The Standard Works
Study Guide

Lesson 20
The Kingdoms of Glory

Lesson 20

Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants D&C 76 ; D&C 131 ; D&C 132:19-24 ; D&C 137 .___

•     What circumstances led to the vision that is recorded in D&C 76? (See D&C 76:11-19; see also the heading to D&C 76.)___

•     Who will inherit the telestial kingdom? (See D&C 76:81-83, D&C 76:98-101, D&C 76:103.) Who will inherit the terrestrial kingdom? (See D&C 76:71-75, D&C 76:79.) Who will inherit the celestial kingdom? (See D&C 76:50-53, D&C 76:68-69. Identify what you can do to ensure that you are able to attain the celestial kingdom.)___

Lesson 20

Scripture Chain: Exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom

D&C 76:50-59 ___
D&C 131:1-4 ___
D&C 78:7 ___
D&C 132:21-23 ___
D&C 88:21-22 ___