; Mark 5: 43 he charged them straitly that no man should know it.; Mark 13: 35 know not when the master of the house cometh.; Luke 1: 4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things.; Luke 1: 34 said Mary . . . I know not a man.; Luke 4: 41 for they knew that he was Christ.; Luke 12: 47 that servant, which knew his lord's will.; Luke 22: 34 thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.; Luke 24: 31 their eyes were opened, and they knew him.; John 1: 10 was made by him, and the world knew him not.; John 2: 24 Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men.; John 3: 10 master of Israel, and knowest not these things.; John 4: 22 worship ye know not what: we know what we worship.; John 4: 42 know that this is indeed the Christ.; John 6: 61 Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured.; John 6: 64 Jesus knew from the beginning who they were.; John 7: 17 do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.; John 8: 19 neither know me, nor my Father.; John 8: 32 ye shall know the truth . . . make you free.; John 10: 4 sheep . . . know his voice.; John 10: 14 know my sheep, and am known of mine.; John 10: 15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father.; John 13: 1 when Jesus knew that his hour was come.; John 13: 35 shall all men know that ye are my disciples.; John 14: 4 whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.; John 14: 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father.; John 15: 15 all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known.; John 15: 21 (John 16: 3 ) because they know not him that sent me.; John 16: 30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things.; John 17: 3 that they might know thee the only true God.; John 17: 25 world hath not known thee: but I have known thee.; John 20: 9 yet they knew not the scripture.; Acts 1: 7 not for you to know the times or the seasons.; Acts 1: 24 Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men.; Acts 15: 8 God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness.; Acts 15: 18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning.; Acts 19: 15 Jesus I know, and Paul I know.; Rom. 1: 21 they knew God, they glorified him not as God.; Rom. 7: 7 known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust.; Rom. 8: 27 knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit.; Rom. 11: 34 who hath known the mind of the Lord.; 1 Cor. 1: 21 world by wisdom knew not God.; 1 Cor. 2: 11 things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit.; 1 Cor. 2: 14 neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.; 1 Cor. 3: 16 (1 Cor. 6: 19 ) Know ye not that ye are the temple of God.; 1 Cor. 8: 2 man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing.; 1 Cor. 8: 3 if any man love God, the same is known of him.; 1 Cor. 13: 12 know in part: but then shall I know even as also I am known.; 2 Cor. 5: 21 made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin.; 2 Cor. 12: 2 I knew a man in Christ.; Eph. 3: 3 by revelation he made known unto me the mystery.; Eph. 3: 19 to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.; Philip. 4: 6 let your requests be made known unto God.; Philip. 4: 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound.; Col. 4: 6 ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.; 1 Thes. 4: 5 even as the Gentiles which know not God.; 2 Thes. 1: 8 vengeance on them that know not God.; 2 Tim. 2: 19 Lord knoweth them that are his.; 2 Tim. 3: 15 from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures.; Titus 1: 16 profess that they know God, but in works they deny him.; Heb. 11: 8 he went out, not knowing whither he went.; James 4: 14 ye know not what shall be on the morrow.; James 4: 17 that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.; 2 Pet. 2: 9 Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly.; 2 Pet. 2: 21 better for them not to have known the way.; 2 Pet. 3: 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days.; 1 Jn. 2: 3 hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.; 1 Jn. 2: 20 unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.; 1 Jn. 3: 1 the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.; 1 Jn. 3: 6 sinneth hath not . . . known him.; 1 Jn. 3: 19 hereby we know that we are of the truth.; 1 Jn. 3: 20 God . . . knoweth all things.; 1 Jn. 3: 24 we know that he abideth in us.; 1 Jn. 4: 2 (1 Jn. 4: 6 ) Hereby know ye the Spirit of God.; 1 Jn. 4: 7 that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.; 1 Jn. 4: 8 that loveth not knoweth not God.; 1 Jn. 4: 16 we have known and believed the love that God.; 1 Jn. 5: 13 ye may know that ye have eternal life.; 1 Jn. 5: 15 know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have.; 1 Jn. 5: 19 we know that we are of God.; 3 Jn. 1: 12 ye know that our record is true.; Rev. 2: 2 (Rev. 2: 19 ; Rev. 3: 1, 8, 15 ) I know thy works.; Rev. 2: 24 which have not known the depths of Satan.; Rev. 3: 3 shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.; 1 Ne. 4: 6 not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.; 1 Ne. 9: 6 Lord knoweth all things from the beginning.; 1 Ne. 17: 13 ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led.; 1 Ne. 21: 26 (1 Ne. 22: 12 ; Mosiah 11: 22 ) all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am thy Savior.; 1 Ne. 22: 2 by the Spirit are all things made known.; 2 Ne. 2: 24 wisdom of him who knoweth all things.; 2 Ne. 9: 20 (Morm. 8: 17 ; Moro. 7: 22 ) he knoweth all things.; 2 Ne. 27: 27 I know all their works.; Jacob 4: 8 no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed.; W of M 1: 7 Lord knoweth all things which are to come.; Mosiah 4: 11 if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love.; Mosiah 5: 13 how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served.; Mosiah 16: 3 all mankind becoming . . . devilish, knowing evil from good.; Mosiah 26: 24 if they know me they shall come forth.; Alma 5: 46 made known unto me by the Holy Spirit . . . fasted and prayed many days that I might know.; Alma 7: 13 Spirit knoweth all things.; Alma 12: 9 (Alma 12: 11 ; Alma 26: 22 ) given unto many to know the mysteries of God.; Alma 18: 18 Art thou that Great Spirit, who knows all things.; Alma 26: 21 none that knoweth these things, save it be the penitent.; Alma 29: 5 he that knoweth good and evil . . . given according to his desires.; Alma 32: 19 more cursed is he that knoweth the will of God and doeth it not.; Alma 36: 4 I would not that ye think that I know of myself.; Alma 40: 5 God knoweth all these things.; Alma 40: 10 God knoweth all the times which are appointed.; Hel. 8: 8 he knoweth . . . all things which shall befall us.; Hel. 9: 41 except he was a god he could not know of all things.; 3 Ne. 11: 14 ye may know that I am the God of Israel.; 3 Ne. 21: 3 made known unto them of the Father.; Morm. 6: 22 Eternal Father of heaven, knoweth your state.; Ether 4: 11 because of my Spirit he shall know.; Ether 5: 3 they shall know of a surety that these things are true.; Moro. 7: 16 Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil.; Moro. 10: 5 by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth.; Moro. 10: 7 ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost.; D&C 1: 17 Lord, knowing the calamity which should come.; D&C 1: 34 willing to make these things known unto all flesh.; D&C 5: 25 I know of a surety that they are true.; D&C 6: 16 none else save God that knowest thy thoughts.; D&C 6: 22 that you might know concerning the truth of these things.; D&C 18: 25 if they know not the name by which they are called.; D&C 20: 17 we know that there is a God in heaven.; D&C 38: 2 knoweth all things, for all things are present before mine eyes.; D&C 39: 21 (D&C 49: 7 ) the day or the hour no man knoweth.; D&C 46: 13 given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.; D&C 50: 45 hear my voice and see me, and know that I am.; D&C 52: 19 by this pattern ye shall know the spirits.; D&C 63: 6 all flesh shall know that I am God.; D&C 64: 39 they who are not apostles and prophets shall be known.; D&C 67: 1 elders of my church . . . whose hearts I know.; D&C 76: 10 will I make known . . . secrets of my will.; D&C 84: 83 your Father . . . knoweth that you have need of all these things.; D&C 84: 98 Until all shall know me, who remain.; D&C 93: 1 shall see my face and know that I am.; D&C 93: 19 I give . . . these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship.; D&C 93: 28 receiveth truth and light, until he . . . knoweth all things.; D&C 101: 16 be still and know that I am God.; D&C 112: 26 who have professed to know my name and have not known me.; D&C 121: 24 mine eyes see and know all their works.; D&C 127: 2 God knoweth all these things, whether it be good.; D&C 132: 22 ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me.; D&C 132: 24 eternal lives-to know the only wise and true God.; Moses 1: 6 all things are present with me, for I know them all.; Moses 1: 35 all things are numbered unto me . . . and I know them.; Moses 5: 16 Who is the Lord that I should know him.; Abr. 2: 8 I know the end from the beginning.

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(see also Discernment, Spiritual ; Earth, Purpose of ; Education ; God, Intelligence of ; God, Knowledge about ; God, Omniscience of ; Holy Ghost, Gifts of ; Ignorance ; Intelligence ; Learning ; Mysteries of Godliness ; Scriptures, Value of ; Study ; Testimony ; Understanding ; Wisdom ; BD Knowledge )

Gen. 2: 9 (Moses 3: 9 ; Abr. 5: 9 ) tree of knowledge of good and evil.; Gen. 2: 17 (Moses 3: 17 ; Abr. 5: 13 ) of the tree of the knowledge . . . thou shalt not eat.; Gen. 3: 5 (Gen. 3: 22 ; Moses 4: 11, 28 ) be as gods, knowing good and evil.; Ex. 31: 3 I have filled him with the spirit of God . . . in knowledge.; Deut. 1: 39 children . . . had no knowledge between good and evil.; 1 Sam. 2: 3 Lord is a God of knowledge.; 2 Chr. 1: 10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge.; Job 35: 16 he multiplieth words without knowledge.; Job 37: 16 wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge.; Ps. 14: 4 (Ps. 53: 4 ) Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge.; Prov. 1: 7 (Prov. 1: 22, 29 ; Prov. 2: 5 ) fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.; Prov. 8: 10 knowledge rather than choice gold.; Prov. 9: 10 knowledge of the holy is understanding.; Prov. 12: 23 (Prov. 14: 18 ; Prov. 15: 14 ) A prudent man concealeth knowledge.; Prov. 14: 6 knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.; Prov. 14: 18 (Prov. 18: 15 ) prudent are crowned with knowledge.; Prov. 15: 2 tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright.; Prov. 15: 14 him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge.; Prov. 17: 27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words.; Prov. 24: 5 a man of knowledge increaseth strength.; Prov. 30: 3 neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy.; Eccl. 1: 18 he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.; Isa. 5: 13 (2 Ne. 15: 13 ) my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge.; Isa. 11: 2 (2 Ne. 21: 2 ) spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.; Isa. 11: 9 (Hab. 2: 14 ; 2 Ne. 21: 9 ) earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.; Isa. 28: 9 (Mosiah 14: 11 ) Whom shall he teach knowledge.; Isa. 33: 6 wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability.; Isa. 53: 11 by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify.; Jer. 3: 15 pastors . . . which shall feed you with knowledge.; Dan. 1: 17 God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning.; Dan. 2: 21 he giveth . . . knowledge to them that know understanding.; Dan. 12: 4 run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.; Hosea 4: 6 because thou hast rejected knowledge.; Hosea 6: 6 I desired . . . the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.; Luke 1: 77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people.; Luke 11: 52 ye have taken away the key of knowledge.; Rom. 1: 28 did not like to retain God in their knowledge.; Rom. 2: 20 teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge.; Rom. 3: 20 by the law is the knowledge of sin.; Rom. 10: 2 have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.; Rom. 11: 33 riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.; Rom. 15: 14 ye also are . . . filled with all knowledge.; 1 Cor. 8: 1 we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up.; 1 Cor. 12: 8 (D&C 46: 18 ) to another the word of knowledge.; 1 Cor. 13: 8 whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.; 2 Cor. 10: 5 exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.; Eph. 3: 19 to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.; Eph. 4: 13 knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man.; Col. 1: 9 filled with the knowledge of his will.; Col. 2: 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.; Col. 3: 10 renewed in knowledge after the image of him.; 1 Tim. 2: 4 come unto the knowledge of the truth.; 2 Tim. 3: 7 never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.; Heb. 10: 26 we have received the knowledge of the truth.; 2 Pet. 1: 5 add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge.; 2 Pet. 3: 18 grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord.; 2 Ne. 4: 23 given me knowledge by visions.; 2 Ne. 6: 11 they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer.; 2 Ne. 9: 14 perfect knowledge of all our guilt.; 2 Ne. 32: 7 they will not search knowledge.; Mosiah 3: 20 knowledge of the Savior shall spread.; Mosiah 4: 12 knowledge of the glory of him that created you.; Mosiah 18: 26 having the knowledge of God, that they might teach.; Mosiah 28: 18 this account . . . gave them much knowledge.; Alma 9: 19 so much light and so much knowledge given unto them.; Alma 18: 35 Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge.; Alma 23: 5 brought to the knowledge of the Lord.; Alma 32: 34 your knowledge is perfect in that thing.; Hel. 14: 30 God hath given unto you a knowledge.; Hel. 15: 13 true knowledge, which is the knowledge of their Redeemer.; 3 Ne. 5: 20 given . . . knowledge unto the salvation of our souls.; 3 Ne. 16: 4 receive a knowledge of you by the Holy Ghost.; 3 Ne. 16: 12 Israel shall come unto the . . . knowledge of the fulness of my gospel.; Ether 3: 19 because of the knowledge of this man . . . he saw the finger of Jesus.; Ether 4: 13 knowledge which is hid up because of unbelief.; Moro. 10: 10 to another that he may teach the word of knowledge.; D&C 1: 28 humble they might . . . receive knowledge.; D&C 3: 16 knowledge of a Savior has come unto the world.; D&C 6: 11 bring many to the knowledge of the truth.; D&C 8: 1 you shall receive a knowledge concerning the engravings.; D&C 9: 8 you must study it out in your mind, then you must ask.; D&C 42: 61 ask, thou shalt receive . . . knowledge upon knowledge.; D&C 50: 40 grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth.; D&C 76: 10 will I make known unto them the secrets of my will.; D&C 84: 19 even the key of the knowledge of God.; D&C 88: 79 (D&C 88: 118 ; D&C 93: 53 ) knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms.; D&C 89: 19 shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.; D&C 93: 24 truth is knowledge of things as they are.; D&C 101: 25 that my knowledge and glory may dwell upon all the earth.; D&C 107: 71 temporal things, having a knowledge of them by the Spirit.; D&C 109: 67 Israel . . . come to a knowledge of the truth.; D&C 121: 33 pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads.; D&C 121: 42 pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul.; D&C 128: 14 keys of the kingdom, which consist in the key of knowledge.; D&C 130: 19 if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence.; D&C 131: 6 It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.; D&C 137: 7 died without a knowledge.; D&C 138: 32 preached to those . . . without a knowledge of the truth.; Moses 7: 32 I gave unto them their knowledge, in the day I created.; Abr. 1: 2 one who possessed great knowledge.