July/August 1990 Cover

The cover credit by Editor Kay Peterson said, "As you first glance at Anne Harris' cover, you see a bridge for RVers that spans the seas from North America to Australia, two different continents in different hemispheres. Look closer and you see that the people are more alike than they are different, and the bridge is a rainbow. To the scientist, a rainbow is refractive dispersion of sunlight in raindrops or mist. But to most of us, a rainbow is God's promise that however heavy the rains of life that seem to drench us, the sun will shine again."

Bridge to Australia

That was Kay Peterson's view which was always poetic and optimistic. My interest was in what happens to an RV when it starts sliding down the leg of the rainbow -- it goes straight down, fast.

January/February 1991 Cover

The rainbow theme was used again for the building of "Rainbow's End" Park at Livingston, Texas, where the Club Headquarters is located. In addition to the dedicated work going on, there is a gaggle of "sidewalk superintendents" and refreshment suppliers common to every SKP building project.

Jan/Feb 1991

In the middle of the left side is a rope being used that's too short to haul up or lower a load.


NL Covers Centerfold Cartoons NL Cartoons LoW (Loners on Wheels) WIN ( phrannie home