The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 13
“This Generation Shall Have My Word through You”

Lesson 13

Reading assignment: The scriptures listed in the following questions and in the scripture chain; Bible Dictionary, “Joseph Smith Translation,” 717; Our Heritage, pages 23-25, 41, 58. ___

•     Joseph Smith’s role in restoring and receiving the Lord’s word was foretold on several occasions. What prophecies are found in Moses 1:40-41 and 2 Nephi 3:11-15? What scriptures have come to us through the Prophet Joseph Smith?___

•     Identify some plain and precious doctrines of the gospel that were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. (See the following scripture chain.)___

Lesson 13

Scripture Chain: Doctrines and Practices Restored through Joseph Smith

D&C 84:19-25 (Melchizedek Priesthood)___
D&C 88:15-24 (Three kingdoms of glory; see also D&C 76:50-112)___
D&C 93:29 (Premortal existence)___
D&C 107:23, D&C 107:33, D&C 107:35 (Apostles and prophets)___
D&C 124:37-42 (Temples)___
D&C 128:16-18 (Baptism for the dead)___
D&C 130:22 (The Godhead)___